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“Da, part of it’s the loathing to say a word of any kind, let alone a kind one, to a Dayalan. But what we did in slaying the Avatar sent the balance of power in Bordertown askew...” Daxia looked up at him and shrugged. “I know you hate politics, but politics are everywhere. And we jumped blindly into Bordertown politics without a thought to what we’ll leave behind when we take to the road once again.

“Da, two women’s torment have ended, and that lightens my heart more than anyone can imagine. But knowing politics, I also bear the burden of understanding some things will not be better in Bordertown until balance can be restored. And even then, in the short term, there are still people who've lost so much and so many.”

She bore the tightening of his hand easily; a swordswoman must have strong hands, must she not? And even if not a swordswoman, a lass who carried fullhand of fullhand of fullhand of water buckets up from a well has strength in her hands.

“Even good deeds have consequences, have ripples we don’t see beyond the toss of a pebble. The Sheriff sees some of these, I've no doubt Swordlord Mohlkavin sees them, as well. We've meddled more in Bordertown than we did in Cragside; I pray the ripples are as beneficial as those that followed us from Cragside. And beyond some riddles Lord Dominic would like to present to his Beloved, our Kadri, I pray also we’re done meddling here.”

Daxia grinned.

“For as you say, it’s Midwinters! And I’ll have you know, we do quite a bit of dancing in Dawnview. I’m sure I’ll be able to keep up!”

And as for Kadri’s mischievous smile, Daxia would worry tomorrow... today was for dancing and celebrating!

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
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"Best out of the way as I've mentioned it now."

He grins but it fades quickly.

"I got that crossbow yesterday.. and I'm out of funds. Actually I owe Mikal. I have an idea how I can sort that with Mikal's help and some hard graft but can you tide me over until then?"

He doesn't like to ask but he has also been straight with Darian, she is that kind of girl, and he respects that and wants to continue. He would do the same for her but he wants to ask.. not assume. Even if he has to swallow a bit of pride to do so.

"And I will thank Romana. You think she got gifts for everyone?"

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The Heartwood
Midwinters Day

Daxia, Darian, Cesare, Bekkah, Mikal, Dean, Kadri, Romana, Dominic Domine Korie and Harry Mohlkavin

" ...........eeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!"

And rather unceremoniously, with a slightly kicking, wide eyed and only punching his back lightly is a Romana swept off her feet and tossed over the Jvrillian's shoulder.

"A feisty one at that, isn't she?"

Observes Mohlkavin, as he easily traipsed upstairs, into the hall with almost - not quite - almost as much presence as a certain Korie nobling.

"And he hasn't been tossed in jail yet. I'll have to talk to Garrick about that."

With a few steps and he is at the hearth. A foot kicked out, and it is not a chair he steals, but a wooden bench. A second eeep follows, as Romana is equally unceremoniously set upon it, drawing herself up both shyly, distantly, and with a faint aristocratic air, as if this is something a princess shouldn't have to deal with.

"Hey, Harry caught one!"

"Which one, which one!"

"That one!"


"Ja, that's right, hand it over. I had five crown on the shy one!"

Harry laughed. Romana's eyes wide open. Then narrowed.

"Only five crowns? Romanas BIG fish!"

Out on the floor, and both dashing and elegant, of a manner seldom seen in such a common hall - more befitting a fine great room of marble and stone and lit by tall windows of stained glass, Dominic and Kadri danced. And while, in a bright bransle there is few opportunities for tlk, the rake - surprisingly - made sure all his attention was upon the dark haired Amber lass. Even when the steps hanged partners, as country dances tended to do ... never impolite, but always ... hers.

Until ... a turns close, a turn wild and a ...

"Oh hi-dee-ho ... it's Captain Mahlkavin himself, let us swing about this way! He's always fun; ever play Horses and Castles? Well come on, lets go and watch; he's a master ..."

And then Dominic paused, as he made sure the last step spun kadri back into her chair, where all are gathered ... and he, so properly romantic, again slid to his knees at her feet.

"Heh ...

"I need to be careful ..."

A whisper is then shared.

The Jvrillian swordlord raised a brow as Dominic swung Kadri into their little gathering.

"Morning! I don't think we've met. I'm Dominic Korie!"

And that; that one simple question stopped Mohlkavin mid-sentence, looking at the young rake for a heartbeat with eyes wide.

