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#1080662 Mon 06/05/24 16:26 UTC
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The inn didn't look like much from the outside, though one could hear enjoyment being had inside.

Pandemonium #1080703 Tue 07/05/24 02:44 UTC
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Cat opened the door and let the scents of well-worked leather, sweat of bodies close together, hints of horses and goats, deep loam, argan oil on skin and hair, and onions and garlic cooked on the stove right next to the bar wash over her. Two dozen voices all talked one over another in the lyrical rise and fall of the Varisians' own language, somehow having ten different conversations that easily shifted into more or a single one if a hint of something more or less interesting caught an ear. There was a comfort here and a sense of welcoming that only a life of close quarters in seasons-long wagon trains and long nights around a communal cookfire full of song, dance, fighting, tales, child-rearing, and love could truly grasp. There was family here.

She did not announce her presence but as she pressed through the small tavern, she returned greetings and embraces. They knew her here. And they knew she had helped to prevent trouble and pain in the town. Young Vodger Magravi, well maybe not so young anymore, now that there was news he would be getting married, called, "Catalena, there's a table here. Boonta was just leaving, wasn't he?" The heavy man pushed at Vodger and argued good-naturedly but Cat shook her head, a weak smile appearing. No, she'd press her way to the end of the bar where Vodger's mother Risa sat in a place of honor, the stools nearest her were kept for invitation only.

"Is that Catalena Teodorescu?" the old woman asked, reaching a worn, wrinkled hand with many ringed fingers out to Cat's two-handed gentle clasp. "Come and sit, dear." She patted a leather-topped stool and Cat climbed upon it, gratefully. Though the old sorceress was almost completely blind, she had uncanny ways of sensing things.

"Thank you, Risa Magravi," Catalena replied, keeping her voice under control. "You are well? You look lovely today." Catalena was only speaking the truth. Though venerable, Risa still had a powerful natural presence that commanded the attention of anyone who caught a glimpse. Old age had refined her beauty with a regal dignity.

"I do well so long as my feet can carry me where my heart longs to be," Risa replied, repeating a common Varisian sentiment expressed to such a question and Cat felt her breath catch for a moment.

She held the older woman's hand in one of hers as her daughter, Lanalee came over with a pewter pitcher of sharp, pear cider, condensation sliding down the gray metal. She poured a mug for Cat and capped it with a small plate to keep the greedy flies buzzing around from indulging in the sweetness.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Cat," said the broad, tanned woman. "Besk here thought you're too good for his cooking, eating that fancy stuff from Ameiko." She elbowed a man who looked nearly her twin except for a wide, black mustache.

"You eating, Cat?" he laughed.

"Of course I am," Catalena replied, her voice sounding fatigued. "Load me up." She passed the small plate near enough for Besk to slide on a small, crispy and greasy pile of potatoes from the black iron stovetop with practiced skill. They cooked one thing at Risa's, and kept at it all day. The trick was being able to wait a few minutes to keep from burning your fingertips and tongue.

Catalena placed nine coins upon the bar top. 5 gold and 4 silver. Lanalee's eyes popped. "Hey, your money's no good here, Hero of Sandpoint and you drunk already or something? If you eat that much coin's worth we'll have to roll you out the cask door." She made to hand it back.

Cat shook her head and pressed the coins away. "Vodger's wedding is coming up. I have more than I need and I don't..." Her voice caught again. "I don't want those coins."

Lanalee shrugged. "I'll tell everyone you're buying a round," she answered as she moved away and Cat relaxed but then felt a strong, wrinkled grip upon her hand.

"Catalena Teodorescu," sternly pressed Risa, mentioning a Varisian term for cursed coins. "Don't you pass on any ghinoin money in my place."

"No, no, of course not," Cat assured her. "No evil to them, only..." and at that, her tears began to come and she could not hold them back any longer.

Risa held her hand and stroked her hair. "Shhh, child, shhh. What can Risa do to help you, my dear?" she asked after some time and Cat could regain enough composure to dry her face and nose with a purple linen handkerchief.

"Tell a tale, Risa," she asked, gripping the woman's hand. "Tell a tale of the road. A tale such that one might slip into the turns and lose oneself for a while. Please, Risa, that is what I would like."

The elder closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose and then a long pull at her own cider near at hand that her daughter was sure to keep filled.

"All right," Risa Magravi began, and though she spoke at a normal volume, it seemed the Place that bore her name had suddenly gone quiet except for the buzz of insects, the sizzle of savory vegetables, and quiet shuffling in seats and step.

"Listen and remember, my family, and hear of how we Varisians gained our freedom from the devils who enslaved us. Listen and remember, my children, of how Vyush'baro, the Cunning Wolf, used their laws and contracts and bindings against them. Listen and remember, my loves, of how they burn with vengeance to return we Free People under their heel. But our wagons roll on."

