In the corner, protected by the two fighters, Balthazar fires off a firebolt at the one against the south wall, hoping to help in taking it down fast and thus reducing the odds.
As each person enters the room they attack a target of opportunity. Most miss, but Bern and Lingo's attacks strike true. Bern's sword slicing a cut across the surprised Bugbear's middle and Lingo's arrow driving into it's side. Ryssa steps up to get a better view into the room, but does not enter and leaves the door open.
We are back to the top of the order again as the Bugbear's were surprised and lost their actions. Ryssa, Bern, and Balthazar can go. Luminmorn and Lingo need to wait for the Bugbear's to act.
She found it hard to believe she had missed from such close range, but was pleased that two of her companions had so seriously wounded the bugbear. From her position in the doorway, she was able to target another enemy and did so.
Ryssa fires another arrow. moving closer to the door frame, but it goes wide once again. Balthazar's bolt of fire likewise misses, almost striking Bern as he steps in and strikes the Bugbear with a bloody cut to it's leg that staggers it. It looks in very bad shape, but it is still up.
The Bugbears grab large morningstars and swing them at you with vicious cuts. However, perhaps because they are still recovering from being surprised, all three miss.
He swings still getting the hang of the new weapon.
8 to hit. Page hiccuped and it rolled twice. Would rather have had the 21. But you would know I am cheating. 2015-04-08 22:54:23 2 Luminmorn Attack, Damage Pandemonium rolled d20+6,d10+4 and got 8, 11
She had never in her memory missed so twice in a row from this range and Ryssa murmured a brief entreaty to Lathander to steady her aim before firing another arrow toward the bugbear against the back wall.
[[ hit me now or hit me later <weg> Two of them can attack me if I stay there ... this way there is one attack from 2 now, but none later ... and I don't see this ending this round <wink> ]]
(OOC - Actually not exactly true as neither Ryssa nor Balthazar are going to step in between you and the Bugbears. It goes before Luminmorn and can simply attack you as you move away and then step up and attack you again on it's turn. If you still want to do so, np.)
Ryssa takes aim once more, but the results are no better than the last few shots. Balthazar has better luck, his bolt of fire striking the Bugbear across the room (B3).
Bern, steps away from the other Bugbear (B2), and it swipes at him with it's morningstar but the swing goes wide.
Bugbear OA Zeim rolled d20+4 and got 9
The same Bugbear decides to follow after Bern and steps across to E3, moving towards the center of the room and next to Lingo who it doesn't notice.
It, and the other Bugbear both swing their massive weapons at the Ranger. The one who followed after Bern hits him with it's second try while the other one misses (Bern takes 11 points of damage).
Bugbears Attack Bern Zeim rolled d20+4,d20+4 and got 22, 5
xxx Perception Zeim rolled d20-1,d20-1 and got 4, 2
He steps forward and swings another miss. He is beginning to think that the reason the knight died was the blade was cursed.
11. Hating the die roller arm. Move to E2. Oops. Heh forgot advantage too. An 11. Not much help. Luminmorn attack, damage Pandemonium rolled d20+6,d10+4 and got 10, 12
Last edited by Pandemonium; Thu 09/04/1521:34 UTC.
Luminmorn moves across to assist Bern, but his sword strike is a miss. Lingo draws his short sword, and moving behind the Bugbear he stabs it in the side, dealing it a hard blow. The poor, abused, Goblin on the floor is still unconscious.
Back to the top. Ryssa, then Bern, then Balthazar. Note that Bern is badly wounded.
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