Points for everyone though the points that matter the most are TennesseeBaron’s 14 since those give him the next deal. Dugan can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy his 13 points, thanks to PlayfulFox putting TB over the top.
1. Bought Minotaur In Rome (and lost him in the labyrinth.)
By Dugan who voted for 4,2,5
3 points: TM, TB, Gryphon, Gypsy
1 point: Aqua
Total: 13
2. BooYah! Magical Invocation Remembered (Now to summon that demon)
By Mina who voted for 8,6,4
2 points: Aqua, TM, Dugan, PlayfulFox
Total: 8
3. Beautiful Maiden Invites Readers (Plot twist: she saves the prince!)
By TennesseeMaiden who voted for 1,2,8
2 points: Miales
1 point: TB
Total: 3
4. Bacon: Morning's Irresistible Remedy
By AquaDyne who voted for 8,2,1
3 points: Dugan
2 points: Gypsy
1 point: Miales, Mina
Total: 7
5. Brilliant Minds Interpreting Reality
By PlayfulFox who voted for 8,2,6
2 points: TB
1 point: Dugan
Total: 3
6. Bringing My Inter-species Relatives (take that No Pets Allowed!!!)
By Miales who voted for 8,3,4
2 points: Mina
1 point: Gypsy, PlayfulFox
Total: 4
7. British Military In Reserve (Ready to back American initiatives)
By Gypsy who voted for 1,4,6
2 points: Gryphon
Total: 2
8. Bacon Makes Incredible Recipes (Everything is better with bacon!!!)
By TennesseeBaron who voted for 1,5,3
3 points: Miales, Aqua, Mina, PlayfulFox
1 point: TM, Gryphon
Total: **14**
Gryphon voted for 1,7,8