"Our wagons roll on..." softly repeated Catalena and the rest of the patrons, and Risa retold the legend they all had heard since their first memories.

Last edited by Vryx; Tue 07/05/24 02:44 UTC.
Pandemonium #1080917 Sat 11/05/24 19:06 UTC
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The little redhead opened the door and entered first she stepped in far enough thaht the others could follow her, and then stepped to look around.

Pandemonium #1080932 Sat 11/05/24 21:46 UTC
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Selaim came in on the heels of the other girl. She pauses a few steps into the bar and looks over the bar. Scanning the room to see Cat. She then turns to Coral and Zak.

Selaim Notice (seeing Cat)
Miales rolled d6,d6 and got 2, 6

Selaim Notice (seeing Cat) ace
Miales rolled d6 and got 1

A 7 going to guess it'd be good enough

"Give me a few moments with her then come over. I'm not sure how much Aendell or Cat wants known of the reading." She says to them before heading over to Cat.

Pandemonium #1080944 Sun 12/05/24 08:41 UTC
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Zak nods, following her lead in this case, and ‘reads the room. While waiting.

Pandemonium #1080964 Sun 12/05/24 15:12 UTC
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She makes her way over to the end of the bar where she saw Cat talking to an older woman. The strains of a song lifted up as she approached. Something apparently the entire bar knew. Something about wagons on the road. Must be a Varisian traveling song she thought as she drew closer. But it was the older woman who was leading the telling of a tale that she'd never heard of before that night. By Cat's attention to the speaker Selaim knew that the teller of the tale was important.

Unsure of what to do and seeing tracks of still drying tears on the face of the woman she sought, she moved closer and realized that Cat was intent on listening to the woman. Thinking that talking can be done after the tale, she places a hand on Cat's shoulder and gives it a light squeeze to let her know that she is there, She smiles at Cat and whispers to her. "Was worried seeing you run off like that. What tale is this?"

Selaim then looks to the older woman and listens to the tale with her. Briefly looking back at Zack and coral motioning them to come up as well.

When they do she whispers to them, "We can talk after this tale."

Pandemonium #1081017 Mon 13/05/24 16:11 UTC
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Unsure of how Risa knew, perhaps a shift in the bar's overall level of comfort, Cat noticed that when the door opened and Sandpoint's newly appointed visiting Heroes had entered, Risa shifted the telling of her tale from Varisian to the Common language across peoples. Cat smiled at the old sorceress's subtle mastery of social skills and turned to see Selaim coming forward. This pleasantly surprised her as she'd felt the elf's discomfort around her and had respected the distance silently requested. Her presence here, along with Zachergillan and Coral, gave her some relief. If they had been told by Aendell of her troubles in Magnimar, and had agreed that she should be arrested, she doubted they would have come on their own, and likely had not even known of his task.

When Risa concluded the tale to much applause, she squeezed the older woman's hand and lifted it to press the back of it against her own forehead. "Thank you, Risa," she said. Then she said, "These are my friends Selaim, Coral, and Zachergillan. They defended Sandpoint yesterday and drove out the goblins."

Risa bade them welcome and with no need for a request, her children were already in the midst of providing a table for them, cider and spiced potatoes all around.

Cat led them over and then answered Selaim. "There is a legend among the Varisians, perhaps based somewhat in truth, of a time we were held in bondage. Perhaps by the Chelaxian Empire when they conquered this land with their infernal allies. Perhaps by the ancient Rune Lords, who also made alliance with deviltry. In any case, a Varisian hero named Vyush'baro, the Cunning Wolf, was able to turn the oppressors' and their devils' use of contracts and binding language to justify cruelty and subjugation against them such that the Varisian people were proven to gain their freedom based on interpreting their own laws. Since then, we free people believe those devils want nothing more than to regain us under their yoke and on that day Vyush'baro will return to lead our caravans to a promised land away from their influence.

"And," she added. "It is no mere parable that we draw strength from, but very much a threat we all still labor beneath. Here in Varisia, the Chelaxian presence is still strong. Korvosa, to the east, is still a powerful city that takes much of its strength and authority from devils and their Hellknights and arbiters execute the law without mercy. Though Magnimar was founded by those dissatisfied with living under such an iron fist, there are still many there who trust in that viewpoint. We Varisians are often viewed with distrust because our ways are not theirs. The Sczarni do us no favors in that regard, with their organized criminality in the cities. But this is why we all know this tale so well and why it is so important to us. Somehow, Risa sensed I needed to hear it today."

She took a sip of her drink. "I suppose Aendell told you why he wanted a Harrowing from me, today? And what he has judged to be my fate for the moment? I take it none of you knew of this?" She bit her lip. "Zachergillan, I do trust that you would have told me if you had."

