My sportsball team has another chance to lose Thursday, so I'm posting the results now in order to steel myself for the inevitable fruitless yelling and screaming only to be disappointed.

I'm not disappointed at the ACRO results, though. Careful observers would note that definition #4 was the runaway winner and received votes from all but two players, Miales and TennesseeMaiden. Obviously, one of them is the winner. But who?

Read on to find out. smile

1. Seagulls Eating Anchovies
From: PlayfulFox

2. Seasonal Excitement Abounds (Santa is coming!)
From: TennesseeMaiden

3. Seeking Eerie Adventures (It's Halloween time!)
From: Weez

4. Sleeping Every Afternoon (Ahhh... the impossible dream)
From: Miales

5. Secret Eatery Award (The place was so secret no one came!)
From: Mina

6. Square (root of) Eleven Answer? (Hours later... I hate math!)
From: Dugan

7. Sea Exploration Adventures (RPing opportunities: giant squid, pirates, Atlantis and more!)
From: Gypsy

Def Player      V1 V2 V3 | PF TM We Mi Mi Du Gy Gr TB | Total
1   PlayfulFox   3  7  4 |     1  2        1          | 4
2   TN Maiden    7  5  1 |        3  2  3     2  1  1 | 12
3   Weez         2  1  4 |  3        3        1  2  2 | 11
4   Miales       3  2  6 |  1     1     2  3  3  3  3 | 16
5   Mina         2  4  6 |     2                      | 2
6   Dugan        4  7  1 |           1  1             | 2
7   Gypsy        4  2  3 |  2  3           2          | 7
    Gryphon      4  3  2 |
    TN Baron     4  3  2 |