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Wolf #641691 Mon 15/10/12 03:09 UTC
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"They will have to do without me and ... Domini ... I don't believe that ... I ... said yes."

She pauses.

"Why would they be so foolish as to come it in bright blazing colors, announcing their presence well before they get here if they truly are eager to find me? They be many things, but as a rule they are not stupid."

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He is content to spend the day with Darian, wandering the town, taking refreshment as needed and taking opportunities to talk to people.

He is interested to find out what people thought about recent events, how they fared - gathering stories of possible interest, whether there is any 'unhealthy' interest in any of them especially with regard to Romana, whether any Rhoni have passed this way and any information with regard to that. Darian may have other questions to add to their 'chats' with the townfolk.

[OOC Wolf - Happy to run anything you want to or just be supplied with any info you feel relevant - if there is any - either in this thread or by PM smile Thanks! ]

Gypsy #642356 Wed 17/10/12 05:00 UTC
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"Why because they certainly aren't looking for you!"

Daxia looked at Kadri, eyebrows raised... head tilted to the side.

"Suppose our budding Bard's outrageous tale of a girl stealing a horse... unfathomable, really, so it does make for a good story to be told around the fire, and well done, young Dominie... has more characters than even he has imagined to imagine."

Dazi looked at Kadri, serious but with a twinkle in her eyes.

"If I were to add to the tale..."

She looked at Dominie. "I hope you don't mind, DomDominie," she said before turning back to Kadri.

"...the girl would be the most beautiful of all young women in all the Clans of Amber. She would be tall, though not too tall, and graceful, and her voice would be so sweet and pure as to make men weep from the very sound of it. Her hair would would be the black of night... or perhaps the gold of Her light... which do you think makes the better tale? Oh, and the horse! A stallion of perfect conformation, so magnificent and unique that there has never before been such a horse, nor shall there ever be such a horse again.

"There we have the initial players, da? A girl and a horse.

"Now we start the story. But how shall it start? The girl has a fight with her father? Or her husband-to-be? No, let's make it her father. Why? Because her father can't decide which of the eligible princes should have the hand of his beautiful daughter in marriage.

"The first one... oh, my! What an advantageous political connection that would make!

"And the second... well, it is the son of his best friend. How can he offend such a good friend?

"The third prince... he is not only the wealthiest, but from the most powerful of all the Clans! What father wouldn't want his daughter married off so well, da? What does it matter that the prince looks like a dung beetle -- though that might be an insult to dung beetles -- and has the personality of a door? The father's grandsons will be powerful and wealthy princes!"

Daxia sighed and shook her head.

"Did father think to ask his daughter her thoughts? No, no! Such a thing would be utterly scandalous! But the poor girl, she has her own thoughts." She stared off into the distance, dramatically of course, and placed both her hands over her heart. "This most beautiful of all young Amber women was in love... truly, madly, deeply in love with a poor horse trainer. A young man with no grand heritage, no real wealth but his love for the girl."

She looked back at her companions and grinned.

"Oh, come now! It's a classic tale! The girl steals her father's favorite horse simply because... well, simply because! The father rends his clothing in bereavement... over the horse, some might have said, and the three princes go riding off to find the girl, having agreed secretly among themselves that the one who actually finds her first will have the prize of her hand in marriage, and possibly the horse, as well, though not for marriage, of course. And the poor horse trainer watches from afar.

"Naturally, being rather clever in addition to beautiful and so sweet of voice, the girl heads towards Dawnview. They will give her Sanctuary there, or so she believes with all her heart. Will they? Won't they? Ah, now that would be a discussion I would like to hear between the Khorall, her sister and her Heir." Dazi considered all the patterns and webs such a story would create, then shrugged. "Who's to say, but every once in a while people like to hear a story with a happy ending, wouldn't you say, DomDomDominie? So let our story say that the gracious and most Noble Khorall of Allaine grants the beautiful, clever girl Sanctuary in the delightful Vale.