Pandemonium #1081067 Tue 14/05/24 14:29 UTC
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Selaim listened intently to the story while still thinking of how to broach the subject. But when Cat finished her tale she knew she needen't have bothered. Cat was blunt about the meeting with Aendell and now the cat was out of the proverbial bag.

"I hadn't told them what Aendell told me. They came because they care about you. Same as me." Selaim said pausing knowing that the conversation was moving faster than she'd imagined.

"And he just told me bits and pieces after the Harrowing. I doubt any of us knew of his mission. I thought we were travelling to get me away from Magnimar."

Pandemonium #1081081 Tue 14/05/24 18:04 UTC
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Coral nodded.

"I don't know what he was here for, nor what was talked about, and you only need to tell me if you want to," the youger girl added.

Pandemonium #1081088 Tue 14/05/24 22:38 UTC
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"I knew you had some troubles. You are you after all. But as to him having a connection to you? That is a surprise to me. Cat, at the best of times I am not a good lair. I am doubly not a good liar with friends. I would keep no secrets from you. I know even less than Selaim, I have only the barest of bones of the situation - what she could tell me at the tavern. However I do know you. So if whatever it was it was something truly bad I know you wouldn’t have done it.”

He shrugs his shoulders.

“I may be a bit unpredictable at times, but a friend is a friend.”

Pandemonium #1081105 Wed 15/05/24 03:25 UTC
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Cat smiled at Zak, and nodded her gratitude to Coral and Selaim.

"I suppose there's no harm in telling you," she began. "Apparently I'm wanted for theft, fraud, and deception in Magnimar. I am sure it must stem from the noble, Danio Feste, or more likely his harpy of a wife. He had wanted a Harrowing because the family fortunes were fading and wanted a way to become comfortable again. I didn't want to do it at first. They seemed so desperate and Stela, the wife, kept insulting me under her breath. But, I eventually succumbed as I was short of coin and they had gold and platinum."

She sighed deeply.

"Lord Dario got the Wanderer as his Chosen, which pleased him since he is a merchant, but in the Spread it appeared in perfect Misalignment." Cat rolled her eyes as if that were an obviously bad omen to anyone. "The Unicorn was in alignment, however, so clearly, the Harrows told them that they had possessed the ability to gain what they were seeking. In my mind, and to anyone with sense, what they were truly seeking was contentedness with the wealth they had. But the Idiot was also in alignment which warned them that their path was leading them to ruin and they should change their direction."

She sipped on her cider and concluded, "Desna showed them they were being greedy but they took it to mean that they should try their fortune in another industry. Apparently they undertook some deep debentures and lost everything trying to corner the wool market of all things. I know this because Stela chased me down again, said a good number of things about Varisians in general and myself in particular, this time not bothering to keep it in snide undertones, accused me of swindling them and... well, I might have lost my temper with her."

Cat offered an embarrassed smile and then shrugged, "It's not for me to tell people what decisions to make in their lives. I can only interpret the Harrowing. And... I may have said something about putting the Evil Eye on her if she confronted me again." She laughed. "She looked like a ghost! She really did believe every stereotype about us. So, I suppose she went to a judge and the Paladinate. And I knew enough to get out of Magnimar until tempers calmed down."

Pandemonium #1081131 Wed 15/05/24 13:07 UTC
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Selaim felt uncomfortable as Cat revealed the charges most likely lobbied against the woman. The charges behind Aendell's actions. She pursed her lips then her eyes widened at the name of the family that had leveled the charges. It was familiar but just barely familiar. And not the same person she knew.

"I knew of a Bonto Fecte while I was in the guild. Was Danio and Stela Feste perchance related to a Bonto Feste?" she asked sheepishly.

Pandemonium #1081151 Wed 15/05/24 18:12 UTC
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Cat nodded to Selaim, thoughtfully. "Yes, their adult son, Bonto Feste. The Guild?"

She raised an eyebrow. She'd heard the term used not just for craftspeople but for organized gangs. The Sczarni did not use the term themselves, only "the Sczarni," or sometimes "the Family," but there were lots of gangs in Magnimar.

Last edited by Vryx; Wed 15/05/24 18:13 UTC.
Pandemonium #1081448 Mon 20/05/24 20:24 UTC
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"Mostly beggars. Pickpockets and the like. But it was protection on the streets. It is how Aendell met me. I stole his purse and was caught. Magnimar had grown tired of me and I'd left the protection of the gang so the were going to make an example of me. Chop off my hands. He took me as his ward and agreed to watch me. Sort of place me in house arrest. He's weird like that. He thought the punishment was too harsh. So he took me in instead." She said nervously.

"Not sure if Villian was associated with Bonto. But if he was rich and connected it wouldn't shock me."

