DreamLyrics™ Play-by-Post
Posted By: Muddy Another life (not Second Life as I keep calling it!) - Sun 08/09/19 16:49 UTC
No, not that rather cheesy online game but rather one of the latest offerings from Netflix starring Katee Sackhoff.

Oh boy where to start with this one.

I dont want to spoil this too much so all I can say is watch it and judge for yourself, its one of those shows that is on many levels so bad its actually entertaining to watch- which is a shame because i like Katee Sackhoff as an actress (even though she pulls this very odd face all the time in this show).

It may have been better to have called this ‘whiney millennials in space’ but I had to watch it all the way to the end just to see how it ended and just how bad the dialogue and characters could get.

If any of you watches 'Best of the Worst' by Red Letter Media on U-Tube this would be a top contender.
With that review I almost want to see the movie now!
I came here to post about this show and Muddy beat me to the punch!

I agree that there's a lot of bad acting, a lot of stupid dialog, characters do every stupid thing they can do. I have a dozen of other similar complaints.

On the other hand, I could not tear myself away from it and binged it in 2 days and just loved it. Lower your expectations and just watch this. It could have been done much, much better but if you like sci-fi, this is worth the 7.5 hours of your time.
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