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[pronounced KAY-ko... do you think the GM has memorized this yet?]

The Rhoni chuckled as Dommi set plates out on the table.

“You’re a storyteller to rival any in my Family, Dommi. A small village is not so very different from a Caravan, although we do manage to find enough names for everyone so that it isn’t necessary to share. But you already said that Fred is the name of Captain Koromov’s horse, which gives me pause to wonder about the reported beauty of your own sister... whose name is not Fred according to the news that travels with the Caravans. Nor is your second brother named Hallibert, although it’s a far more distinctive name than the one given to him by your parents.”

Keiko fetched the broom and began sweeping dirt, dust, and flour from the floor.

“Still, distinctiveness aside, it seems to be a name reserved for the ordinary folk of more spacious places than a tiny village such as yours. A long name needs a large home, and a name like Hallibert should be savored when spoken.

“As for Fred not being a girl’s name, well, I have heard of girls with names such as Frederica, which is certainly longer than Hallibert but fits well in the tale of long names that need to be shortened.”

She paused in her sweeping to look first at Mister Miller, then at the Young Master, and finally at Missus Miller.

“It’s exactly true that food shared always tastes better — even the most meager fare.” She smiled almost sadly. “That was the hardest part of traveling alone. Meal times shouldn’t be lonely times.”

Keiko continued her chore of cleaning, quiet for a few moments before pausing at the door after sweeping out the dust and dirt.

“I believe the time has come to continue my Wandering. Oh, assuredly not today and likely not even tomorrow! I have no interest in being subjected to the speculations of the Marrennen. Let them be on their way, I say, before we take our leave.

“But that does bring to mind a question you might answer, m’lord, as a person from a tiny village who has done quite a bit of traveling. Tomomi would like to visit Dawnview Vale, Lyric has expressed an interest in doing so, and I would very much like to see the Vale. I have heard so many stories, and it is Lady Bekkah’s home. I had thought that the most likely way to avoid as many Marrennen as possible — and Caravans, too, for my elders told me to do so — would be to cross the Tarn along the Flowered Path. While it would be pleasant to visit the Big Village and observes the differences between the Sea of Pearls and the Sea of Opals, it would be a very long journey on the Highland Path from Talesan’s Village to Bordertown.”

Her brows drew together as she figured travelings days and the calendar, staring out the door as she did so.

“Snowgate Pass is closed all winter. It’s known that the folks of the Highgaard Reaches are welcoming, but to spend the winter with a family might strain even their hospitality,” Keiko mused. “Cragside is a good place to trade, but not a good place to stay for any length of time. Brementown is neither a place to trade nor a place to stay. Bordertown...” She shook her head. “Well, it’s said that Midwinter there is quite a lot of fun, especially when your friend Captain Koromov and her troop are there.”

She turned and grinned at Dommi. “Oh, yes! And I believe there are stories about rafters. I understand now why those stories make sense — there isn’t a swamp in town!” She laughed as she put the broom away. “But travel routes would be of the most interest to me at the moment.”

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
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"A song?"

There must be a story to this. How can a song save people and is it one that has been lost.

Then he laughs.

"Itchy feet is just a saying for when folk don't tend to stay in one place for too long. It is not a complaint."

He smiles.

"And yes, I too want to learn more of the world and what it has to offer. As to talking to our friends.."

He looks over at Bekkah and her admiring throng.

"Maybe Keiko might be the best choice for now. Let's finish our drinks and head up to the Miller's."

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She was used to such treatment from the lowly to Kings. She accepted it because she knew it made others happy to treat her like this.

"This is quite lovely. Thank you."

"Well it all began here actually. On a marketday similar to this one. I got to know some of the forest folk and I saw a goodness in them. Better than many people I've come across in my travels. They took me back to their home in the forest. So that answers one of your questions. I have no great power or anything, I simply had friends who knew the ways of the forest."

She sipped at the wine, giving the man a bright smile.

"Very nice."

"When I returned to this village, I knew what I had to do. Or at least what I needed to ask of my Lady. She granted my desire, which I'm sure was felt quite far away. But she asked that I return to the forest to help free those who had been given a soul but were still being forced to work for evil."