Dominic simply smirked. A definite gotcha smirk.

"Well ... a Korie. That's the absolute last person I'd thought I'd be sitting across this Midwinters.

"Barmaid! Lacie! Hot chocolates all around!"

He then glances to the tall Romana, all formal likenext to him.

"Nin ... all hot chocolates, except a mulled cider for my compainin this eve!"

"Mullededed cider?"

"Never had one?"

" ... Roamanas never seen a cider mullelled."

" ... never, mulled and with cinnamon?"

The young woman's eyes flashed open and bright.


Harry nodded to the innkeeper's young daughter.

"A mulled cider with cinnamon for the Lady."

He then turned to those gathered about.

" ... demons, eastern riders, avatars of deities fel and dark; things disrupted, curses discovered, broken and stars tossed into the sky.

"Tell me ...

"Does this happen every time you walk through some poor town's gate?"

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"This is a part of the package. When the wind blows in off the plains, things happen. This is our second demon. To go with hordes of chaos, dishonest and thieving merchants, honest and forthright merchants, and various and sundry other things."

a brief pause while she catches her breath.

"As long as we are having introductions, I am named Kadri djinn Khayriyah al'Terilanquel, of Amber born. The great Sky Road my father and the plains on which he ruffles the grass my mother."

Last edited by Art in the Blood; Wed 26/12/12 18:05 UTC.
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It isn't just the day that made Daxia smile... it isn't just watching Kadri and Dominic... it isn't just Romana’s reaction to the prospect of mulled cider... it isn't just the swordlord’s reaction to the Korie...

It was all of it that made the flame haired country lass from Dawnview Vale laugh brightly. Da, a lass who wore both sword and spurs, but still a young lass born of simple folks, despite all the time spent in the fine court in the far off Vale.

“Of course not, Swordlord!” she responded. “Those things only happen when the town is one that’s been built up beside a long forgotten Dayalan Temple, despite what my friend may lead you to believe.

“Rather different things happened in Cragside, though there were dishonest and thieving merchants -- and an honest one, as well -- involved. I've no doubt rather different things will happen along our journey from here to there... wherever there might be.”

[OOC: "I height Kadri..." Art, for the love of god, please turn off your auto correct! I beg you!]

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
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ooc hey i only have an hour for lunch!

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(OOC - Isn't "hight" actually an old English term for "am"? 'I hight Kadri', I think is actually a correct turn of phrase.)


He smiles and leads Daxia into a quick turn and twirl, stepping lightly to the beat of the music. A few moments later, Mohlkavin enters with Romana and a few minutes after that the song ends and the question is phrased. Daxia stops and answers, and Mikal steps over as well.

He simply nods, having met the Swordlord earlier. "I am more prone to entering and leaving towns with little fanfare or notice, Swordlord. It has only been since taking a contract with the Dayallan Knight that my days have become a bit frantic."

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The Heartwood
Midwinters Day

Daxia, Darian, Cesare, Bekkah, Mikal, Dean, Kadri, Romana, Dominic Domine Korie and Harry Mohlkavin

"Lass, most every keep tween glacier and seas have been built from honey-marble, so its very very hard to escape that particular clause. but i think you'll find that most places along the Highland Path. The farmer's barns, the merchant houses, they may be new ... but they are probably all built of stones from far older dwellings."

Mohlkavin then leaned back, taking his own drink, smiling as Romana is handed hers. The slender lass peeked out from beneath her hood and held the goblet in both hands. looking down she took a sip ... and then another ... and another and then grinned brightly.

"All warm and hiccup-ee!"

"Well only if Romanas have lots ... could happens!"

He then looked across those gathered, considering each in turn.

"The choice of contracts one takes tell a great deal about the man, youngling. And once past the lands of Corliss, well, you walk with her and you cannot help but cause a splash. It's actually very rare. With the exception of the displaced Koromov, most tend to keep off the beaten path for that very reason.

"Though some of your company ..."

He then let his gaze snap between Kadri and her ... uhm ... suitor.

"I take it you are westward bound?"

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“Oh, I didn't mean towns with buildings raised from the stones of ancient Temples, Swordlord. I meant towns built beside a Temple that -- with a bit of clearing away of trees and vines and dirt and and such, with a good scrubbing and some patching up there and there, with re-sanctification, with a double fullhand of my Sisters and a willing Priestess -- would be a Temple similar to that which exists in the Vale.”

