DreamLyrics™ Play-by-Post
Posted By: Neptune 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 03:50 UTC

The journey to Triboar is relatively uneventful. The weather was turning as it was the month of Marpenoth, Leaffall, and so fur lined cloaks were not out of the question, especially during the evenings.

Bern, Davroar, Jaliera, Kriv, Zhu

A dozen wagons departed Phandelin at dawn and traveled eastward on the Triboar trail. The road is familiar to Bern, Davroar, Jaliera and Kriv as they had used it often as they were searching for Gundren. Zhu, the eladrian that was friends with Luminmorn, had joined the caravan as it was heading in the direction of her destination, Silverymoon, which is where she was from.

The approach to Triboar has them passing several ranches. They were told that they were close as they found themselves traveling next to a 30 foot high escarpment on their left. When they regard the forest to their right, the wagonmaster says "Gwaeron's Slumber" (T24) which means something to rangers and druids. Gwaeron Windstrom, is the god of tracking "It is that Gwaeron comes to visit this mystical forest. Cutting wood and hunting are prohibited there."

At the end of the forest the wagons pass a trail leading up the escarpment towards farms (F) and on the right a decrepit wooden boarding house. A shingle that swings crooked on a single nail hammered into one corner reads "Six Windows Boarding House" (T14). Beyond that are more farms and soon they pass the "Frost-Touched Frog" (T13), a boarded up inn, the "Cart and Coin" (T8), an enterprise that sells and swaps horses and draft animals and all that is needed to care for them before entering the center of town.

The journey to Triboar is relatively uneventful. Arus did not know anyone else and the guards all seemed to be on high alert, not eager to have conversations. The caravan was large and included merchandise from more than just the Lionshield Coster. Several other merchants contributed wagons and supplied it's own personnel. That typicially included a driver for each wagon and a business agent. Arus was that business agent and was responsible for five wagons. In addition to the staff employed by merchant companies, the caravan as a while had arranged to for mercenary forces to escort it. Aside from a small group of orcs that were spotted fleeing into the hills there were no encounter. The large force was intimidating because of the sheer numbers of men.

It was a two day trip from Yartar. They followed the Evermoor Trail west through the Dessarin Valley with the Dessarin hills to their left. They entered Triboar watching the final bright clouds. Darkness would soon be complete. They passed was a small, quaint cottage on their right. It stood near a brightly painted barn topped with a pony-shaped weather vane. A white picket fence enclosed a field behind the barn. Set among the autumn flowers on the front lawn is a sign that reads "Merivold Pony Park" (T19). Several ponies can be seen in the enclosed yard.

Not far from there was another building. As they passed it a number of people, couples and groups entered. Since it was dusk, Arus assumed it was a restarant (T21). The folks seemed to be arriving from a large estate (T20) about 200 feet behind it. All Arus could get out of the wagon driver was "Them's places fer rich folks" and a sneer.

They left those buildings behind them and passed a few farms. Arus smiled as he spotted the next building, a store. Above the store's entrance hangs a polished shield emblazoned with the head of a stylized golden lion on a blue background. It was the Lionshield Coster (T6). The lights were out in the lower floors. Candlelight illuminated two of the windows in the upper floors. It was late and Arus quickly concluded that it was closed for business for the day. He saw a two members of the town militia patroling in front of it.

The caravans entered the center of Triboar, where the Long Road meets the
Evermoor Way and the Triboar Trail. It is a huge open space used as a market by local farmers and visiting peddlers. The market was almost completely shut down already. The cloudy sky had devoured sunshine all day but it began to rain just as the wagons made it into town. Soon it would be cold, dark and wet.

As the oxen turn into the plaza you see a two-story structure dominating it. The Tower of the Lord Protector (T1) is a simple stone keep that leans decidedly to the east. Hanging above the entrance is the dusty banner of the lord protector, which depicts three black boars running toward the head of the banner on a blood-red field.

