(OOC - MikeD - R4 used the trail I scribbled on the map to the northern door. The mage simply disappeared. He did not pass through the door that you could see. Those with mage skills can make an Arcana check to try to identify what he did. Note that the door to the east is 20 feet higher than you are, up the two flights of stairs shown on the map)
Ryssa casts her healing spell and it floods into Balthazar.
Given how tricky Glasstaff has been so far, he didn't believe for one moment that he had removed himself from the room with magic. So he moved quickly to where he had thrown his weapon and begins searching for a person who might not be visible, or might have turned himself into something else. He suspects a rat in every sense of the word.
Bern and Luminmorn move up and try to find a potential invisible mage hiding in the room while the two pcs who have magical skills try to gauge what kind of magic Iarno used.
Balthazar is unable to tell, but Lingo believes, from the gestures he saw, that it is a spell he's heard about that lets a spellcaster open up a small gateway and step thru it a short distance (Misty Step). As far as he can recall, the distance traveled is short, perhaps the same distance one could walk in a single move (30 feet), and the mage has to see where he is going.
At the moment, if that is true, there is really only one direction he could have gone in.
"Tie him up. I'm going after that wizard!" He moves to the exit in the north and moves down it until it ends and there he presses his back against the wall and hides in the shadows as he looks around. Lingo stealth Neptune rolled 1d20+7 and got 17
Lingo follows where the other Redbrand fled to, and where he is guessing the mage went as well. Luminmorn and Balthazar follow. Bern pauses to tie up the sleeping enemy while Ryssa comes over to heal him of some of his damage. There is a door to their west, at the edge of the pool, which has yet to be examined.
Passing thru the northern door Lingo enters a wide, east-west hallway. Thick dust covers the flagstones of the somber hall. The walls are decorated with faux columns every 10 feet, and the double doors at the west end of the hall are sheathed in copper plate, now green with age. A relief carving of a mournful angel graces the doors.
No one else seems to be in this room.
Actions? We will keep the initiative order going for now.
"Dammit", he grumbled when the others started filing out. If he stayed to tie up the sleeper, they would likely get themselves into a lot of trouble. And he didn't really want to kill the guy out of hand. "Can you tie him up Ryssa? I don't want to let them get too far ahead."
"I can tie him," she said with a sober nod but, before she kneeled to start the binding process, she pointed toward the southwest past the corner of the pool.
"We need to remember we haven't checked that door, Bern."
Then she bound the sleeping opponent carefully, but as quickly as she could before following the ranger and the others.
"They seem intent on running headlong into a trap", he said before he moved to follow the other group. "Don't do anything foolish", he said as he headed after the others.
The halfling moves towards the door and tries to see if there are signs someone went through. If someone raced through, it might be ajar, he might be able to hear something through the door. So he looked at it and pressed his ear against the door, checking for traps. moves west 5 squares. Lingo Perception check at the door Neptune rolled 1d20+3 and got 22
The group continues moving ahead. Lingo leading the way, followed by Luminmorn and Balthazar. Bern trails, having left the sleeping Redbrand to Ryssa to tie up, and she is busy doing so.
Lingo crosses the floor to the double-doors opposite and checks to see if anyone passed through them. Steps in the dust covering the floor of the hall run along the southern wall and straight to the door. The double-doors are slightly ajar as if someone did indeed pass through them recently.
As Luminmorn moves up to follow Lingo, there is a creaking sound, followed by the quick collapse of the floor in the center of the passage. A false floor of loose tiles and balanced timbers gives way beneath his weight (apparently Lingo does not weigh enough to trigger it) and crashes into a deep pit.
(Luminmorn needs to give me a DC15 Dex check in order to grab onto the ledge and not fall in)
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