Pandemonium #1081811 Wed 29/05/24 01:16 UTC
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"Well," Cat began. "I don't know how rich Bonto is any more from what I've heard of the Feste family fortunes, but likely still knows a good deal about the noble houses. Or, perhaps he's just fallen in with a rough crowd."

She took a drink and shook her head. "Chop off your hands? I've heard of overly severe punishments from some judges. They've still got that Chelaxian instinct. I have no faith in justice there. So, I'm not going back trussed up like a spring lamb, no matter what Aendell decides."

She looked solemnly across the table at them.

"But that doesn't need to come between you all and him. Aendell's Harrowing... well, what I saw he may not believe and the words I told him are for his ears. He can share them with you if he chooses, but I can tell you that he will have need of his friends. And he himself is needed for... something. Something important.

"Don't worry about me," she smiled. "He told me he won't yet try to arrest me and now that I know he might be coming, I don't think it will be as easy as he thinks. I'd still prefer to keep my distance for a while. I have my duties and I have my people. I'll be all right. You should enjoy the feast at the Rusty Dragon. You've earned it."

Pandemonium #1081816 Wed 29/05/24 02:17 UTC
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"I doubt that he'll share the Harrowing with us." She said glancing over to Cat.

"But the main reason we are here is because we want you to know that we want you with us.Well I know I do. And I imagine Zak and Coral do too. Aendell and his house arrest be damned. You've done nothing but prove yourself to be a good companion. And besides you are more traveled than most of us. Heck probably all of us. And anyway what better way to thumb your nose at the princeling than doing what he least expects. By helping us."

She knew it was a longshot but still it doesn't hurt to try.

Pandemonium #1081836 Wed 29/05/24 12:35 UTC
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“I highly suspect that in his heart he knows that supporting abuse of law is not what he is expected to do. I think his head needs to catch up with his heart so he can realize where his true duty lies. I also think that you are an asset of incalculable value. And I think we would be greatly deprived to not have you with us. I know I would miss you.”

Pandemonium #1081838 Wed 29/05/24 15:50 UTC
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Cat blushed at Selaim's and Zachergillan's complimentary words.

"Oh, you needn't worry about me going anywhere. I am duty-bound here in Sandpoint and, well, I don't think I need to cause more trouble for myself by fleeing. I am easy to find should you require assistance. And, of course, if there were any danger, I would be available to accompany you. Even if it weren't my job."

She smiled.

"But," she added to Selaim, "I have no desire to antagonize Aendell, further. I wish I could take back some of the things I said. I agree, Zak, that his intentions are well placed in that he seeks to follow his own duty. Though, I admit of no knowledge of a Varisian using the Harrows with ill-intent, even the Sczarni are not so foolish as to draw Desna's displeasure so directly, his skepticism is based on his own experiences. The cards showed as much, as well.

"So, a little space and time away from today's unpleasantness I think would do us both a world of good. That's all."

Last edited by Vryx; Wed 29/05/24 15:51 UTC.
Pandemonium #1081842 Wed 29/05/24 18:54 UTC
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Coral nodded at Selaim's assessment of Coral's intent.

Then she added, "Even if you see us later with Aendell, don't think we are ignoring you or have forgotten you, we are just allowing the two of you your own space - and Aendell equally will have to accept seeing us with you."

"But when the time is right for you, we will support you in any attempt at reconcilliation."

Pandemonium #1081894 Thu 30/05/24 19:01 UTC
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Cat smiled to Coral. "It is a small town. It is nearly impossible to avoid people, and I have no wish to do so completely. All is well."

She sighed. "I suppose, too, that the matter of my arrest being Aendell's reason for coming to Sandpoint, that once the Swallowtail Festival has died down completely, you all would not have any other reason in particular for staying. So his decision on that matter would surely need to be addressed before long. Did any of you have other business besides the sort of surprising, troubling business that has found you, thankfully, to the town's health and security?"

Pandemonium #1081909 Thu 30/05/24 22:05 UTC
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“I came on my own, largely for both the festival and a change of scenery."

Pandemonium #1081938 Fri 31/05/24 10:36 UTC
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"I am here as long as Aendell is. I doubt he'd release me this soon. Except he seems to trust me enough to allow me to run through the streets at night."

Last edited by Miales; Fri 31/05/24 10:36 UTC.
Pandemonium #1081995 Fri 31/05/24 18:42 UTC
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"I am a wanderer. I was with a caravan, and it came here."
"I could go with it when it leaves, or, most likely, I could wait for the next one, or the one after."

Pandemonium #1082238 Tue 04/06/24 09:58 UTC
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"Which means I am the only one attached to the princeling. For now where he goes I go for the most part."

Pandemonium #1082502 Fri 07/06/24 22:19 UTC
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She looked puzzled. Perhaps she had missed something,

"So ... " she asked hesitantly ... "are you his slave? Or Indentured servant?"

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