Starring Cannonball, Magik, Mirage, Sunspot and Wolfsbane of the New Mutants, the movie... was not as bad as I was expecting. It is wildly different than any of the others in the X-Franchise, and while it was not amazing cinema, in my opinion it did okay. As an intro for the five characters (who I am sure will never be seen again onscreen) it was a nice opening piece.
If it had been the pilot for a television series, I would have enjoyed seeing where the show went.
i saw it when it came out in theaters some time back- i think it was the first movie i saw when the the theaters first reopened here in texas
i enjoyed it. but i got to movies for the escapism- not art or anything like that. I just want entertainment. It had it's flaws and less production value that one might expect in a cinema release... but... it was a horror spin and so I could easily overlook a lot.
and yes, if it were a pilot for atv show, I would be watching it
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