(OOC - OK, placed Zhu. Note that the pcs in Roll20 aren't correct anymore. I presume Roll20 has had code updates. They don't match the ones in Beyond. Forex Zhu AC shows as 10 in Roll20, but it is 17 in Beyond. Oddly, Roll20 even shows her with an Unarmored AC of 16 in the Armour section, and a +1 for her Cloak, but the details don't carry onto the top AC box.)
The tactics for this seem clear. Long range attacks from across the stream are ideal for some of us. Jaliera, Bern and I are quiet and so is Sindar. We all have ways to target the enemies without them getting at us. If we hide behind the wall before taking our shots, we can duck back behind them and the giant won't be able to get to us. While distracted by our arrows and magical attacks, the fighters can come in from behind and strike while they're distracted.
ooc: I was just about to post this when initiative was called. I thing it still makes sense. It was a plan of attack placement for the characters. I won't go into the IC discussion but it simply was to have the team going on the right to sneak up and do a fire and duck behind the wall routine. They all have good stealth, are primarily do range attacks and could get the jump (ie: surprise) on the targets.
So, all the range attackers (the ones on the left) would all roll our stealth rolls against the giant and troll's passive perceptions. Sindar can probably inspire us to be quiet. That would give everyone advantage and the giant would not be able to attack in that round. The others could attack from the other side with their range attacks or charge into the fray.
Davroar has a choice. He can lie in reserve in case healing is needed or the party needs him to turn into a lion or bear and engage. But Froggy the scout is cool and may come in handy again.
All PCs, knowing what the giant is not aware of them would likely spend a round buffing before engaging.
Zindra Initiative Neptune rolled 1d20+3 and got 13
Last edited by Neptune; Mon 27/05/202419:20 UTC. Reason: To elaborate and add IC statements
He only has one shape-change left so he will remain as a giant frog for the time being, as he can scout again once they start moving in. Since the time he has been outside here drawing mud pictures, the troll or giant might have moved some where else.
Before they enter he sings a soft little upbeat diddy and offers each of the sneaking members of their team inspiration. If there are inspiration slots left over he will offer them to the cleric, and then to Kriv. Lastly (Sorry Neil) to the Triton.
Sindar Initative Giant Cave Pandemonium rolled 1d20+4 and got 19
Sindar Stealth Pandemonium rolled 1d20+5 and got 14
The Dragonborn noble nodded curtly to Sindar in acknowledgement of the inspirational gift if given, the prioritization seemed correct. He held fire on his own spells: The mind protection that had served well against the mastermind horror in the sewers was irrelevant against these enemies, and burning the troll might well take up more of his prowess. Given the range of his magic and the potential to use his expeditious ensorcelment to close the distance at speed, he hung back behind the stealthier element.
Zindra Since she will attempt to be hidden from any hostiles until ready to attack, she sneaks up with the others heading to the right, her back to the wall, her feet moving gently, avoiding twigs that might snap or pebbles that might crunch under foot.
Zindra stealth Neptune rolled 1d20+6 and got 11
ooc: Is Sindar going to use those inspiration add this... Zindra uses inspiration for stealth Neptune rolled 1d6 and got 5
So total 16
Last edited by Neptune; Fri 31/05/202418:54 UTC. Reason: Added inspiration for stealth
Based on Zhu's suggestion, Aubric casts Protection from Energy (3rd level) on himself to gain some resistance to fire damage, and then casts [i]Bless[i] (3rd level slot) on the 5 party members he expects to do the most attacking based on the tactics drawn on the map: Arus, Kriv, Pavel, Bern, and Zindra, deciding to save his 4th level spell slot for something spontaneous if needed.
He then prepares to follow the group in.
You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
Aubric Initiative AquaDyne rolled 1d20+0 and got 18
OOC: Scrolling back it looks like Sindar gave inspiration to Bern, Zindra, and Jaliera (for sneaky sneaky), plus Aubric, Kriv, and Arus.
I forgot Bless both requires concentration and only lasts a minute, so Aubric is holding off on casting it until right before the battle starts. With only 30 feet of range he's going to be blessing all of those on the left doing the melee approach.
I think we're all done prepping? If so, let's move to the new thread.
If Aubric is concentrating on his Fire Protection he'd have to drop it for Bless. If he expects to Bless on the first round of battle then the Fire Protection might be wasted.
If Aubric is concentrating on his Fire Protection he'd have to drop it for Bless. If he expects to Bless on the first round of battle then the Fire Protection might be wasted.
Unless there's some sort of booby trap on the way in.
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