She smiled slightly.

“And if the willing Priestess is the same Priestess who tutored me and has a fondness for throwing things at the displaced Koromov, then the displaced Koromov would find returning to the Vale less of an exercise in agility... while the rest of us would enjoy -- to varying degrees -- the company of said Priestess.”

Daxia’s smile grew.

“Daydreams and the bones upon which to hang the many stories that could be told of such a Temple, of course!” she said brightly. “For if the subject of the mere breaking of a curse made your town elders frantic, I dare not even contemplate what the rebuilding of a Dayalan Temple outside their walls might do.”

She chuckled at Romana’s reaction to the mulled cider. “DaziDaziDazi tell Romana cider is good, ya?”

Then she shrugged at the notion of staying off the beaten path.

“Until a few days ago, I was on my Initiate’s Journey, out to see the world beyond the Vale, and learn about the people in the world.” She shrugged again and sipped her hot chocolate. “One can’t very well do that if one is always keeping from the beaten path.” Daxia looked at Bekkah, a twinkle in her eyes. “Though it seems my sister managed that well enough. Though Bekkah’s journey numbered in the handful of years, while my was supposed to number a mere season or two.”

She looked around at her company, her gang, and once again shrugged as she set the mug down on the table beside her.

“No direction seems the best of all in the party. Some ought not go east. Others...” She looked at Kadri and shook her head. “...are better off not going south. This is certainly not the season where madness takes hold of us and we dare venture into the Hea... the Dirkwood. And I had thing I wanted to investigate in the lands west of here, anyway.”

The Dayalan looked between Kadri and Dominic.

“If your antics today prevent me from such investigation, I shall be most cross with the both of you.”

Her gaze returned to the Swordlord.

“But yes, it would seem we are westward bound.”

Then she looked between Kadri and Dominic again, eyes narrowing as she looked at the young Korie lord.

“I suppose this... arrangement... of yours will mean dear Dominic will be traveling with us? Would propriety not demand such a thing?”

Again she glanced around the group.

“How is it that Camelia is managing to sleep so late? Particularly on a day I almost have a desire to question her Cards...”

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
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She of Chaos
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The Hunter is in good spirits this day, and Cesare's question only gives rise to a mischievous smile and a brow raised in curiosity. All the while in consideration, she crosses her arms and taps her foot as she looks him over from boot tip to head top, much like one might a choice buck.

"Mayhaps this be possible," she said, drawing the words out slowly. "Though Darian think not be loaning but be bartering, be trade of Rhoni service for Hunter coin. What Cesare answer be?"

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Whilst she sizes him up, he makes more of a stance, flexing muscles, drawing himself straighter and higher, so that she might see the bargain she is getting, his eyes amused, even though on the face of it he seems to be taking it seriously.

Then he grins and makes a sweeping bow, maybe their new arrivals having some influence on him.

"I am at your service my lady."

Then he draws her into a dance, his energy, agility and enthusiam more than making up for the lack of any formal training.

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ooc note: ooooooooooooooooooooooh Bekkah, unless you've decided to ostracize yourself from the group, Harry's right there with you, to be regaled by your stories!

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Kadri looks over at Bekkah from her seat, and catches her eye, then raises and eyebrow and motions her over towards the table the others were at.

Shortly the other eyebrow raises, then both waggle.

Then just one raises, and she motions her over again.

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She of Chaos
She of Chaos
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[I feel I must point out that Romana was picked up OUTside while Bekka was still hanging by the hearth being a wallflower]


She cannot help but grin at Cesare's antics and is more than pleased as he pulls her to the dance floor. Like him, she is untrained but enthusiastic. Even the Pack danced at Midwinter.

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She laughed as Romana was brought in. She loved this season and it was things like this that made it what it was. Everyone was more relaxed, more friendly and they seemed to forget duties and titles for now and just be themselves. She looked around and kept smiling at the Kadri and Dominie's antics. She lifted her glass to them in toast and took a sip between laughs.

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The Heartwood
Midwinters Day

Daxia, Darian, Cesare, Bekkah, Mikal, Dean, Kadri, Romana, Dominic Domine Korie and Harry Mohlkavin

" ... not squooooshed apples, squooooshed ..."

