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He moves to the base of the cliff, finding a spot with good sight lines and turns back to the pool and the surrounding woods. Taking out his bow he watches and guards as the others climb.

Once they've all safely reached the top, and he gets a signal from up top that they can cover him, he stows his bow across his back, slides his sword across his other shoulder so it is not in his way, and takes a look at the cliff face.

**Not too different from that dilapidated warehouse in Horizon.** He muses as his eyes find the easy hand and foot holds. **It was tilting and boards were sticking up at all angles. At least this won't creak.**

He reaches up with both hands on a lower hand-hold and pulls himself straight up, releasing the hand hold and grabbing another one several feet further up before finding purchase for his feet. The small second of time when he was suspended in mid-air with no holds at all gives him a small adrenaline rush. Then, with an easy swing of his legs he finds a foot hold to one side and moves up to an easier section of the climb.

**Of course Lanny had to take his sweet time showing up that night. 4 hours late for the rendezvous! I thought I'd never get the feeling back in my fingers after that. Lucky my dagger was poisoned. Stiff fingers barely let me slice his cheek with the blade instead of the carotid strike I was going for. Had to sit on him and cover his mouth for a few second before I could slice his throat.**

He reaches the easier portion now and moves up hand-over-hand easily until he reaches the top.

[OOC - If you wanted us to roll, here is the roll for Zoltan:
Zoltan Climbing Cliff
Zeim rolled d20+8 and got 22]

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He had 'scouted' the cliff as he led the sergeant to what looked like a good starting point.

It wasn't all that different from climbs he had made on the caravan runs that passed through mountainous areas ... scouting a good route, looking for problems like ambushes or rock falls along a chosen route. In comparrison of some, this seemed fairly easy.

In any event they had made it with out much problem. Out of habit, once everyone was up safely, he looked around from their new vantage.

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He had studied the approach and feels confident he can climb the steeper stretch of the mountain. He had reminded himself that he had done a fair amount of climbing when gaining access to some of the more out of the way tombs and caverns he had visited, especially that one where the tomb was on top of a high platform. In its day there had been steps leading the way up to the top but over the years a number of the steps and ledges had crumbled away leaving gaps and awkward corners. He had taken his time but apart from one area where the ledge was still very crumbly, he had managed easily.

He starts the climb.

And finds it was more difficult that he had thought. The ground is quite rough, tufts of grass to trip him up and soil that looks solid but can easily slide under light elven feet.

Certainly he is hot and dusty when he reaches the top.

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He breathed hard as he climbed, pausing to wipe the sweat from his brow. It would've been easier without the armour and Nestaron wondered how Weston had convinced the Sergeant not to quit in dismay.

The half-elf cleric was reminded of a much longer and hotter climb up to a ruined temple in the Owl Barrens. That had left him in a very poor condition, delirious and physically wrecked. As enlightening as that experience had been, he did not intend to repeat it anytime soon.

[Nestaron skill check for climbing, using Wanderer of the Wilderness +2, +1 level, +4 Wisdom. Rolled 14+7=21]

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The climb was hot and your clothes drenched in sweat after the first 10 feet. It was also noisy, with the din of the cascades barely a stone's throw away. Zoltan stood vigil at the foot while everyone else climbed in pairs.

Reaching the shelf halfway up the cliff, you stashed your reserve water, lightening your load of gourds and skins. There was a natural grotto delved out of the rock face by the water, and shade and spray made it feel chilly. Knowing that this fine mist could be deadly poisonous didn't make it anymore welcome, so you didn't linger, off-loading and climbing onwards to the top.

The cascades were very distinctive. They had no name that anyone living remembered, did you think of one?

Zoltan was the last up and he had to wait a goodly while for Jex and Tindarien. The bard picked out a crazed route that then led the elven sorcerer astray. It was amusing, and the others watched from above, Heilbutt chortling. It looked suspiciously like another of Jex's entertainments, and even the Sergeant commented, "Where in the blue blazes is he going!?"

But both men finally made it and the paladin followed them up, deciding to take Seyja's route, all things considered.

The Sergeant's legs had been shaky during the climb and it took all of Weston's advice and encouragement to bring the man-at-arms to the top. At least Jex had given them plenty of time to recoup.