"So with the help of my friends, for in all honesty, I had very little to do with the rescue other than inspiring others I assume we rescued other forest folk and stopped the dwarven mining operation. They will not be turning more creatures to their will."

"Ahh the Prince." she began with a wry smile.

"A charmer to be sure. He is not dead. Well not completely. I think though that he has gone quite mad. I hope for his sake that he is finally at rest. He was probably an honorable man and in some ways he was when I met him but yes as I mentioned, quite mad."

She had filled in more details as she spoke, but that was the general idea of her story. Of course he had more questions and she answered them as best as she could.

Last edited by Nivek; Thu 12/10/17 11:36 UTC.
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Lyric, girls just want to have fun...

"Itchy feet... I understand," she said with a nod, and then a shrug, and then maybe a slight shake of her head back and forth. That probably meant she really didn't understand the idiom at all, but accepted that it was an idiom that might just be a little beyond her.

She also glanced at the two choices for finding their friends. Keiko was doing Keiko things and visiting with the people where she lived. That seemed personal. It also seemed like a way to avoid everyone at the Market, and that meant avoiding the adventure that was warm spiced apple cider.

Following Bekkah seemed more appealing from the sole standpoint that there were people up there she hadn't met, and that meant something new to experience. But there had to be a reason why they kept themselves at a distance though. It was Marketday after all, and she had been told this was the day for everyone to come together.

"You are probably right Cesare," she admitted with a sigh. "But we can't just invite ourselves inside their home... That would be rude. We can't even stand in the shadow of the door frame because we are outsiders and not a part of their clan. That would be doubly rude because it would appear we think we are owed something. No, we should bring our own food to eat on the step and wait for Keiko to come out... But what if Missus Miller were to notice us....But... But if she does, she might be inclined to offer us entry... if she does then we will need to offer a gift for her kindness. A gift is important when seeking hospitality even if you aren't seeking it. But I don't have a gift... Do you have a gift?"

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"Good thoughts Lyric.. and no, I don't have anything suitable but.."

He waves an arm expansively all around them.

"There is a whole market place here. We could look for something suitable.. or we could maybe pick some flowers.. or both."

He grins.

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The thought of picking flowers... or just walking through a field of flowers to smell the scents and aromas, while Cesare actually picked flowers, seemed like a fun way to spend some time. But...

Lyric shrugged, and her expression showed some doubt. "We would have to go pretty far for flowers that the Missus could not just pick for herself... if she were the flower picking sort. I am not sure that she is. Have you met her? She is a 'practical' woman (that might be a euphemism) and I have the belief that risking her ire would be troublesome at the best. So, I think we might consider something from the market... But something she might not be inclined to buy herself, but still might want... She is a practical woman, though I must admit such a thing is very rare where I come from and I have little experience with it myself."

Lyric shrugged.

"I am at a loss... there are merchants of this town selling and trading with the Forest Folk, but the Missus could buy or trade with her own townsfolk any other day if she needed... but there are others from farther away it seems, up the hill there, who are not selling... just waiting. This is Market day and yet they just wait. I do not understand."

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He nods.

"Yes. From what I understand, today's market is for the Forest folk so that they can buy and sell. There is another market tomorrow which the rest of the traders.."

He waves a hand in Bekkah's direction to the other folk there.

"..attend, once the forest folk have returned Home. I don't know why this is but that's how it was explained to me last time."

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Lyric, perplexed at the very least

Lyric's petite nose wrinkled as she tried to comprehend Cesare's words. The bard in her gave credence to an underlying subtext in what she heard. She glanced back up the hill, and then to the market area where villagers waited on the Forest Folk. And then back again before she returned her attention to Cesare.


She sought the next word and tried to speak it as if the mouthing of a syllable would bring the word she needed to her mind. With her brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed she struggled to comprehend the meaning of what her innocence had prevented her from seeing before.




Maybe she was testing these words for a fit for what she was thinking and feeling. And maybe she was listing all the words that came to her mind that described what she felt.


That last word came with a measure of confidence and determination. Less the innocent and naive girl amused by butterflies and the smell of the ocean air, and more of that woman who created a plan to right a terrible wrong.

