Period: 1 April 2024 through 30 April 2024, inclusive. Role-Playing Games As of April 30 2024, DreamLyrics had 18 active games spread across the five message game categories, which is the same from last month. For a game to be considered active it must have had at least one post during the calendar month. Note that gallery forums are excluded from this count.
Which sections, or game genre, had the most activity? ‘Games’ in the charts below refers to the number of games in the category. ‘Posts’ refers to the total number of posts for all the games in the category.
Section Games Posts
Fantasy 7(nc) 603
Modern/Historical 4(nc) 172
Horror 2(nc) 49
Alternate Reality 3(nc) 27
Science Fiction 2(nc) 17
TOTALS 18(nc) 868
These 18 active games involved 868 messages. The count for this month represents about 48 messages per game.
Of course, averages hide all the interesting variation. Which games were most active?
Here are the top 10 games in terms of number of posts
Game Posts Prior
1 SKT: The Storm King's Thunder 192 1
2 TCS: The Crystal Shard 93 3
3 RRL: Rise of the Rune Lords 84 8
4 SOS: Swords of the Serpentine 74 19
5 JTM: Joining The Musketeers 71 2
6 TMV: The Misty Vale 69 5
7 OSR: The Tragic Origins 64 12
8 PC3: Palm Crescent 3 63 10
9 OCG: On Common Ground 29 7
10 ARL: All Roads Lead 27 4
Here are the top 10 games in terms of word count:
Game Words Prior
1 SKT: The Storm King's Thunder 14274 3
2 SOS: Swords of the Serpentine 7978 17
3 OSR: The Tragic Origins 6589 7
4 TMV: The Misty Vale 6156 8
5 RRL: Rise of the Rune Lords 5574 6
6 TCS: The Crystal Shard 5467 2
7 PC3: Palm Crescent 3 4410 11
8 JTM: Joining The Musketeers 3907 9
9 ARL: All Roads Lead 3538 1
10 OCG: On Common Ground 2371 4
Non-Role-Playing Games and Other Activities In addition to the role-playing games, DreamLyrics features several other games and general chat areas. What other games? Take a look. You’ll find most of this action in the Fun & Games section.
Game/Activity Posts
1 AGN: Again! 168
2 MCE: Mission Control Exploration 135
3 ACR: ACRO 115
4 RBW: Rainbow 103
5 NMC: Neverending Movie Chain 44
6 YTZ: Yahtzee! 36
7 TCC: The Comedy Club 18
8 SIX: 6 Takes 9
Game Masters & Players How many active players do we have here in the DreamLyrics community? If you look on the main message page, you'll see the name of our newest member and a number indicating how many members. That number is a trifle misleading since it includes a few test members, used by our sysops and developers as they test out various enhancements.
This list shows our game masters and how many games they moderate. Please note that there are some games that have two people assigned as game masters, yet this chart does not indicate a specific GM’s activity for a given month when shared with another as some games might have the second GM acting as a player too.
Game Master Games
1 Pandemonium 5
2 Gypsy 3
3 Mina 3
4 KenSeg 2
5 Asta 2
6 Vryx 1
7 Art in the Blood 1
8 Miales 1
9 Nivek 1
10 J-J Vomact 1
11 AquaDyne 1
12 Zeim 1
13 Neptune 1
Here are the top 10 players in terms of number of posts:
Member Posts Prior
1 Gypsy 231 1
2 Miales 213 2
3 AquaDyne 153 3
4 Pandemonium 142 5
5 Vryx 94 10
6 Mina 89 4
7 Alduin 77 6
8 Zeim 74 8
9 Weez 73 7
10 Angrboða 63 9
Here are the top 10 players in terms of word count:
Member Words Prior
1 Miales 13848 3
2 Gypsy 13048 1
3 Pandemonium 11894 4
4 Vryx 11052 5
5 AquaDyne 8079 2
6 Dugan 5698 21
7 Mina 3749 6
8 Zeim 3736 7
9 Neptune 3634 18
10 Angrboða 3237 10
* * * * *
Hope you enjoy this month’s breakdown. If there’s something additional or something different that you’d like to see let Dugan know (either here or via PM).
Until next month, I’ll be counting on you!