The caravan's turn right into the town. The one from Yartar enter the North Caravan Campground (T2) while the caravan from Phandelin enters the West Carvan Campground (T3). The wagon drivers dismount and are greeted by workers who direct them to a specific area. This fenced-in field is evidently used as a place for caravans to park their wagons and contain their draft beasts for free. There’s also plenty of room to pitch tents and build campfires. Fresh water can be drawn from a 30-foot-deep stone well in the southeast corner of the yard.

There was a lot of work needed to get the caravans settled. The wind was picking up and there rain was coming down steady. By the time that was all taken care of there would be no chance to handle business. More important, with all the people entering town, those wanting to spend the night indoors would need to find accomodations quickly.

OOC: I clearly planned to bring everything together for the start of a new decade smile Clearly, even though Arus is in town, there's no need to metagame and force things. I've got it weg
[Linked Image]

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Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 09:42 UTC
[OOC Nep, is that Triboar in its entirety? I thought it was a sizable town, rival to Yartar.]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 12:07 UTC
ooc: That is the entirety of the town. Note the outlying ranches. Triboar is smaller than Yartar.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 12:19 UTC
[OOC Seems we have two caravans from Phandelin? grin ]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 12:35 UTC
OOC: I fixed paragraph #2 for Arus. His caravan is coming from Yartar.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 13:05 UTC
[[ She is talking about: "The caravan's turn right into the town. The one from Phandelin enter the North Caravan Campground (T2) while the caravan from Phandelin enters the West Carvan Campground (T3). " ]]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 13:07 UTC
They both turn right which means they actually turn the opposite ways from each other. One turns right to go south, the other turns right to head north.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 15:27 UTC

As she rides along next to the wagons she takes in the town. She passed through here on her way to Phandelin a few days ago, but she was hurrying and didn't stop to look. She notes with interest the comments about the woods, making a mental note to take a stroll there if the opportunity arises. Being protected from hunting and cutting should make it one of the rarer natural woodlands so near to a human settlement.

She lets the caravan drivers and workers get the animals and wagons settled into the wagon park, and while noting the lean of the central tower with a quirk of her lips she strolls across the street to take a look at some of the other places nearby. (T4, T5, & T9 should be easily visible)
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 16:16 UTC

He had felt the need to 'stretch his legs' a bit so had opted to walk. He enjoyed the 'hike' and was a little disappointed when they 'arrived' back in 'civilization'.

He spent some time helping the group 'set up camp'. It felt strange setting up a camp in the middle of town, but it was what it was he told himself.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 16:45 UTC
By the time you settle in, it is night and it's windy and raining is coming down. Shall we start making CON checks to see who gets pneumonia? It's 40F/4C degrees.

It's a good time to underscore this. We're starting this adventure in the Fall. Winter is coming(tm) and will be a factor. If any of you have looked at the maps and correlated where you're all heading, you'll note that your heading into colder climates.

I provided to you what you see from the caravans. T7 and T12 are to the north and the caravans did not pass them since the one from Phandelin came from the west and the one from Yartar came from the east. You can see buildings in the distance but not make out what they are. That doesn't mean that once you're all settled in you shouldn't get up and explore. That is what I am trying to get you guys to start doing.

Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 17:19 UTC
(OOC - I will edit above to make it more clear. T7, and even T12, are literally across the street from T2.)
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 17:48 UTC
[[ Ummmm ... so lets see ... he is a ranger ... used to living 'off the land', 'in the wild' ... and you are saying that a bit of cold weather ... in a town ... is going to be a problem?? Lemme just freeze to death now for being such a poor 'outdoors man' <shrug> ]]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 20:08 UTC
Zeim, My bad, I changed my post. Your caravan went into T3. It's probably what threw Gypsy off too. I'm good at these type-o's!

I'm sure he'll be alright, and I do want him and everyone exploring, but I was trying to make a point for the entire group going forward. Even a ranger, walking around in his birthday suit, is going to suffer from exposure if he doesn't take measures. The difference is that the ranger does have skills and spells that make it doable. 40 degrees ain't nothing but for future reference...