"I think I should speak to these merchants about this."

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He nods as she speaks all her words, feeling for the right one.

"Yes, all of that. But that is life. People have prejudices and they use them. Rhoni are often not welcomed by townsfolk and villagers."

He shrugs, something he has grown up with.

"People think us lazy, good for nothing, thieves.. and whereas I don't know the Rhoni people as well as I wished I did, I don't believe that to be true."

Then he grins.

"Oh yes, that will be fun! So let us go to Bekkah and the other traders first. That solves the problem of a gift.. at least for the moment."

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Lyric, righter of wrongers

She also nodded and paused to take a breath and gather herself for the next step... literally, the next step along the path to where the merchant caravan was gathered.



And she stepped out with purpose, but glanced sidelong to make sure her 'partner in crime' was beside her as well.

"Thank you for walking with me in this. I must admit, that I have some trepidation in my course of action right now. Not in the getting of a gift, no. But in realizing that picking flowers would be so much easier than asking someone to overcome a fear and do a thing that will be good for everyone. Change is hard. But change is also life. If you can't accept change then you can not truly be alive... and then you die."

It was sounding more like a personal matter or experience was driving her thoughts and words now.

At the top of the rise she sought out someone to approach so that she could open dialogue.

"Pardon my intrusion without invitation," began the bard with a bowing of her head. "Is there someone who would speak with us about this custom of Market Day. I have questions and I am told that Merchants are experts of such things."

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The Heartwood
The Dirkwood Forest
Waverider’s Watch
Marketday, the Ninth Day of Yrick

Bekkah, Lyric, Cesare, Keiko … Tomomi, Hinata Cat, One Fang, Broke and Wuff-Wuff and Dominic and Miss Emerald …

“The Imperial Prince, His Highness Faast Bankorpool, is still alive?”

The Marrennen Merchant’s eyes went wide, wide as saucers as he heard that mazing bit of news. Man only was supposed to live so many years. That was the Order of things demanded by the passage of Time. It was something so important that questions about the rabble who sheltered beneath the Dirkwood’s canopy were no longer important.

“That is such a valuable mystery, Lady Bekkah. Do you have any idea how he, a man of Law and Order was able to sidestep that Law? To live forever has always been a Dream of Mankind! Such a Secret would be More Valuable than that of Ironsilver.”

Slowly bringing his surprise under control the Merchant looked to the Forest.

“That immortality lives in the Forest and that the Forest can actually be Survived, that is news worthy of trading from Blue Seas to Black Mountains.

“Yet you say …”

The Merchant’s eyes narrowed as he rubbed his chin.

“That he was also touched by an Eastern Wind. Was this the cost of his Long Life or something completely Unrelated – Another Curse of the Dirkwood Forest? How did you manage to venture in and out without feeling that Breeze yourself?”

As they approached Cesare and Lyric could overhear the conversation of Merchant and Priestess. If they called out they might be noticed by the Marrennen priest, but they were not allowed to get close enough to easily converse. Two of the lightly armored guardsmen stepped forward to halt their approach.

“What business do you have with this Caravan?’

Upon hearing the question, one of the Apprentices was brought forward. He was an average looking fellow. He was dressed in a fine set of tunics, of green and white, finely trimmed. Thus he was, obviously, a fairly successful apprentice.

"The customs of this Market?”

The Apprentice’s eyes narrowed, as if he were speaking of something distasteful.

“There is only one trade good worth the dealing with soul-less creations. Even if that has supposedly changed, they are still unnatural, their closest relations still Golems and other fel magics that break the laws of Man and Nature.”

Some things never change.

“This Market … if you can call it such … are the conditions the Noble Family Korie set to allow us that trade. If you find them unspeakable, as many of us do, then you should take your complaint to the ones who owns these lands.”

Obviously, the complaints the Marrennens would voice are probably very, very different from the ones Lyric and Cesare might hold.

“That trade good?


The Apprentice spoke those words as if they explained everything.

Meanwhile, up in the Miller’s house, that very Noble Korie was trying to remember which side of the plate the spoons went on. Miss Emerald just shook her head and moved them properly; she did have a history of being part of the serving staff after all.