Romana peered into her goblet and then back up to her benefactor, looking at him a touch suspiciously, blue eyes narrowing just the slightest bit.

" ... grapses ..."

To which the Jvrillian bowed his head, offering the skittish woman a reassuring smile.

"It's Midwinter's lass. No one is made to do anything they don't want to, ja?"

To which is offered a response that makes the swordlord, veteran of battles, tactician extraordinare blink in surprise.


Mohlkavin just turned his attention back to Daxia.

"I know I have to ask you ... because your companions are far far too shy it seems, and I'd never trust anything that rapscallion says unless a life depended on it.


"Just where did you find this girl?"

He then settled back upon the hearth.

"Lady Bekkah; Ah! to finally meet - we have heard tales of the Kind one who walked their fields and the far farmhouses. You are quite famous, you know; I suspect if you asked you'd have half the lowside carrying your banner upon your behalf.

"Someone also seem to have really angered the town's Hunter? That the lass that's been dogging the Rhoni's trail?

"And a Squire.

"You know ..."

He cast a slow gaze to the rake on his knees.

"If you had any need of coin, between the Dayallan's tendencies towards sacrifice, a Lady of Mercy and a Squire, the real reason you are chasing a skirt - a fair beautiful one at that - is the chance at a free meal."

Romana gulped, looking between the short man and the tall man.

"you wound me sir, to the bone, to the quick ...

"Harry, where's Garrick? Is he going all moon-eyed over the blonde I saw him with last night? The one with the mean spinning kick? I need him! Because, well ...

"Just what is the quick anyways? I mean we have hearts and bones and stomachs and muscles, but for the life of me I've never heard of an inside named the quick, and that's coming from me, a specialist in quickness."

He reached up, and snaring Kadri's hand placed a lingering kiss upon her warm palm.

"Isn't that true, my beloved dark haired lass?"

But then he put the back of his hand to his forehead.

"Oh to be westward bound, to ride with my Lady into the sunset ... with the appropriate minstrels serenade and the wind so perfect. Don't worry for the snapping cloak, I can take care of that.

"But our love knows no bounds, no matter how far we are apart, there we are, together in spirit and heart, knowing that she is the entire cause of my days ..."

He took a deep deep breath.

"Now that it is too late for them to deny us, there are affairs of Family and Honor that must be attended to. I am sure your Brother's can't wait to meet me ... just as when news of this hits the inner ring of Grand Talantal, oh the fireworks will be spectacular!"

Dominic Dominie Korie smiled.

Harry Mohlkavin blinked. He looked a Daxia.

He then planted his face in his hands, whispering ...

"I do NOT want to know."

Dominic Dominie Korie smiled even brighter.

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"Oh, I am quite sure that my Brothers wish to know you quite well, both inside and out. The Sons of the Terilanquel are of hot blood and temper, and not much of the sanguine humor. As daughter of the Terilanquel, I have been expected to be quiet and do as I am told for the good of the father and the Clans of Amber. I chose to call this good as I see it. It is good for them to know their limits"

She winks.

"Father does not like the word 'no', nor do my brothers. They will have to learn the word. It is a very useful one, for a word so short - would you not say, sir?"

She looks over at 'Harry' her head tilted in the manner of a curious animal.

Last edited by Art in the Blood; Sat 05/01/13 01:17 UTC.
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She smiled at the man, not knowing whether he was teasing her, finally giving him the benefit of the doubt.

"I think perhaps like all stories, they get bigger the further you are from where they occurred. I spent time helping good people, that much is true, but I am but a mere servant of my Lady. It is to her that they should offer up their thanks."

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Kel Offline
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Daxia sat back, waiting and watching the little play unfold around her. She seemed to be amused most by Dominic and Kadri, though Harry himself elicited a bright happy grin as he very nearly mirrored the Sheriff’s words and posture from the other day.

“Oh, good swordlord, I sit here and imagine the interesting conversations and activities when you and Sheriff Garrick and Captain Koromov and this young rascal gather at Midsummers! Why, it’s no wonder he finds himself hanging from the rafters. No, it makes perfect sense now.”

She looked at the rapscallion in question.