"The princes... oh, they are traveling hither and yon, then yon and hither. They are too clever for their own good, would be my thinking, for they would think the girl would of course ride right straight for Dawnview. But ah ha! they would say among themselves... this beautiful girl is clever, is she not? She would think that WE would think she would head straight to Dawnview. So, being even more clever than a mere girl, we will look everywhere but Dawnview, for surely the clever thing to do would be to go elsewhere.

"Of course, being silly princes, off they go hither and yon and completely forget about the yon and hither part. One goes this way, one goes that way, and the third... oh, let's say it's the one who looks like a dung beetle, shall we? This one thinks that maybe the girl is not quite as clever as everyone says and goes off to Dawnview... where he is either enjoying the fine company of the delightful Khorall of Corliss and her Lord, or perhaps enjoying the wonders of a Dawnview winter, which are wondrous indeed, I must assure you.

"But here is the part you failed to mention O Nearly-Bard Dominie... the young horse trainer, bereft and having no desire to live without the beautiful young woman who captured his heart wanders off in search of his lost love. He wanders from here to there and from there to here, hoping to hear a word, a sentence that might give him hope that he will find his love. And the beautiful young woman for whom he pines and for whom he searches has hidden herself in plain view, taking a position as a serving girl to a Noble woman -- of a minor Noble family, of course -- who loves nothing more than traveling from here to there and from there to here."

Once again Daxia sighed dramatically.

"And there you have the makings of fine tale, and I won't mind at all if you borrow parts of it, or even the entirety of it, DomDomDominie. It's a tale that gives the listeners hope that the two sad lovers will one day meet. Why, perhaps even tomorrow in whatever town you happen to be telling the tale.

"Oh, and the horse? Why, being a clever girl, she traded it for a considerably less magnificent mare, as mares are really the better choice for traveling, unless of course you happen to have a unicorn about, and then the mares are really not the ones you'd want, or so I've been told."

She looked between Dominie and Kadri, a bright smile on her face.

"So, clever and sly and foxy Dominie... fierce and also clever friend Kadri... what do you think of such a tale? Would any find it interesting?

"Or should I stick with lopping off the heads of very bad people who deserve to have their heads lopped off?"

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
Gypsy #642494 Wed 17/10/12 16:39 UTC
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The Heartwood
Between Morning and Noon
Attaday, The Twenty-Third Day of the Month of Crown of Ice, 2623

Cesare, Darian and Longtooth

"I don't know ... it might not be wise ... I mean, Nedrys, you know Nedrys, right? Rebecca's husband? he was there ... he was there when he fell, and he .. he said he'd be off meat for, well ... a very long time ..."

Bits and pieces of conversation were easy to be had; the traditional places for the traditional stories. Goodwives and their daughters at the town well; it was very busy today with the townsfolk returning from the field. Gossip was easy to overhear and their company was unexpected ... unexpected but not unwelcome.

Even Longtooth; who'd get offered a scrappet of a snack, especially as lunch time approached and folks traveled from tavern to home - since the Market hadn't opened yet and the tavern store were the place to snare some beef for a stew, a chicken if one was lucky, and definitely fresh bread, since theirs were the only kitchens still warm since the fel night.

"That's one of them, I heard say ... a true Hunter too ... see - Lydia, that's a snarkhound; they are the rarest ruffs of them all."

"Did you hear about Mordyn? Broke her neck they say; so young, so pretty, there's going to be many a lad disappointed come Midwinters now."

"Wait a heartbeat ... that was him?"

" .... you are going to sit with Missus Millersdotter, right? You are, I know, because it's what little we can do, now that her man is on the field, all proper on his bier. So ... so ... so someone should go sit with Her."

" ... we were blessed, we were lucky. Two Ladies - I've traveled the Path from Trundle to Talesan's, and to find even one Kind One on the road is rarer than an Imperial with a heart; but we had two. You know they are saying that if you were breathing, no matter how hurt ... if you were still breathing when they turned upon each other ... that ... that from that point on no one else died. Because of Her mercy ..."

"She looks a lot better than Wolftamer ..."

"It was mostly the Guard and the Jvrillians ... but that's what we pay them for."

"You know he's spent an awful big part of the morning with that outlander blonde ..."