“Hey … my village was so small we couldn’t even afford a spoon! Which meant that come soup night we could only look at our dinner!”

Emmi just winced at that and poked her Owner. Missus Miller, instead, raised her head and directly addressed Keiko.

“Cor, we all know the Young Lord’s stories are hogwash.”

Dominic sat up, eyes wide, pressing a hand to his chest as he expressed mock surprise, horror and indignation all at once, very silently and very, very theatrically.

“But if you notice, he only pokes fun at himself to bring smiles to others. To remind us that things could always be worse, so we should enjoy what we got. That right?”

From the doorway, as he returned from his tasks to join the meal, Mister Miller nodded and answered his wife.

“Yes, dear.”

Dominic rested and wrinkled his nose.

“Besides, poking fun at other folks … especially certain beautiful, gorgeous, tall, slender blonde and once you get her out of her brigantine very currrvvvv …. OUCH!”

Dominic Korie was Mouse poked.

He draped his cloak over Miss Emerald’s shoulder, drawing her close. That seemed to satisfy his bodyguard. He then continued.

“… fine … poking fun at certain mercenary types tends to get you hung from the rafters.

“Which does have its bene … bene .. bene .. ben …uhm …”

As Mister Miller placed his face in his hands at least three other female types gave the lordling a very, very stern and disapproving look.

“… uhm .. I … I … I … forgot! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

“Miss Keiko!”

Dominic very quickly changed the subject.

“Travel Routes. Of course the safest would be to return to Talesan’s Village, visit the Larsens, drink with Rory and buy a keg of his beer because that will cover your travel costs once you get to Bordertown, and then go up the Highland Path. It’s also the most interesting.

“Taking the Rhoni Road will get you to the Road East and then to Dawnview through Brementown, Cragside and the Highgaard Reaches. That, from here, is probably the most direct route.

“There is another way. Travel due south from here to Talantal and take the Highland Path to Highside Heather. Then hug the western bank of the Satin River to Corliss and Snowgate. That is perhaps the most remote and quiet route - you only have to worry for three things. Making sure you pass through Highside Heather during the day, the griffins of the Plateau and fording the Satin to get on its other side when you get to Roth.

“The Flowered Path.

“That will get you to Bordertown. Aye. It will. You need to go east and up the Rhoni Stairs to find it; but you know this if you came here this way. On the bright side it will take you through MacMurphy’s Tavern and if you do not leave the path until you intend to leave it will get you from here to there.

“On the less than brightside, it is the path a God and Goddess took when they were being pursued. That means it is a path that is anchored to the land no matter what realm it passes through. And the two who made it were running for their lives and trying to escape. Thus you may end up in places unfamiliar and strange and meet those along it just as strange.

“Is it haunted?

“How could it not be?

“Haunted might not be the best word. But you will be walking the footsteps of a hunted Goddess.

“It will certainly not be normal.”

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Lyric, hearing words that sounded familiar

Lyric heard the words of the well dressed apprentice. She cocked her head from side to side as the young man vented his indignation and prejudice in the belief that his bigotry was justified and reasonable. Lyric understood all too well the callous contempt a people could have for another when they believed themselves superior to them. And similarly, when a people actually consider another people beneath their contempt.

She spoke loudly enough, and in that voice she used when telling a story, to be heard by more than just the apprentice. A bit of a rhetorical orator in her mind, and a bit of a troublemaker in her heart. Sometimes Chaos was there to help Order realize when it had its head stuffed up its own backside.

"You are merchants, and trade is your livelihood. I understand that much, but hating someone else because they are different seems a particularly poor practice of your trade and craft. You limit your potential to maximize profit and you prevent goods from getting to those who need them and would pay well for them. And if you don't sell the goods you bought from the first then you do a disservice to them as well by not being able to buy as much of their goods to sell to the second... because you won't serve some people who need those goods. You want the darksteel from them. They want goods from you, goods you bought from others, but the Korie Nobles have to impose rules because... I am getting this right, am I not?"

