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| | | Joined: Jan 2023 Posts: 7,068 Likes: 17 Coordinator of Chaos Moderator | OP Coordinator of Chaos Moderator Joined: Jan 2023 Posts: 7,068 Likes: 17 | . ACRO Scoresheet 4/18/24 -And we finally have a winner. Congratulations TennesseeMaiden for being crowned ACRO Champion after leading practically all season.CURRENT SCOREBOARD - Round 1: SPI: TennesseeMaiden (Dealer):
Winner of the Deal: Gypsy: Suspicious Person Indicated (Hands above your head!): 11pts
Real Winners: Mina: Some Peculiar Interests! (I've seen your browsing history): 9pts Miales: Satisfying Pleasurable Indulgences (You say hedonistic... I say gratifying): 9pts . - Round 2: BEP: Gypsy (Dealer):
Whiner of the Deal: Miales: Beating Every Player (Except one... Please Except one): 11pts
Real Winner: TennesseeMaiden: Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes...(I love breakfast!): 11pts . - Round 3: MAC: Miales (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: TennesseeMaiden: Many Angry Cats (Where's our dinner?): 15pts
Real Winners: Miales: Not only did he inspire one of the two Real Winning posts but he also inadvertently posted the wrong def for TM and she won!!! No Seriously: TennesseeBaron: Miales's ACRO Count (... is why he is dealer this week :p) Mina: Mysterious Accordion Concert (Can accordions be mysterious?) . - Round 4: TVA: TennesseeMaiden (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Dugan: Transylvania Vampire Attractions (TripAdvisor: stay away from cemeteries at night): 14pts
Real Winner: Miales: Taking Vacation Again? (Seriously... Do you ever work?) 12 pts . - Round 5: TFG: Dugan (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: TennesseeMaiden: Thankful For Grandmas (They are the best!): 13pts
Real Winner: Tusk: Teleportation Failed Groot (He’s now in Missouri!) 13 pts . - Round 6: GFI: TennesseeMaiden (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Aquadyne: Grills! Fireworks! Ice-cream! (Two out of three things involving fire is ok.) : 12pts
Real Winner: Gypsy: Generous Friends Invited (Always bring a bottle or two) 10 pts . - Round 7: DNA: Aqua (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Mina: Dragons Need Attention (which is why they steal princesses) : 12pts
Real Winner: Weez: Don't Need Attention (DNA - Just leave me alone.) 10 pts . - Round 8: SKT: Mina (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: TennesseeBaron: Soft Kitten Therapy (makes everything better.) : 19pts
Real Winner: TennesseeMaiden: Slowly Kissing Teddybears (kissing practice?) 11 pts . - Round 9: EDM: TennesseeBaron (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Miales: Every Day Matters (Don't ever forget) : 16pts
Real Winner: TennesseeMaiden: Embracing Different Mannequins (How to get kicked out of the department store...): 12pts . - Round 10: BFG: Miales (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Aqua: Benevolent Fairy Godmothers (Turning pumpkins into carriages since 1697) : 10pts
Real Winner: Mina: Big Friendly Grins (Start the day off right!): 10pts . - Round 11: TMAAT: Aqua (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Weez: Totally Mundane Acro Again - Typical (Where is that creative spark when I need it?) : 10pts
Real Winner: Mousedood: Trusting Mooses Always Allow Time (even flying squirrels are late sometimes).: 10pts . - Round 12: ROTR: Weez (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Miales: Relaxing On The River (Nice lazy day is what I need) : 16pts
Real Winner: TennesseeMaiden: Really Ought To Remember (...but I can't. I've got nothing.): 10pts . - Round 13: LMR: Miales (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Aqua: Lost My Remote (how am I going to change the channel now?) : 14pts
Real Winner: TennesseeMaiden: Lingering Memories Remain (Treasure each moment. It may be the last.): 11pts . - Round 14: TLA: Aqua (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Weez: Terribly Late Again (Why does morning start so early?) : 15pts
Real Winners: TennesseeBaron: Triple Latte Again (It's another one of those days...): 13pts Miales: Therapeutically Loving Animals (Fur baby cuddles for the win ): 13pts . - Round 15: MOOP: Weez (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: PlayfulFox: Mail Order Owl Post (Who needs Amazon?) : 15pts
Real Winner: TennesseeBaron: Maintaining Online Only Presence (Avoiding people IRL) : 13pts . - Round 16: CWD: PlayfulFox (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Miales: Cuddling with Doggies (Who says they aren't all lap dogs?) : 13pts
Real Winner: Weez: Crazy Weekend Days! (and then Monday hits...) : 13pts . - Round 17: FEAR: Miales (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Weez: Forever Eager And Ready! (Adventure awaits!) : 13pts
Real Winner: PlayfulFox: Felines Eating And Relaxing (Serve me Human! Serve Me!) : 12pts . - Round 18: BMIR: Weez (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: TennesseeBaron: Bacon Makes Incredible Recipes (Everything is better with bacon!!!) : 14pts
Real Winner: Dugan: Bought Minotaur In Rome (and lost him in the labyrinth.) : 13pts . - Round 19: BPM: TennesseeBaron (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: TennesseeMaiden: Big Pitiful Meow (Seriously? I just fed you!) : 13pts
Real Winner: Miales: Beautiful, Pleasing Memories (Remember the good times to get through the bad) : 10pts . - Round 20: FTW: TennesseeMaiden (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Aqua: Furry Tails Wagging (the best way to be greeted at home after work) : 13pts
Real Winner: PlayfulFox: Felines Take Windows (Stinky doggies get the floor) : 12pts . - Round 21: SEA: Aquadyne (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Miales: Sleeping Every Afternoon (Ahhh... the impossible dream) : 16pts
Real Winner: TennesseeMaiden: Seasonal Excitement Abounds (Santa is coming!) : 12pts . - Round 22: EWB: Miales (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Aqua: Enchanting White Bunnies (so soft and fluffy!): : 10pts
Real Winner: Dugan: Enemies Withhold Bacon (food fight a coming!) : 8pts Weez: Enjoying Weekend Breakfast (Nice to not have to eat and run.) : 8pts PlayfulFox: Ever Wonder 'Bout (The birds, the bees, the flowers, and the trees) : 8pts . - Round 23: DAW: TennesseeBaron (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Aqua: Desperately Avoiding Work (Posting on DL is so much more fun) : 13pts
Real Winner: PlayfulFox: Doggies Are Whining (Again? I just let you in!) : 10pts . - Round 24: NLP: Aquadyne (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: TennesseeMaiden: Naughty Little Puppy (Cute but into everything...) : 14pts
Real Winner: PlayfulFox: Not Leaving Promptly (NLP every workday morning.) : 9pts . - Round 25: FTW: TennesseeMaiden (Dealer}:
Winner of the Deal: Aqua: Adorable Raccoon Landlord (Trash pickup included in the rent!) : 14pts
Real Winner: Gryphon: Alternate Reality Library (Where all the books you wished existed do, in fact, exist) : 12pts
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