In a world of endless tales, where stories twist and turn,
We navigate through acronyms, the lessons that we learn.
Beneath the surface, there's a sea of coded lore,
Buried deep, yet rising, like waves upon the shore.

Baffling Symphonies play, a cacophony of doubt,
Behind the scenes, illusions weave, that's what it's all about.
Beneath the smiles, a subtle smirk, a secret to suppress,
Beneath the surface, there's a game of hidden chess.

Balloons and Streamers decorate a façade so bright,
But secrets linger in the air, veiled in the party's light.
Bouncing Shadows dance, a masquerade of glee,
Beneath the surface, shadows whisper, "see?"

Benevolent Spirits guide, or so it seems at first,
But under the celestial veil, skepticism may burst.
Brilliant Schemes unfold, a mastermind's delight,
Beneath the surface, shadows cast by the moon at night.

Benevolent Stewards preach, with wisdom to bestow,
Yet whispers of a different kind in the shadows grow.
Beneath the surface, skepticism takes its stand,
Bravery Surfaces as we navigate the sand.

Beyond the Shadows, where the truth may lie,
Beneath the Surface, where reality can't deny.
Beneath the Stories, where acronyms entwine,
But Seek the Substance, for that's the true design.