I just saw this... has anyone else seen this add? And is anyone else interested? I love rolling dice, but I would like to get these just because they are different.
Pretty cool. Though I wonder about loosing the ballbearings.
I saw an add recently for d12s that are numbered 1-6 twice. They roll better than cubes and cover a lot of games that use d6s. Going to have to get some.
Nice Mina! I was amused by TDSO's dice spinners recently but they're far too expensive for an amusement. A bag of these flipper coins would be pretty hefty, cripes! Fun though. They should make the ball bright white instead of metallic red.
Pandemonium, TDSO make DodecaDice, d12s for 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 and 1-6 and Fate.
I needed some extra Fate sets for a one-off session recently I was sorely tempted. Alas, they had normal Fate sets on sale for 2 quid vs 8 for the d12s, so I cheaped out.
I needed some extra Fate sets for a one-off session recently I was sorely tempted. Alas, they had normal Fate sets on sale for 2 quid vs 8 for the d12s, so I cheaped out.
I completely understand. There is a supplier here in the USA selling them for $2 a die, which while I would love to have a few for my con run coming up I haven't yet pulled the trigger. I suppose I should finish writing the complete plot first.
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