Looking backwards, you could see the river valley spread out beneath you, the rugged, wooded terrain on either side as the Scintilla meandered its way to the coast and Azure Bay. Shading your eyes with your hand, you could just about see the Baronessa's tower.

With the midday sun high overhead, you turned to the fore and walked.


The noise of the cascades didn't fade, instead being drowned out by an even louder roar. You soon saw that you were actually following an anabranch in the river. The cascades were formed by a gully carrying the narrower right channel, whilst the wider left channel descended across a raging, whitewater cataract.

It appeared that Seyja had chosen the better path, and you stayed on the rightmost bank after you rejoined the river's main stem once more. Did you spare a thought for your return journey? How viable would a raft or dugouts be? You'd have to brave the cataracts rather than the two waterfalls, yes, but it was a definite possibility.

The hours passed as you hiked, the forest withdrew from the edges of the river and you found yourselves walking across eroded bare rock. This became more cloven and undermined the further you went until it was like walking across the walls of a labyrinth, the river coursing beneath your feet, over 10 feet below.

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Sergeant Almador

Of course he thanked Weston and stuck by him afterwards, regarding the younger man as almost a local lad, or at least the closest thing to it in the party.

Without Weston's help, the older man wouldn't have made the climb and he knew it. So more importantly, Weston had saved Almador's self-respect.

Feeling better, more confident in himself, the Sergeant enjoyed the afternoon hike and wondered which route his grandfather had taken. Was he literally following in his footsteps?

Sergeant Almador tipped back his kettle hat.

"Do you think Gorulon came this way, back in the day?"

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Pleased to be out of the city and to traverse the wilder, forest areas, Seyja enjoyed the extended hike. She adjusted her pace to accommodate the slowest of the group, encouraged all of them to keep up.

Meanwhile, she kept her senses tuned to any hint of a threat.

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While he relaxed at the top, he took some time to admire the view. It was just about the only part of the caravan work that he had enjoyed, the amazing scenery along some of the routes.

At the sergeant's exclamation, he could only shrug. "Perhaps another of his jests. That or he got lost", he finished with a grin.

He enjoyed the walking even though, as they walked the way got more challenging. He looked at Almador. "Well, if he had as good a guide as we have, I would think so. I have not seen anything that would make me think there is an easier way up. Although I wonder about using the water on the way back. I don't have a lot of water experience, but if we went down the cascade there", he said pointing, "on a raft or some such, that might be somewhat easier. But I would want to get the opinion of someone with some experience with that sort of thing before I would want to try that."

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The tall half-orc followed along in the single file. After caching about half of their water, he felt light on his toes and was getting a second wind. There was no shade, but the glowering sun didn't bother Heilbutt with his wide-brimmed straw hat protecting head and neck.

He kept his jagged spear at the ready though, if only to help him balance on the uneven, and treacherous-looking ground they were venturing into.

As the warrior walked, he listened to the others but his thoughts were elsewhere, his eyes straying to Seyja's back. Visions of spearing some fish here and cooking them on an open fire. Spending the afternoon swimming...

If they vanquished the evil that was poisoning the Scintilla River these things might just be possible.

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As they begin to travel once more, along the branch of the river, he takes his spot up front near Seyja. Once the familiar pattern of walking and watching is re-established he asks Seyja, "So, why is the Iron Skull so interested in you anyway?"

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Sergeant Almador

He looked around the weirdly maze-like scenery. It was open here, no shade, and he felt his cheeks prickling as the sun glanced off of the bare rock at his feet.

"It's daunting to think I might be following in my grandfather's footsteps after all these years.

"I can only hope that I step right where he stepped wrong. But... it does me think about my legacy. Gorulon had ambition, after all, whereas what have I done with my life?

"You said your parents are traders, Weston, you must disdain their life's choices, no?"

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Her battleaxe across her shoulders, blade pointing to her left, one hand on the haft on each side of her muscular shoulders, she turned a scowl toward Zoltan. After a moment though she gave a minimal shrug and her expression relaxed.

"He is a minion of the Orc Lord. It is the Orc Lord who is, as you say, so interested in me."