From the DMG, pg.110:


Whenever the temperature is at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the cold must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures wearing cold weather gear (thick coats, gloves, and the like) and creatures naturally adapted to cold climates.

So, which direction (out of T3) is Bern headed in?

Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 20:43 UTC
[[ 40 doesn't sound like 'extreme cold' to me. I go waling around in that ... with out 'winter gear' ... to get the mail ... go to the beer store for beer <shrug> But in the end it is your call. As to 'where' he is going ... he is waiting for members of his party to express their ideas before he settles on one <g> ]]
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 20:57 UTC
(OOC - OK, I'll edit it to where she is looking at T4, T5 & T9 then, which should be adjacent to T3.)
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 02/01/20 22:17 UTC
Zeim, As I said here I provided what you could see from the caravan. I'll assume that Zhu is taking a stroll, by herself, in the muck and rain to see the other places?
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 03/01/20 08:03 UTC

He helps the caravan workers with whatever is needed to speed things along with daylight quickly fading on them. If camp fires are needed he can easily get them going with his Druidcraft cantrip. While sleeping outdoors is nothing new to him, Davroar will take a short break from his work to find Jaliera and say to her, "There's that boarding house we passed if you want to hurry and see if a room is available for yourself?"
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 03/01/20 15:51 UTC
(OOC - Nep - I am not trying to be difficult, but T4, T5, & T9 are literally 10-20 feet away from T3. She should not have to do anything other than turn her head to see them.)
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 03/01/20 18:35 UTC
Zhu turns her head in the darkness and rain. She sees an open field to her south. It looks like a ranch but it's difficult to make out (T4) and some buildings beyond. Across that street there are other buildings but there are no visible signs (T5). Just across the campground fence there are buildings hidden from by the fence. They seem to be associated with the campground but there are no signs (T9).

OOC: I'm not trying to be difficult either, but I did give you the "boxed text" answers, whether you like them or not rotating heads simply won't get you more information. BTW, the descriptions I provided to you above could have been gleaned directly by looking at the map. Maybe I gave you a bit more for T9 but that really is right next door.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 04/01/20 12:47 UTC

It felt like a change of seasons.

The journey by wagon from Yartar was slow compared to river travel, but they'd taken the road at the driest time so it was faster than it would've been had they fallen foul of the rain.

Since the rain arrived at about the same time as his arrival at Triboar, Arus could welcome the colder, wet weather with open arms.

He saw the tile-roofed buildings through the growing murk, warm light leaking from the cracks in shutters.

It seemed sparsely populated for a town, but Arus was learning wealth never settled in quite the same way in the Savage Frontier.

In Yartar, it accumulated at the top, creating rich and poor, but in Triboar with its surrounding ranches, wealth appeared to be more evenly distributed, making it a town of affluent landowners, shopkeepers, hostelers and publicans.

Where Arus came from, the Protectorate essentially subsidised rural folk to stay where they were and maintain their traditional way of life. Most tritons would argue theirs was a more advanced civilisation than the primitive land-dwelling cultures of Faerûn, but Arus was widely-travelled below the waves and had seen the lavish lifestyles afforded to those in the capitals---arguably enjoying their traditional way of life also---the system ultimately amounted to bribing the poor to stay poor.

Yet Arus supported his country whole-heartedly. Until he learnt of a system that worked any better for people, there was no moral quandary. Since travelling on the continent, he'd certainly seen worse systems of governance (or lack of).

Rather than hunker beneath a hood, the triton let the rain wash through his thick, dark hair, standing guard whilst the team secured the caravan for the night.

Once done, he escorted his team-mates to where they were lodging but said he himself wanted to have a look around town first.

And yes, they might have stared at him gone-out, like he was a lunatic. Just a triton though: Resilient to the cold of the deep trenches, and darkvision would see Arus right.