" ... ja, right upon the dawn. Couldn't mistake Cassius; he and his pale horse went out the eastern gate like there was a an angry merchant prince behind him, or something worse."

"Lad ... a homely ruff of a gal could spend a year being hit by the ugly stick and she'd still look better than Wolftamer ..."

"But what was he doing out on the fields? He was proud, haughty and overbearing, but the sharpest thing he ever held was a dinner knife."

"But I thought they were in Cragside?"

"Something that pretty had to be a Ghost ... prettier than a Hythainian lady, way up on the broken stones."

"Did you? I did. I fed him an apple!"

"Never saw a demon before ... never want to see another one ever again."

"But in all of Krysta's hells, where did she come from. And why in all of Krysta's hells did she decide to help us ..."

" ... Garrick's goin to kill me."

Wolf #642691 Thu 18/10/12 12:16 UTC
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He'll discuss the things they overhear quietly with Darian, see if she draws the same conclusions he does, or can offer any insight - especially where he has none. There may be things they want to talk more about to the people concerned.

He grins at Darian when they pick up a reference to a true hunter assuming it is her they are referring to.

He is saddened by the reference to Widow Millersdotter, knowing that indirectly they were responsible for the chain of events that led to his death.

He thinks the two ladies reference is to Bekka and Lady Kay.

He asks Darian if Wolftamer is the other hunter.

Not concerned that some of the townfolk are crediting the Guard & the Jvrillians, probably a good thing.

Outlander blonde.. not sure about this reference..?

Asks Darian if she knows who Cassius is? If not, he'll enquire further.

He does want to know who the townspeople though were in Cragside?

The Ghost he suspects is Romana.

The apple reference is likely Daxia's unicorn.

And he will ask about the she referred to in the penultimate comment - though he thinks that may be Daxia.

Gypsy #642753 Thu 18/10/12 16:18 UTC
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(OOC - Wolf - Is it late enough in the day for Mikal to have returned?)

Zeim #642764 Thu 18/10/12 16:55 UTC
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[OOC: Mikal can come back at lunchtime rather than dinnertime. Why not? FOOD! MUST! BE! HAD! smile ]

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
Kel #642772 Thu 18/10/12 18:25 UTC
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The Heartwood
Attaday, The Twenty-Third Day of the Month of Crown of Ice, 2623


... the only thing odd about Donner's bier - for it was as tall and as proud as any Jvrillian could hope for - was that it was located far from where he fell; supposedly he fell at the breach in the town wall.

There'd be a silence about that, when asked, that and a serious ...

" ... you don't want to go there lad."

A slow glance, a closer look, would have proved the other Jvrillian right.

The breach was like a slaughterhouse; the chaos rider dead were shorn, their bodies hacked, slashed, lying scattered in a murderous field. The stench of death lay heavy there,and it was brutal ... it was obvious that the butchering went on far after falling; as if someone was making sure their was no coming back, that they would be sent straight to Krysta's coldest hell.

"We should have known ...

"I mean, She is Hers, after all ... but she's so sweet ... no one expected it ...


"You didn't know?

"That's right ... you are from the west.

"Well they grew up the town's orphans. They were the only family they had.

"The Executioner ...

"... he was Her brother."

OOC - now you can return to the tavern and join the rest.

Wolf #642925 Fri 19/10/12 12:56 UTC
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The relief shows on his face when he is given a task. Dean rises and goes in search of food and drink for the Lady Bekkah and himself.

Returning shortly, he sits down across from her, smiles weakly, and informs her "I'm hungry."

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The Heartwood
Between Morning and Noon
Attaday, The Twenty-Third Day of the Month of Crown of Ice, 2623

Kadri and Romana and Daxia and Dominie (and noticing Bekkah and Dean)

"That's perfectly fine!"

Dominie looked up to Kadri,replying in full and bright good humor,

"Because, if you've noticed, I haven't asked yet!"

He then turned around, so he could lean back against the Amber lady, resting his head against her.

"You should stick to lopping! First, because I'd never have to compete against you in the lopping category, and second, because while fine and romantic, and everything all dashing and tragic and romantic all wrapped into one ...

"It misses a very very important strategy ..."