"Maybe there is a better way to put it, something I am more familiar with. I am a Minstrel, a bard... and if an innkeeper were to hire me for the entertaining of his guests and patrons, then he has the expectation that I will do my best to work with the audience he provides me and tailor my songs and stories to their liking. If they are happy they eat and drink more, and the innkeeper is happy and I get paid. I might not like a particular song, but it still might be requested. Am I an artist such that I would only play what amuses me? Or am I minstrel, who likes to eat food and sleep under a roof? Don't answer, these are questions I often pose to myself when I wonder about my place in the world. 

She shrugged and shook her head.

"But people confuse me, so what would I know. Ja?"

She met the young apprentice's haughty visage with an innocent smile and eyes that didn't match that innocuous facial expression.

"...except... well, it is curious to me that if a Goddess of the Bankorpool Empire deems something or someone worthy of a soul, regardless of the nature and circumstances of their creation, and this Empire is vast and it's reach is great through those who carry her word, then wouldn't it stand to reason that this Goddess' actions 'speak' in an overwhelming statement of support for these people? That Attera's actions, in granting souls to people whose hearts and minds demonstrated that they were worthy of such a blessing from her, should not be so casually rationalized through a lens of our own shortsighted failings. Her 'actions' should mean something to the rest of us, Ja?"

She tipped her head slightly down, demurely but, with eyes up, she looked at the apprentice still.

"Forgive my impertinence. Philosophical questions are probably best left to those who wear the cloth of Deities though, Ja? And who am I to draw conclusions about your heart and motives from your words."

"But you have helped me greatly and I appreciate the insight on why this Market operates as it does. I admit I see great wisdom in the Korie Noble Family's decision to set rules to govern the market as they have. Great wisdom indeed."

She turned as if to start away from the apprentice, but not turning fully so. Those first steps were at an angle and she stopped to look back as she continued speaking.

"You have given me some clarity. I see it thusly: A diplomat must have respect for those they deal with, and without that there is no reason to believe that honesty and respect would serve as a frame upon which negotiations can take place for the mutual benefit of all parties involved. A diplomat must be able to put aside fears and prejudices to achieve a greater good... because only when a diplomat does this can they truly realize what a Godddess has already decreed. People are people... When we think we are better than someone else, we only prove we are not."

She sighed.

"I wonder if Merchants are like Diplomats. Ja?"

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[OOC: The Diplomat who's riding up the Highland Path snorts in a very un-Ladylike manner. "Not bloody likely," the Dayalan mutters. "And hush, Kisa, I'm just thinking outside my head again."]

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
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Having seen Lyric in action and having heard the tales from the mine, he is confident that she can handle herself. Besides she has a minstrel's talents and so should be able to converse better than he can.

So he smiles and nods to the Apprentice, a slightly sympathetic expression maybe as he lounges against the fence watching Lyric at work.

And after her last question he shrugs. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't...

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The Heartwood
The Dirkwood Forest
Waverider’s Watch
Marketday, the Ninth Day of Yrick

Bekkah, Lyric, Cesare, Keiko … Tomomi, Hinata Cat, One Fang, Broke and Wuff-Wuff and Dominic and Miss Emerald …

“Well …”

The Apprentice listened as Lyric laid out her argument. He did so patiently, as tit transformed from a discourse to a lecture. That could not help but cause the young man’s back to stiffen and his stance to become defensive.

“I would think that would be a matter for Imperial churches to discuss. Who neither of us belong to. Though one might – if one was truly making idle reflections on another set of deities – think that the historical enmity between those who wear blue and those who wear white might lead one to think matters are, in truth, more complicated than most would expect.

“If there was news yet from the Talantal Cathedral you can be assured that we would already know it.

“Because we are not diplomats.”

The apprentice merchant smiled.

“We are traders in all. But you make the traditional about us and see only the obvious. It is not just a matter of whom we choose to trade with. It is equally important as to who we don’t.”

It seems that was the way of things everywhere; that the inherent nature of any sort of guild or trading group was not just the promotion of the guild’s aims within the group but the strict control of such matters against those outside. And that was often a matter subjective, based on things other than profit, right or wrong or even common sense.

The more things changed, the more they stayed the same. It was as if impossible to have chaos without law or law without chaos. And it posited a matter equally odd. The rule of law often created chaos, while chaos often found it set to rules equally unexpected.

