DreamLyrics™ Play-by-Post
Posted By: Art in the Blood Information: - Tue 06/10/20 17:19 UTC
Two things from each, either here or in a pm:

Any further questions on your powers and limitations thereof...

And also your level of academics as would be revealed by yon test.
Posted By: Phoenix Prime Re: Information: - Tue 06/10/20 17:32 UTC
as far as powers- you and I have been working that out. do you as GM have questions?

as far as cademics, i answered that one somewhere recently- do you need that info in this thread for refence? I will look for it in the OOC(i think)
Posted By: KenSeg Re: Information: - Tue 06/10/20 17:40 UTC
We have worked out his powers fairly well in PM but open to any other questions you have.

Academics - Ben got a good prep school education so probably more literature and such than a normal high school kid. Good at mathmatics and science with advanced training in physics.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Information: - Tue 06/10/20 18:20 UTC
Basically any information not covered, or any additional information
Posted By: Phoenix Prime Re: Information: - Tue 06/10/20 18:30 UTC
Cadence's academics testing will reveal she is an above average 17 year old but not any more so than any other high schooler how has a pretty good gpa, and takes a couple AP course... and has pretty handwriting and dots her I's with little hearts (or she used to)

she is above average but no mega brain, might even have zero interest in some of the crazy advanced stuff ben and lamar were talking about
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Information: - Wed 07/10/20 04:48 UTC
As far as Anne and her powers, I think we have established that she knows how to drain, but is willing to learn the other axis of her power, to be able to gift energy/life as well.

As far as academics, she is late high school, early college. She didn't have a traditional education, but she is quite bright, and her mother told her to do things, and left her to learn. She is a voracious reader and likely has holes in her education levels, but ....
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