                     round    20     21     22    23      24     25
                     acro     OLED   SFA    OSH   SCRA    ISP    NIO
                     dealer   Dugan  Aqua   Weez  Mackey  Dugan  Gypsy
               TOTAL played 	
Weez          164      25       9     10     D      5      7      5
AquaDyne      159      25       12    D      9      7      2      11
Mina          153      25       4     5      3      7      7      10
Gypsy         141      25       6     4      4      5      9      D
Dugan         134      25       D     7      7      8      D      8
Mackey Mouse  134      25       10    10     12     D      9      3
Shamrock      80       21       1     0      7      3      2      5
Slufoot       12       6        
Tusk          0        0        
Nemarsde      0        0        
Gryphon       0        0        
Belle         0        0                
Phoenix Prime 0        0        

Game Start: Mar. 1, 2021
Game End: Oct. 31, 2021

Winning Acros:
  • RND 25 NIO (Gypsy): November: Imminent Overeating (Halloween Candy + Holiday Treats) by AquaDyne (11 points)
    Real Winner Nabbing Information Online (that's what Google is for!) by Mina (10 points)
  • RND 24 ISP (Dugan): Intergalactic Space Patrol (A job and a half!) by Gypsy (9 points)
    Real Winner Invite Santa, Please by Mackey Mouse (9 points)
  • RND 23 SCRA (Mackey): Squirrels Cram Remaining Acorns (everywhere) by Dugan (8 points)
    Real Winners (7 points each):
    Sometimes Creativity Runs Amok (especially when I'm GMing) by Aqua
    Spunky Cat Raises Army (down with the hounds! Dogs drool, cats rule!) by Mina
  • RND 22 OSH (Weez): Omigod! Something Happened! By Mackey (12 points)
    Real Winner: October Starts Holidays (Halloween! Thanksgiving! Christmas!) by Aqua (9 points)
  • RND 21 SFA (Aqua): Seeking Fabulous Adventures! By Weez (10 points)
    Real Winner: Summer Finally Arrives (just in time for Autumn) by Mackey (10 points)
  • RND 20 OLED (Dugan): Ornery Llamas Expectorate Daily (Yes, they really do spit.) by Aqua (12 points)
    Real Winner: Orphaned Lemurs Eat Daily (will you donate to save these helpless animals?) by Mackey (10 points)
  • RND 19 ZIP (Gypsy): Zero Interest: Politics (just different flies around the same s^^t) by Dugan (11 points)
    Real Winner: Zooming Into Paradise (Yay for vacation!) by Weez (10 points)
  • RND 18 ADR (Weez): Angry Dragons Roar by Gypsy (14 points)
    Real Winner: Aqua Deals Repetitively (especially when you vote for this Acro) by Aqua! (11 points)
  • RND 17 FAI (Aqua): Fascinating And Incredible! By Weez (11 points)
    Real Winner: Free African Ice (shipping only $99.99) by Dugan (10 points)
  • RND 16 TBMB (Mackey): Tolkein's Brilliant Middle-earth Battles (always keep me entertained) by Aqua (11 points)
    Real Winner: Thaumaturgy, backpacks, malevolent beasts (D&D in a nutshell) by Gypsy (9 points)
  • RND 15 YOLO (Mina): Young Otters Lift (baby) Orangutans (Sir Elton singing "it's the Circle of Life") by Mackey (11 points)
    Real Winner: Youth Only Lasts Online by Weez (10 points)
  • RND 14 PORS (Weez): Pissed Off Rabid Squirrel (something ALWAYS goes wrong when I go camping!) by Mina (12 points)
    Real Winner: Possums Operating Room Services(I said scalpel not retractor . no, that one, no over there!) by Mackey (9 points)
  • RND 13 DSKY (Aqua): Desperately Seeking Keys Yesterday (Today I can't remember why.) by Weez (11 points)
    Real Winner: Dashing Sorcerer Kisses You (do you turn into a frog?) by Mina (9 points)
  • RND 12 RIPD (Mina): Running Is Painful (and) Damaging (which is why I prefer sitting on my couch!) BY AquaDyne (10 points)
    Real Winner: Relaxing In Paradise Daily by Weez (8 points)
  • RND 11 TEI (Aqua): Terribly Exciting Ideas (can lead to great rewards or great loss) by Mina (9 points)
    Real Winner: Try Edible Ink (Bored with writing? Just drink the ink) by Gypsy (9 points)
  • RND 10 WEBF (Mackey): Wizards Everywhere! Brilliant Fun! (What every prospective Hogwarts student thinks when they get their invitations by Aqua (13 points)
    Real Winner: Weekend Eats - Barbequed Food! by Weez (8 points)
  • RND 9 OOTDPM (Gypsy): Ordinary Opossum Technical Department Printing Manuals (possums for dummies) by Mackey (10 points)
    Real Winner: Outdoor Odyssey Today - Doing Peaceful Meditations by Weez (7 points)
  • RND 8 SAURON (Aqua): Special Amazon Upgrade, Retail Optimism Now (Who says you can't buy happiness?) by Gypsy (11 points)
    Real Winners: (10 points each)
    Selling Authentic Unicorn! Reasonable Offer Needed. By Mina
    Serious Acrobats Usually Rely On Nerves (and a lot of skill) by Weez
  • RND 7 RDEL (Gypsy): Rotund Dragons Enjoy Lounging (on their piles of treasure) by AquaDyne (13 points)
    Real Winner: Relax Daily - Enjoy Life by Weez (11 points)
  • RND 6 SCE (Aqua): Swing Cats Experimentally (Just how much space do we have?) by Gypsy (11 points)
    Real Winner: Secret Cat Executioner (if you think your cat is trying to kill you, they might be) by Mina (8 points)
  • RND 5 OSCAR (Gypsy): Ornery Senior Citizens Argue Relentlessly (Get Off My Lawn!) by AquaDyne (11 points)
    Real Winner: Occasional Short Circuits Affect Reliability (Dang brain farts!) by Weez (10 points)
  • RND 4 IUPUI (Mackey): In Upside-down Puddles, Umbrellas Involved by Gypsy (10 points)
    Real Winner: Internet Users Post Uninformed Idiocy (all over social media) by AquaDyne (10 points)
  • RND 3 RUD (Aqua): Rodents of Unusual Discretion (the Princess Bride rejected them) by Mackey (8 points)
    Real Winners: (7 points each)
    Red Umbrella Deflector (Kingsmen special for only $9999.99) by Dugan
    Really Upsetting Dungeon (all the monsters are your in-laws!) by Mina
  • RND 2 MACUSA (Mina): Monsters Attacking! Cleric, Utter Something Arcane! (And keep us all healed!) by AquaDyne (10 points)
    Real Winners: (7 points each)
    Membership Advisory: Circus Union (of) Simian Artists (it's just all monkey business) by Dugan
    Movie About Cats - Usual Sillyness Anticipated by Weez
  • RND 1 SAFE (Weez): Silly Acronyms Fix Everything (or at least make me smile!) By Mina (12 points)
    Real Winner:: Sunday Afternoon Football Excites (never disappoints) By Shamrock (12 points)

Aqua          7
Gypsy         5
Mackey        4
Weez          4      <-------- Winner of this game
Mina          3
Dugan         2