Lyric was allowed to leave while Bekkah and the Priest continued their conversation. She did catch one interesting sight as she did. Up next to the mill pond, sprawled out comfortably upon a big gray stone, was the mercenary cat. He had been told of cats and sunbeams, he had taken that tradition as his own.

And now, for the first time, Hinata was able to know what it was really like.

“Now, as for timing …”

Still at their midday meal, Dominic mused for a bit, looking eastward, towards where, far off, there were mountains.

“If you think you are going to be close to the mountains come the end of Harvest and the beginning of Storm and are not going to make it through the passes, then I recommend timing your trip so you pause either at Corliss or Highgaard. While I prefer Bordertown, it can get a bit rowdy there – the Jvrillians go a bit stir crazy, especially with the Greenlands threat being currently diminished. That will change, however. Or could change. It is the East’s biggest holding this side of the mountains, so I suspect they will not want to lose it very easily.

“How they know what’s going on in those woods, on the other side of Trundle, leagues and mountains apart, is one of those yet to be answered questions.”

“Friendly wise, both Corliss and the villages in the Highgaard valleys are nice. I know the tales say that Highgaard vanishes under a mountain of snow every year, but that’s only partially true. The main passes, at Lilia’s and Cragside, are blocked. But the valleys are deep and well sheltered. A good guide can keep you moving from one to another – though it helps if you are part goat.

“Corliss, now. If you are a true friend to the Allaines, you will be well treated. They are very sensitive about their recent rise to the Nobility. That was the other reason, you know, for Allaines to grab the farms between Dawnview and Silk Creek. To provide a buffer between … Corlis … and … and … and … oh my … everything else.”

The Korie lordling paused.

“Oh my. I wonder if she realized that.

“I bet oh know-it-all-beautiful-bookworm-delightful-but-so-focused-she-sometimes-forgets-stuff smartest person on the mainland is gonna’ be going all ut-oh-what-did-I-do-now when she realizes …

“Roth is no longer a Bordertown or Korie problem … it’s an Allaine problem now!”

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[OOC: Because Daxia isn't here to debate with Dommi in character and because no one else is as politically savvy as the younger Lady Yurisdotter, I'll say this out of character. Roth has always been a Bordertown problem. Granted, that's certainly exacerbated by the Kories' choice not to make it their problem. And because of proximity, it's still a Bordertown problem, notwithstanding the fact that it's part of the Allaines' territory rather than the Kories'. The only difference is that the Allaines are more politically motivated to make it a joint problem for them and Bordertown. The younger Lady Yurisdotter would also thump Dommi on the head for not knowing that Kisa thinks so far ahead that she's already realized this, and then hug him because his pretense at naivety is totally adorable.

Also, until and unless some PCs show up, I have the same problem this week as I had last week regarding posting. So consider my political commentary to be my post... until and unless I have someone to interact with .]

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
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There was nothing more to say, and no reason to respond. She said her piece and he said his. That people were people, no matter where they came from, seemed a universal constant. Even when those people were isolated and reclusive, they could be just like others who traveled to every place they could go.

It seemed a little disheartening in many ways. She could even feel the animus the man felt for her, based entirely upon his assumptions that were filtered through his biases and prejudices... erroneous assumptions at that.

But, it also meant there were things in common as well. These things, right here and right now, weren't admirable qualities to share in common... but she had also seen good things as well. Great things, worthy of being recognized more so than foibles and faults.

Do not let the weaknesses of a people blind you to their strengths.

Lyric would not let this conversation get her down. Dominic had put some measures in place to ease the way for the Forest Folk to experience the the world. And experiences were important. New ones kept a person and a people alive and well of body and soul.

Lyric didn't want to let anything get her down. She enjoyed being happy much more than being sad because she felt everything to profoundly. But the minstrel understood that she must have both, happy and sad, if for no other reason than to be able to know the difference between them. You can't have one without the other.

"We will not find our Gift here, Cesare," she said as she reached out to take his hand to lead him in skipping first and then running down the hill, with laughter and reckless abandon.