“Oh, joyous celebration,” she said dryly. “I suspect the fireworks will not be the sort that sparkle in the night sky and make young children ooh and ahh, but rather the sort that don’t bode well for people like me.” The red haired Dayalan sighed. “That would be people who look just a little too much like an Allaine, and ride a unicorn. In case there was any doubt in your mind about what I meant.”

Then she shook her head and smiled at Harry again. “You must admit, though, despite all young Dominie’s numerous faults, you cannot count being boring among them.

“Ah, but for your questions!

“Pancakes? Thank you.

“And we found the poor lass along the Brementown Road, beset upon by a most unpleasant group of rogues and knaves and persons who thought to bring grave harm to her. I certainly couldn’t let that happen, of course. No, no... despite what some might say, I think my Lady Goddess would have been displeased had I not foolishly, as some have said, rode to her rescue.”

Daxia looks out across the room, watching Darian and Cesare dancing with all the joy and enthusiasm this day demanded. She chuckled as she turned her attention once again to the senior Jvrillian.

“I can’t imagine what she might have done to anger your Hunter, but I can’t imagine anyone else having the temerity to do so. They do make a striking couple, don’t they... the Rhoni and my friend the Hunter? A woman of few words — making up, I suppose, for one who has so many — I certainly count her among my friends.

“Now, my dear sister...” she said with a fond smile for Bekkah. “She is as modest as she is kind, and always has been. No one could want for a better sister! And that her fame spreads across the High Tarn, both high and lowside... well, I’m not surprised. Possibly the most famous Lady of Attera I’m likely to ever meet, and still has time to sit with her little sister at the back of a unicorn’s stall and have those same sister to sister talks we had when I was not much more than a handful of years.”

She paused to take another sip of the hot... well, warm... chocolate.

“And to think I travel with both a Squire of Rames and one of your Brothers, Swordlord! Why, the tales told in the Temple of those who serve Rames or Jvrill are many, and all thoroughly depressing... when they’re not meant to frighten curls into a young girl’s hair! Oh, true, that other Squire I met wasn’t quite the fine, upstanding lad Dean is... but even I’ve heard of our Squire’s Knight, Sir Kevin! And while there were a few bawdy comments when we rode into town from... well, some handful or so of your Guild, I’ve discovered the tales told in my Temple reveal nothing of the reality of the men who follow Rames or Jvrill.” She shook her head. “Or perhaps my problem is simply that I would prefer to see Dean as Dean, and Mikal and Mikal, and take their measure for who they are rather than who they serve. Hmmmm, yes... I suppose that would be another reason I’m one of the Wild Dayalans.”

Daxia looked at Dominic and Kadri again. And giggled.

“My sister-in-spirit, Swordlord, would have made a fine Dayalan if not for the fact that swords are near as long as she is tall. Ah, Kadri, I can’t tell you good it is to see you smile and dance! No doubt it’s all because you’ve been reunited with your one true love,” she said with a wink. “I’m deliriously happy for you! And Dommie? The blonde with the amazing spinning kick?” She raised an eyebrow. “One must wonder how you happen to know about that spinning kick of hers... but knowing you... I don’t really need to wonder oh so terribly long, no I don’t.

“That would be Captain Koromov’s younger sister.”

She finished her hot chocolate and set the mug carefully down on the table, while sadly shaking her head at Dominic.

“Dominie, Dominie, Dominie... what is it about you that causes one sister to hang you from the rafters and the other to, let me guess, try to kick your adorable head from your shoulders?” she asked with feigned bemusement, before bursting out laughing.

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
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[[OOC note - We am waiting for Zeim, Cesare, Darian and Dean ...]]

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[OOC Sorry Wolf, I have been reading the thread but assumed as we (Cesare & Darian) were dancing I would have to let a little more conversation pass before returning - but as you have requested, I can adjust. smile ]


Well he can feel the new boots now. Best not to overdo things, besides with the additional 'exercise' first thing this morning and again just now, he is hungry. And judging by the tone and laughter from their group, folks seem to be in good spirits today, as is he.

Grinning at Darian and offering a hand as a gent would to a lady, continuin his 'mock service' jape, he says.

"Enough for now milady?"

And then in a more normal tone.

"Beside I am fair famished today and the smells are making me hungry."

He leads the way of the dance area, pausing momentarily behind Romana to whisper in her ear.

"Believe I owe you thanks for the boots.."

And he plants a small kiss behind her ear, before moving to a spare couple of seats and collapsing, whilst signalling for the barmaid.

