DreamLyrics™ Play-by-Post
Posted By: Pete Hat FAQ -New Dice Roller Instructions - Thu 20/06/02 21:21 UTC
DreamLyrics Dice Roller

DreamLyrics provides an on-line dice rolling facility for those GMs who wish to have players roll their own dice in their games. The instructions for the using the dice roller are here. Additional instructions for GMs follow in the next post.

Instructions for players
  • To access the dice roller simply click on the dice link which can be found in the links in the top right hand corner of every DreamLyrics page.
  • Select the forum you want to roll dice for. Simply select the desired forum from the drop down list next to 'Select a forum'.
    If you are in a forum when you click on the link you should have the forum you came from automatically selected.
  • Select a roller. This may not be required, but some forums, like Yahtzee, have more than one dice roller defined (in the case of Yahtzee there's one per game).
  • Enter the dice roll fields - Character name, action description, dice to be rolled and game turn. All of these fields except the actual dice to be rolled are optional, though some GMs may require you to put something in them. That's between you and your GM.
    The dice to be rolled can be specified in any one of a variety of formats. The general format for the dice to be rolled is...

    <roll>[, <roll>...] - e.g. 1d10,1d20,2d8+3.

    < and > denote numbers you can provide. [ and ] denote optional text. Any other characters are literal text. You can specify more than one dice-roll to make for a single action - just separate the dice-rolls you want with spaces or commas.

    For each roll, you can specify one of the following...<blockquote id="quote"><hr>

    Generic dice roll : [<dice>]d<type>[+<bonus>][x<mult>]

    e.g. 2d6+4 The generic dice notation used on many games.

    Rolls <dice> dice (default 1), each of which has <type> sides numbered 1 upwards, adds them up, adds <bonus> to the result (default 0) and finally multiples by <mult> (default 1).

    Fudge dice roll : [<dice>]dF[+<bonus>][x<mult>]

    e.g. 2dF+4 (or 2dF-4) The dice roll used on the Fudge game system.

    Rolls <dice> (default 4) dice, each of which has sides marked -1, 0 and +1, adds them up, adds <bonus> (default 0) to the result and finally multiplies by <mult> (default 1).

    Percentage dice : %

    Same as 1d100 except it displays 00 to 99 and always 2 digits.

    Lord of the Rings dice : lotr

    Rolls the special die used in the Lord of the Rings board game.

    World of Darkness dice vs.target number : <dice>wod<target>

    e.g. 5wod6

    The World of Darkness dice system; For each dice in your dice pool, roll d10. Rolls above the target number are a success, a roll of 1 is a botch and removes a success, rolls of 0 are a success and you get an extra dice. If the target is above 10 then only rolls of 0 count and you need more than (target-9) successes to get anywhere. If you roll more ones than you do successes, you've botched the roll and are usually in trouble.

    Shadowrun dice vs. target number : <dice>sr<target>

    e.g. 8sr6

    The Shadowrun dice system; For each dice in your dice pool, roll d6 and if you get 5 or 6, the dice counts as 4 plus another throw (which can result in 4+4+another throw etc). If that throw equals or exceeds the target number, it's a success. You total the successes. Note: The official rules say you roll d6 and count a roll of 6 as 6 plus another throw; this 5,6=4+d6 method is basically the same but fixes a number of problems on the probability curve.

    Painted Yahtzee dice : py<1-5>

    e.g. py3

    Painted Yahtzee dice are all unique. There are five different ones, and can be rolled by specifying the number of the die to be rolled. For example, on the first roll of a Painted Yahtzee turn, you would roll all 5 by typing py1,py2,py,py4,py5. If you wanted to keep the second and the 5th dice, you would then type py1,py3,py4 for your reroll.

    Target Totalizer dice : <dice>tt<type>

    e.g. 32tt8

    The Target Totalizer dice allow for a quick and easy method of rolling a number of dice and seeing how many reach a specific target. In the example above 32 d8s would be rolled and then the result would show how many were 1s, 2s, 3s, etc. It is left as an exercise for the DM to decide how exactly to interpret these results.