With her mandolin in the other hand, snugged against her belly, she set about to tumble on purpose by the end of the hill, if her own feet had not failed her before reaching the bottom. It felt like a fun thing to do. She was hardly clumsy. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She rolled gracefully into a tuck and protected herself. But maybe that wasn't noticed with the squeal of glee. The sound was quite akin to that of a child unconcerned with the cares and decorum of adults. It ended in laughter and a minstrel laying out on her back, staring up at the sky.

She raked her hands outward through the grasses and the underlying dirt and sighed away the laughter into a calm contentment. But even that didn't last long.

"We do need to speak with Keiko soon... A gift for the Missus Miller for respect first. It will not be the perfect gift, but perhaps there is still something to be had that is proper token of respect all the same?"

This posed a conumdrum to the Minstrel, who, on any other day, might enjoy spending hours and hours- not even knowing hours were being spent- puzzling such a thing through. She needed a gift, but didn't know what kind of gift might be needed or wanted. The Missus was a person who seemed very practical and unpractical things might be pretty and fun but not not useful and thus cause more trouble than solve. So, what to get? Lyric felt that she would need to ask the Missus, or ask Keiko, but either option would mean showing up without a gift and intruding uninvited only to find out what gift might be best so they could obtain such a gift and then return again.... No, she didn't have the hours and hours, to the point where hours had no meaning, to solve this. Order and Chaos, Chaos and Order. Clashing again. Oh My!

When in doubt, she would always opt for Chaos. It was her way.

"We must simply pick something, anything, and then hope there is truth in the adage that it is the thought that counts, Aye?"


OOC: I would like to get Kel joined up with us (or us with her as the case may be) and posting again. So, after Gypsy's reply and maybe a followup from me, but before the next GM post I would like to posit that we jump forward enough such that the GM can put Lyric and Cesare on the doorstep in his next message. Is this workable?

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[OOC: Kel is in a funk such that even her favorite and most talkative Voice inside her head has been too quiet. Keiko seems to have taken on the personality traits that Daxia was meant to have but were stripped away by the GM (quiet, introspective), and Kel can’t convince Keiko of anything while Kel is in a funk. So there’s no need rush anything on Kel’s account.]

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
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[[OOC Note: The nice thing about the Miller is that it is a fairly prominent place and there is no reason that folks would or could not go up for a visit.

So if you want to go up and fine Keiko there, that's fine. You can even engage her in conversation ... and I'll just catch up. ]]

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OOC: Awesome- will let Gypsy get a post in, and then we will assume we got something and show up and see if we can get this ball rolling... and who knows- Keiko might just have heard Lyric squealing like a little girl as she rolled down the hill

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OOC: Logic dictates that there's no way Keiko could have been able to hear Lyric. Ninja, yes... but she's on the Highgaard Path in an alternate universe. Super OCD Woman will not allow me to pretend Keiko (a mere mortal) has the ability to hear things Ninja (an Immortal Being from Beyond) could hear. Of course, the GM has offered to completely toss logic out the metaphorical window with his comment to me about Kisa throwing snowballs (I think he said spitting, but Kisa is too refined to do that) from her balcony in Dawnview at Dorian Korie in Talantal. Unfortunately, in that world, there are more things on the Flowered Path than the dangers Dommi warned about... there is also a Stargate.

However, my point about being in a funk and having a hard time engaging with ANY of my characters is still the primary issue here, and I will reiterate my suggestion that you take your time.

I have FOURTEEN projects that I'm currently working on; the most I have have been assigned at one time since I started working here has been THREE. Nah, I'm not stressed at all. (That was a lie.)

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
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OOC: we will work it out and walk it through- maybe it takes a couple posts, but we are coming your way eventually<g>

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He accepts her hand and joins in the running and laughter with an obvious enthusiasm. He doesn't have the childlike naivety that allows Lyric such free abandon but she does seem to offer him moments to be free of cares, to enjoy the childhood moments much of which he missed growing up. And she is good company.

At the bottom of the hill, breathless and still laughing, he leans down offering a hand to pull her back to her feet.

