A trick I learned, especially with SciFi and fantasy type shows, is to put on closed captioning. At the start they start using terms that are not "English", like "grisha" and unless you see it, you think you didn't hear it right and it becomes tough to follow. The captions help you identify those unique words and follow better.
I don't like the font they use when they swap to a new location. It's very tough to read for the short second it's displayed. That has something to do with my flawed eyesight.
I'm on my laptop with my big screen TV on behind and above it. I have to find the right remote (looking about I count 6 of them) but the big pain is that I have change my glasses from my readers to my long distance ones.
I went a different route. I put a second monitor on my PC and it is where I put my movie play. That means I use the keyboard ... a key to switch between the apps is all it takes <g>
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