The short dark haired many pauses for a moment, stroking the edge of his cloak with his fingers, taking a moment to pop it's collar.

"The very best story is one the listener wants to believe is true."

He nodded then, sure.

"Our three Amber princes, you need to remember, they know the truth of things, they would see through such a diversion, as a diversion.

"They would want to hear of a scared and lost girl, looking for any inn in the rain, perhaps even so naive she will forget obligations owed between two Noble clans ...

"Such as the fact that the Allaines and the Clans actually do get along."

He then tilted his head back, to look at Kadri upside down.

"Because they want to be remembered, they want to be seen, and they want the folks in the towns and villages to think they may gain a powerful favor if they help them. Playing their title gives them rank, power and most importantly ... legitimacy."

He nodded across the way to Squire and Lady.

"Look at them.

"All they have to do is walk into a room ...

"And everybody knows them."

The rake nodded back up to Kadri, something more than just play in the dance of his dark eyes,

"They can fabricate what ever story they wish about this girl.

"And it will be believed.

"Because it was told to them by a member of the peerage."

Last edited by Wolf; Fri 19/10/12 16:26 UTC.
Gypsy #642985 Fri 19/10/12 16:31 UTC
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The Heartwood
Between Morning and Noon
Attaday, The Twenty-Third Day of the Month of Crown of Ice, 2623

Cesare, Darian and Longtooth

"Cassius? He's held in service by the House Hythanian,. Folks were saying he was in line to become the new Voice; but obviously not ... which could be lucky for him, seein' what happened to the last."

A bit further down, it is a Jvrillian that answers the other question.

"That would be the Koromov, I reckon. She winters in Cragside; which is a right shame.

"We don't cotton with her and hers too well, true - but none of us are stupid enough to say we couldn't have used her skill and men last night."

Wolf #642987 Fri 19/10/12 16:35 UTC
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She had temporarily fallen asleep when he'd returned, but she looked up with that beautiful smile.

"You are so kind." she said reaching for the food.

"I'm famished myself."

She ate a bit which seemed to give her a bit more energy.

"What plans do you have for this day?"

Nivek #643000 Fri 19/10/12 17:53 UTC
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She slides out from under where he is leaning with a subtle move.

"The young one walked with movements sly/ slipped horse and self from watchful eye. Moved quiet to the gath'ring dawn/horses back, she rode upon. Sky, dirt and open plain/never coming back again. Hiding here, hiding there - hiding nigh near everywhere. Horse and a lass, gone alas, hiding from the coming storm. Pounding rain and impending flood, rushing river, thick with mud. Frighted, lost and tempest tossed/ hiding from the coming storm. Time, it will pass, for the lass alas, fallen in the storm drenched grass. Hidden in many a stable and a'cower under - the table."

Last edited by Art in the Blood; Sat 20/10/12 00:41 UTC.
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The Heartwood
Between Morning and Noon
Attaday, The Twenty-Third Day of the Month of Crown of Ice, 2623

Kadri and Romana and Daxia and Dominie (and noticing Bekkah and Dean)

Dominie's head falls back against the chair then ... an while there is a theatric thump, Kadri's words do draw out an expected surprise,

" ... cor ...

" ... I think I'm in love!"

Last edited by Wolf; Fri 19/10/12 20:00 UTC.
Wolf #643059 Fri 19/10/12 20:48 UTC
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He finishes helping with the biers. His glance swaps back and forth between the bier for Donner and the mess at the breach in the wall. He shudders thinking of that sweet girl he met the other day being the cause of that butchery.

After a few hours, when most of the work is done, and his stomach has begun to complain that he hasn't filled it recently, he straightens up, stretching sore muscles. He thanks those he's worked with and offers a final brief prayer to Jvrill for the spirits of the bravely fallen.

Picking up his armour and weapons where he left them while working, he walks back thru town heading for the inn. He walks slowly, watching the townspeople as they recover from the assault, gauging their feelings. Are they joyous to be out from under the threat they've had for years? Are they worried about retribution?

