I have to say that I am ... nervous. I have seen too many great movie ideas ... destroyed by TV. Having said that, the cast looks really interesting. I am still worried since the 'trailer' makes it look a bit 'camp' or 'sit comish' ... something like that. But I have my fingers crossed <g>
Love the movies, have seen them all more than once. They (the movies) always had a bit of a campy comedic aspect (Excalibur chasing Flynn around etc), though Bob Newhart's dry wit and subtle delivery never let it get out of control. I like John Larroquette fine but he is just about the opposite of Bob Newhart, in this regard.
What worries me most, other than the fact that Noah Wylie only appears in 4 out of 10 episodes, is that they let the series morph into Warehouse 13. Been, there, done that, loved it but don't especially need to do it again.
Well since the movies were made by the same network - with the intention of either taking it to the big screen (did not happen) or starting up a tv series, I am holding out hope.
I am hopeful too ... but I am also cogent of the fact that there is a big difference between what you =can= do in a movie ... and what you =have= to do to keep a series going.
The exception I can think of is Babylon 5. That one was sold with a 5 year plan before shooting even began.
Yeah I have to admit that Wylie makes the idea work. I like Kane a lot from his past work and I am willing to give them the first season to get it together
Have been trying to decide if I want to watch this or not. I liked the original movies well enough, but more often than not, when a series is spawned buy a movie, it is a ... disappointment. I may wait for it to show up on netflix.
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