Last edited by Gypsy; Wed 09/01/13 16:47 UTC.
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Mikal (OOC - didn't see anything addressed to him after his last reply)

He sits and sips a hot kavass as he watches, and listens, to the interplay between Molkhavin and the others. He'd like to talk to the man about the new swordlord who took over Donner's swords and the guild, but guild business such as that is likely not proper to talk about in the general public's hearing.

So he sits, listens, and watches. Mulling his options over in his head. He is quite aware his contract with Daxia expires at midnight this very day. It seems to have been satisfactorily fulfilled, by both sides, but it seems her latest direction will take her far to the west, back towards Talantal, and very close to his former home. He hasn't been that close to Brockman's Holdfast and it's nearby environs in many years and he doesn't know if he is ready to see it now.

Last edited by Zeim; Wed 09/01/13 20:56 UTC.
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Squire Dean

Dean looks around contentedly. From his bench to the side of the fireplace, he can hear his companions talking, his plate and mug are temporarily full, and the Lady Bekkah is safe. A smile passes over his face as he recalls previous Midwinter celebrations with his family. The fire is warm, made warmer by the new scarf draped over his shoulders. He will need to find out who gave him this wonderful scarf so he might thank them...but not quite yet. Perhaps after another plate and a mug...

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The Heartwood
Midwinters Day

Daxia, Darian, Cesare, Bekkah, Mikal, Dean, Kadri, Romana, Dominic Domine Korie and Harry Mohlkavin

"Actually ..."

The swordlord looked back to Kadri with an even gaze, sipping his mulled cider.

"The trick isn't understanding the word no. The trick is to get them to say yes without them realizing they are playing into game. In my line of work its called tactics.

"When facing a line of horse or shield across a field, if you can get them to do what you want, thinking that it is their own idea, that makes the winning all that easier.

"I believe your Father does understand the word no. very well. just like The Emeraldsson does, like House Hythainian does, like Donner did, like Michael of the Dark Mark does.

"Yet when we pushed our own chess pieces and found an excuse to call a Thing ...

"... they went along, thinking they were going to teach us what no meant once again.

"And ended up learning the meaning of yes."

Leaning back, he turned his attention back to Bekkah, raising his mug in a respectful toast.

"Perhaps ... however, there is something that I have learned, struck home to me the first time I had a black unicorn ride into camp, to be berated by a short, homely looking woman telling me that my skirmishers were not to be poaching deer upon the storm season because three villages depended on the meat to get them through ... that I discovered that the tales of the Richter Gwynn were true.

"It's why that young rake's tales are so successful.

"The legends, they minstrel tales ... they have to start somewhere; behind them all is some smidgen of truth.

"And in some cases that truth is a heroic and kind Lady of Mercy."

Stretching he looks across those gathered, head tilting to the two silent ones. He nods to the closer benches, indicating them to Mikal and dean.

"You know one would think it'd be the women in one's company who are usually the shyest ."

Stealing a bowl, he ladled himself out a big bowl of stew from the hearth. As he did it was Dominic who stirred, chuckling back to Daxia.

"Actually, my court bound observer, the difference between the courts of Dawnview and the courts of Talantal as as deep and as wide as between Doublebluff and Horses and Castles.

"You should welcome those fireworks, for all their splendor, for they would do well to attract attention to other happenings.

"And never! Never would I do anything to a Lady to have her kick me! In the head. Shin perhaps, or a slap on the face ... but never a boot to the head!

"Let's just say it's very hard to fall off of a flat roooooo ...."


The Korie's words were suddenly interrupted by a loud and very startled squeak, a panic, as it was so unexpected, perhaps it was a dulling of senses from they heady spiced wine that kept Romana from noticing Cesare's approach. the intimate touch - while intended to be friendly - had the young woman jumping straight up, her goblet of wine arcing across the commons, leaving her clinging to the heavy wooden rafter above, so much a kitten up a tree, including, the point of not knowing how they were ever going to get back down.

She swayed, very un-lady like, in surprise and shock.

Mohlkavin raised a brow, glancing between Cesare, Romana and Daxia.



Last edited by Wolf; Sun 13/01/13 17:31 UTC.
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[[ ooc note - just to be clear - Romana looks surprised and shocked ... she does NOT look angry]]

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