"I know a gift you could offer the Millers. How about a song? Take a tune you already know, add words for just them, about this place, their lives here, add in some of us, Keiko especially. It will be something they can treasure for a long time and maybe bring back some happy memories. I don't have the voice quality that you have but I can hold a tune so maybe a bit of background harmony?"

He grins at her.

"And I can help with the words maybe. So let's saunter along and see what we can come up with."

[OOC That should buy Kel a little more time grin ]

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She noted the man's reaction. She could be careful with her answers, but she decided on the truth as she knows it.

"Yes, Faast Bankerpool was alive when I left him, but a lot happened as I was leaving. As to how he came to still be alive. I do not know for sure. I suspect the dwarves had something to do with it, perhaps not. The price, or at least a part of it was obvious. He was quite mad."

"As to how I avoided such a fate myself, well I'll always believe that my Goddess is protecting me." she said with a smile.

"Those who seek power or glory, often make deals with those they should not. Or perhaps they are more open to corruption in their blind desire for power. I do not seek either, so perhaps that is the reason I am here today, unchanged."

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The Heartwood
The Dirkwood Forest
Waverider’s Watch
Marketday, the Ninth Day of Yrick

Bekkah, Lyric, Cesare, Keiko … Tomomi, Hinata Cat, One Fang, Broke and Wuff-Wuff and Dominic and Miss Emerald …

The time , along with the Sun, drifted over Waverider’s Watch. The most content, at this moment,seemed to be the big cat Forest Folk, the market forgotten as he laid back upon the warm rock.

One had to admit that this was, indeed, a new experience for him. Two days ago his entire world was bound by stone and most of time in a room so small one could touch the walls just by extending ones arms.

The meal at the mill fell quiet, which seemed to fit Missus Miller’s tastes fine and Mister Miller being a man of two words himself. Though Missus Miller was a lady who simply gave looks, so at first hers was quizzical, then her brow wrinkled. It actually softened a bit, when her attention fell upon a certain Miss Mouse, Emmi, and then darkened as she looked at her companion. At that Dominic blinked, paused, and his expression was far too readable – especially for those who had brothers.

It was that silent ’what-did-I-do-now’ look.

That garnered a crossing of fierce farmer-folk arms and an even darker glower, as the Miller’s wife spoke.

“If’n what they say is true, Young Master …”

Missus Miller was not one to mince words.

“That means the little one is a real girl now. So you better do right by her.”

Then she backed up her words with the most dire threat, proving that she knew not just the Law, Tradition and the Bounds of Fealty, but a certain rapscallion well.

“Or we’ll be powerful disappointed in you.”

Dominic blinked and swallowed. Emmi blushed, the inside of her cute round ears turning deep crimson. They each spoke, two words, completely and accidentally, in unison.

“Yes ma’am.”

While the true boss of the village spoke, Lyric and Cesare had the market, the fields, the stream and the big rock itself to search; to search for a gift. If Cesare was right, however, it became a matter of creating rather than acquiring.

But then, while there was no remembrance trinket left, to gather dust on a shelf,a melody and lyric were never forgotten.

The Merchant prince, sitting across from Bekkah, sipped at his drink. As she spoke his gaze drifted to the Forest, barely a stone’s throw or two away.

“They have always said those woods were Cursed by an Eastern Wind. It is dark tidings to find those rumors are not fancy but true. A most powerful curse indeed, must it be, to take down a strong, Rames-fearing Imperial Lord.”

His gaze then fell to the Forest Folk’s Market.

“One cannot then forget, no matter how polished or made to shine, that all that come from that dark place, have, in one manner or another, felt that breeze. Once touched it can never be forgotten, or so our Imperial Churches teach us.”

He raised his glass in toast.

“To your Lady then, the Kind One, who protected you and yours into such a dread place.

“You must have seen many mysteries in those woods. That the trees themselves, they devour people. That there are worse things within than fish that walk up out of the water. Certainly the Prince, and those mysterious companions – dwarves – must have lived somewhere? What manner of shelter did they find against the Forest?

“A speaking of dwarves … what is a dwarf like? They are but words in tales told children before bed – they have never been seen on the mainland, they are supposed to have had a grand kingdom, an entre land, beyond where the farthest fishing boat can sail.

“What manner of people were they?”

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