And what about those factions in the town who had seemingly been against the plan. The Dark mark and the merchants. How are they taking it? He knows the Mark is still not here, but any mercenary company with a semi-permanent home leaves people behind when the leave for a temporary assignment. Whether it is workers, camp followers, or just associates.

So he observes with eyes and ears as he walks back to the inn, interested in not only what the people say, but what they don't say and how they carry themselves.

(OOC - Wolf - Does he get any feeling that Donner's bier was so far away because he ran in the heat of battle, or just because of the carnage at the breach?)

Last edited by Zeim; Fri 19/10/12 20:49 UTC.
Zeim #643274 Sat 20/10/12 13:57 UTC
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[[carnage at the breach]]

Wolf #643320 Sat 20/10/12 22:39 UTC
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She had been about to respond to Dominie, when Kadri spoke.

When Kadri spoke, Dazi's eyebrows shot up. Kadri's little verses were... different that most folks' little verses.

But when Dominie oh so theatrically fell upon her chair, and professed his love, the Dayalan burst out laughing and clutched her belly.

When she was able to speak again, she wiped away the tears of laughter the dark-haired rogue had caused, and said, "Oh, I was so wrong about you DomDomDomDominie!! You are not a Bard... you are the finest Actor I have see. I have not yet been all the way from here to there and there to here, but I doubt I will find many with greater skill if I travel the rest of my life."

She looked between Kadri and Romana, finally settling her gaze on her Amberite friend.

"I like him. I agree with Romana.

"We should keep him as our pet!"

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
Kel #643336 Sun 21/10/12 00:17 UTC
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(OOC - OK, so they comment "you don't want to go there lad", when asking why Donner's bier was so far from where he was rumoured to have fallen was not metaphorical. It actually meant not to walk over there.)

Zeim #643352 Sun 21/10/12 00:56 UTC
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[[yup. its kind of ... uhm .. gross and disgusting over there]]

Wolf #643354 Sun 21/10/12 01:07 UTC
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"Question, Dazi ... How much does your sister like telling stories, and could she believably do it? I think the squire is ... Too earnest for my purposes. And Camellia .."

She pauses a long while and never completes that thought.

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Still grinning, Daxia shrugs. "Now that we are both grown? Who knows? But I'd be happy to ask her. When I was little, she'd tell me the most wonderful stories." She looks at Dominie again, still doing his acting and gazing with adoration up at Kadri. "And if you find faults with my story-telling, DomDominie, you can blame my sister. However, as she is a fine and most blessed Lady of Attera, I think you would not dare."

She glanced over at Bekkah and Dean, then turned back to Kadri. "I don't think his earnestness would be your problem, Kadri. If Bekkah asked, he would quite earnestly tell whatever tale she asked. Or he'd try to. And then become quite confused. My sister seems to have a rather profound effect on him."

Daxia turned to look at her sister and the Squire again, then sighed. "They really should just get married. It would do them both a world of good, I'm sure."

[OOC: Mokie, I have moved my office. You will never find me. Remember the house I pointed out on Google Street View? I lied! That's not mine.]

"Everything is bad except unicorns." -- Phoebe
Kel #643704 Mon 22/10/12 16:50 UTC
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Well his probing answers some questions and gives rise to others. He is glad that Dandelion and her crew are away and missed all of this. Hopefully that has kept them safe.

However he doesn't understand the term 'The Voice' and enquires further about House Hythanian, what position Cassius had held and assuming 'the Voice' is a position what that means. He is also interested in what happened to the last one, sounds like a story there.

Gypsy #643831 Mon 22/10/12 23:59 UTC
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To his question about Wolftamer, Darian gives a nod. His other assumptions seem to make sense though there are still many things about the city that are very odd to her.

The Rhoni is very curious about a great many things, and this gives her reason to chuckle.

ividia #644050 Tue 23/10/12 15:14 UTC
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"Plans, My Lady? Why,I am here to serve."

"If there is time when you don't need me, I should probably find a new shield."

Dean looks across the room and frowns. The other companions seem to be smiling in a way that makes him uncomfortable...

Mokie #644051 Tue 23/10/12 15:19 UTC
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She sighed softly.

"And is there a time when you are not serving as squire Dean and simply being yourself?"

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