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"Actually, mom stays at home and dad is a respected caravan leader. That is how I got into that short lived endeavor. Dad was able to give us a decent life, but at the cost of not being around as much as we might have wished. And how could I disdain their choices? They have been happy and did a decent job getting me started on my life's journey."

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He hiked and moved with the group. Steps were what was necessary, so that is what he did. His eyes ever roving and his senses alert. The heat and sunlight he hid from under his dark hood. Possibly not the best color choice in this environment, yet he was a creature of habit. He listened carefully to the female barbarian's words. He wondered about the minion if they were to face it, so he paid attention.

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Now that the worst of the climb is over and his load lightened, he feels more like talking and still has a line of questioning for D, so he moves over to walk beside him.

"Before we set out you indicated that you had died previously. I would like to learn more about that if you feel this is not too intrusive?"

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"Why?" He prompts Seyja.

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Of all the people to be interested in him, it had to be... He didn't sigh, nor did he do anything that might tip his hand, yet when the dark elf looked to Tindarien, there was something in his eyes. Maybe it was the experience he remembered, maybe it was something else.

In either case D offers "honestly much of my memory is a patchwork. The powers that took me and tormented me in my successive incarnations wanted to hang on to their information. So they have diligently kept me from remembering all of it. I can answer some questions, but it might just sound like the ravings of a madman." He shrugged ever so slightly as they walked "it might be ravings for all I know.

"What is it you desire to learn?" He hoped it wasn't the one piece that D was sure he could remember.

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Seyja grimaced and turned back to Zoltan, opened her mouth, but then closed it without saying anything. She shrugged her muscular shoulders, pausing a moment before speaking.

"I really do not know. I have been told the Orc Lord wants me, maybe desires me, although I hope desire is not the right word for... for whatever he wants me for."

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Sergeant Almador

He gave what could only be described as a fatherly grunt.

"That is good to hear, Weston" He said.

Almador sucked in a breath and mopped his brow with his sleeve.

"Of my offspring, two sons are fishermen, one joined the Legion, my daughter is enjoined with the Baronessa's household, but my eldest son, he - he is ambitious.

"Him and I, we don't see eye-to-eye. He is a sailor, seeks his first captaincy but pfff, he means to own a fleet of ships some day."

He rapped the butt of his polearm on the ground, shaking his head in frustration. Breathing out, he continued.

"I chose the same path as my father, who chose the path of his father. I always wanted my children to make their own mind... but aye, I thought one of them would follow in my footsteps."

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"Well anyone that is managing to make a decent go of it is doing well, I think. But having lofty goals ... that can be good or bad. If they give him direction and drive, that is good. But I have also seen that sort of ambition get out of control and take the soul right out of a man." He turned to Almador, "But with you to help keep him sorted out, I suspect that he will survive with his soul intact", he said with a smile.

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He is not sure if D =is= comfortable with this line of questioning but he seems to have invited questions and so Tindarien is going to ask some.

"How do you know you were dead? Do you remember dying? And how did you come alive again? Necromancy? Or were you born into another body as a newborn?"

Certainly there is no condemnation is his voice, just curiosity.

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"Hmmm." He ponders Seyja's reply. "Motivations tend to be very revealing. Knowing why he wants you is more important than knowing that he wants you. It could give you leverage."

"If you ever get the chance to interrogate some of his minions, I'd focus on that question."

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She frowned for several long moments as they walked and she shifted her greataxe's position from across her shoulders around to just across her right shoulder.

"That makes sense, I would think, Zoltan, but I don't see it as being all that practical."

She grinned crookedly, but humorlessly.

"The Iron Skull is not one to hold conversations with and the only other minions of his I have seen are orcs." Seyja rolled her eyes.

"Maybe Heilbutt could help us talk with them... if and when."

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"I remember being tortured to death after watching my child and wife being tortured to death. Then I was an undead killing machine known as The Shadow of Assassins. In that incarnation I was powerless to avoid destroying enemies of The Three. Lastly I find myself alive in this form. So a combination of different magics and lives."

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"If you need help interrogating anyone, let me know. I specialize in extracting information from those who don't want to provide it. Sometimes even from those who don't know they have it. Even Orcs know something. It's just a matter of asking enough of them."

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