DM - Actually you've misinterpreted the situation. The door exiting Room 10 was left open by the Redbrand trying to escape. Luminmorn's javelin pinned him to the "other" door, across the hallway. So when you knocked on the door, you were already in the hallway knocking on the door to Room 11 (lets call it that for now). The stairs are to your right.
You are standing on the big red "X" I just drew on the map.
Then he takes out his thieves tools, spreads his legs into a determined posture, squints and the door with one eye, sticks his tongue out the corner of his mouth. With flamboyant movements, he starts gesturing with his hand with his attention focused on the door. The knob starts to jiggle and turn as he manipulates it from a distance.
Mage Hand Legerdemain Lingo Open Lock Neptune rolled 1d20+7 and got 17
He stays out of the way and lets others move in and examine. For now he will stand silent in the hall with the stairs. He wants to make sure they don't get surprised from behind.
Balthazar stepped into the room and a bright smile came over his face, like a child getting a sugarplum on festival day. He rubbed his hands together and started to go over what was in here.
Rummaging among the books and tomes, and carefully examining the bottles and beakers, most of it is gobbledygook to the group, except for Balthazar.
He can tell, by examining the experiments in progress that someone is trying to brew potions. A few of the book are alchemical texts, and from their contents Balthazar can tell that whoever this is, is attempting to brew Potions of Invisibility. It doesn't look like he's achieved it yet, though.
Among the books, mostly dealing with miscellaneous magical concepts, is a tome written in dwarvish. Once again, gobbledygook to most, but Balthazar can read dwarvish.
The tome is a journal of an adventurer named Urmon. It describes the history of the Lost Mine of Phandelver (see attachment). In addition, Urmon records that a magical mace named Lighbringer was commissioned by Priests of Lathander from the mages working with the gnomes and dwarves of Phandelver's Pact. The mace was lost when Wave Echo Cave and it's mine vanished from history.
As Balthazar reads, Lingo and Ryssa search further. Most of the materials in this room seem to have no value, but they do find three small bottles that hold reagents and are labelled: Mercury, Dragon Bile, and Powdered Nighshade. Lingo (and Balthazar) knows he could sell these to an apothecary or alchemist for about 25gp each.
Droop, the Goblin has tagged along and attached himself to Ryssa. He peers into the room from between Ryssa legs and start shaking his head from side to side. "Bad, bad, bad. Glassy not like this." Seeing the rat scurrying around the room, he shrieks and points, "Rat! Rat!", and then clings to Ryssa's leg trembling.
He thought to himself that was interesting not only for the content of the passage but that the head of the brigade was searching for the mine and cave as well. This man might not be a simple person to stop from their plans. He kept watch though even more attentively.
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