    Feng Shui dice : dFS

    Rolls dice for Feng Shui. The result is the difference between two open-ended d6 rolls; each 6 is rerolled and added or subtracted as the case may be. The final result shows the two totals, and also has a special note for BOXCARS (two sixes as the initial roll).

    <hr></blockquote id="quote">
  • Press the "Roll 'Em" button to roll the dice. The result is displayed in the View the Results section, with the most recently rolled result shown at the top of the list.

And that's about it.<blockquote id="quote"><hr>

Thanks to Neptune for the original dice roller concept and code, and to Krinly for the first DreamLyrics implementation of it. Modifications for UBB 6 by Pete Hat

<hr></blockquote id="quote">
Posted By: Pete Hat Re: New Dice Roller Instructions - Thu 20/06/02 21:21 UTC
Instructions for GMs

There are extra facilities in the dice roller for GMs. Some of these are on the standard dice roller page, while others are on a separate Administrator page.

Extra facilities on the standard page
  • You can go to the Adminsitrator control by clicking the "Admin" button above the dice roller box while in your forum.
  • You can delete selected rolls. To do this, click on the check box to the left of any roll you want to delete in the "View the Results" section. When you have checked all the rolls you want to delete, click the "Delete Checked" button.
  • You can check all the rolls or uncheck all the rolls. To do this, simply click the "Check All" or "Uncheck All" buttons.

    Note: If there is more than one GM (moderator) for a forum, you are not permitted to delete your own dice rolls. Clicking "Check All" will check all the rolls except any you have made yourself. This is so that in forums like Yahtzee, the moderator of a game cannot delete their own rolls. This should be done by another moderator after verifying the rolls.

The Administrator page

This page (accessed by clicking the "Admin" button above the standard dice roller box while in the forum) allows you to define new dice rollers and delete or change the options for existing ones. In all cases, you will only be allowed to add, change or delete a roller in forums for which you are a GM/moderator.

  • To add a new dice roller for a forum - Choose the "<New>" dice roller, set the dice roller configuration options (detailed below), and click the "Save" button.
  • To change the options for a dice roller - Select the roller you want to change from the drop down. Set the dice roller configuration options (detailed below), and click the "Save" button.
  • To delete a dice roller - Select the roller you want to change from the drop down. Click the "Delete" button.
  • Dice roller configuration options - For each dice roller for a forum you can set the following options.

    Name The name that the dice roller is called. For role playing games where you only want one roller, you may want to leave this blank, or you might want to call it something like "OMM Dice Roller" (assuming the forum was OMM). For games like Yahtzee, this name can be used to differentiate the different games. For example, in Yahtzee you might have three different rollers named "Game 1", "Game 2" and "Game 3" for the three different Yahtzee games running in the forum.

    Display Options - Each forum can be set to have one of three display options:

    1. Members see "All results". This option allows any member to view all of the results for that roller regardless of who rolled the dice.

    2. Members see "Only their results". This option means that members can view any rolls they have made, but other members' rolls are not displayed for them.

    3. Members see "No results". This option means that members can roll the dice, but not see the results of their rolls or anyone else's.

    No matter which display option is set, GMs/moderators can always view all results.
Posted By: Pete Hat Re: New Dice Roller Instructions - Wed 16/10/02 21:56 UTC
Changes to the dice roller

The following requested changes have been mae to the dice roller.
  • The font size used for the results has been increased
  • Painted Yahtzee dice have been added (see above)
  • Target Totalizer dice have been added (see above) - a flexible way to roll a large number of dice and see exactly what spread of numbers were rolled.
  • [Admins only] The 'Delete All' button has been removed
  • [Admins only] A 'Check All' button has been added which will cause all result boxes to be checked. Used in conjunction with the Delete Checked button, this allows for the same functionality as the old 'Delete All' button without the potential for accidental deletion.
  • [Admins only] An 'Uncheck All' button has been added which will cause all result boxes to be cleared. This is for use when you clicked 'Check All' but didn't mean it.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: New Dice Roller Instructions - Sat 29/02/20 13:28 UTC
Other dice added to roller include:

Rainbow dice: db,dg,do,dp,dw,dy These provide a d6 result for dice coloured blue, green, orange, purple, white, yellow

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