Both were needed on such a gloomy evening. Breathing in the moist air, he hitched his woollen cloak over the paldrons of his plate armour and kept his trident upright, non-threatening. He still looked like a man-at-arms, and he was, but he was also off-duty.

Arus asked the guards outside the Lionshield Coster for directions to a decent inn nearby, and the place where local frontiersmen liked to drink. He was minded to find out more about humanoid movements in the area, after seeing the orc band in the hills earlier in the day.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 04/01/20 15:02 UTC

Although she didn't exactly come from the desert region of Calimshan, Jaliera is used to warmer climes and decides to buy some warmer clothing & spares before they set out on their latest adventure, looking for fur lined boots, gloves and cloak as well as other warmer clothing. It feels strange spending money on herself as this is really the first time she feels she has her own funds and the freedom to use them as she sees fit. Typically though she invests in items that will help her function in her chosen way of life.

The journey is largely uneventful, though more comfortable as the weather changes for the worst in the latter part of their journey. She passes the time mostly chattering to Davroar and enjoys his company and that of their companions.

She is glad to arrive back in some sort of civilisation. Though she enjoys the travelling and the different scenery they pass, she is not as at home in the wilderness as Davroar. She also helps the caravan to settle in.

A warm smiles touches her face though when Davroar suggests she might want to avail herself of the boarding house. Her answer is simple.

"I'd rather stay with you."
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 04/01/20 20:36 UTC
Bern, Davroar, Jaliera, Kriv, Zhu
The wagon drivers work quickly to secure their draft animals and set up a meager campsite for themselves there. These folk usually do not spend gold if they don't have to. Sleeping in an inn is a luxury, even in the rain. It is certainly an option to pitch tent there.

Just as the work to establish the campsite gets underway, two men walk into the compound with the hoods of their cloaks pulled over their heads to ward off the rain. From the looks of their clothes, they are well-off. "Could you not have come any later? Set up over there, not here!" one of them orders the men that were about to establish camp. Once they are close enough, you can see that the man that called out is wearing an eye patch over one eye. The other male looks to be half-elf.

Bern had taken a walk in the rain. He was used to the outdoors and precipitation was a good thing as it fed the plants and provided puddles of water for the animals to lap up. But he knew that most folks would consider it miserable weather. What few people there were in town seemed to be making their way indoors with some urgency, as if a little rain would melt them. He walked out of the campground into the market square. It was astounding to him how quick and efficient the merchants were when it came to shutting down and getting out of the rain. Being in the center of town, he had many directions he could decide to go.

While the wagon drivers all pitch tents in the campground, the mercenaries that accompanied the caravan made haste out of the rain to a building behind the other campground (T9). While interesting, Arus walks over to the Lion's Share, which is the name of the local franchise of the Lionshield Coster, and approaches the guard outside. The stocky dark haired man doesn't appear to be happy and places a hand on the hilt of the shortsword on his hip. "Halt!" he calls out before Arus even has a chance to say anything. "This here establishment be under the protection of the Lord Protector!"

He eases slightly once he realizes that Arus is not up to trouble but he's more officious than gracious in his answers. It's evident that the man's in a sour mood or that something about Arus bothered him. "There be the Northshield House (T10), up that way and the Boars Rest (T20) is that way." He first pointed to his right, which was a street that ran between the north campground and the Lion's Share. Then he pointed the other way, to the Evermoor Way, the road that Arus had taken into town. While he had not been near the Northshield House yet, he easily deduces that the second place, the Boar's Rest (T20), was the very expensive looking place behind the restaurant that they had passed coming in.

"The Frost Touched Frog is closed," he adds. "And there be the Six Windows yonder on the Triboar trail, if yer looking for a cheap place fer the night," he says as he points to the street that leads out of town opposite the way that the caravan entered.

"An iff'n yer just lookin for a drink or some food, yer can find the Pleasing Platter (T21) in front of the Boar's Rest and the Talking Troll (T12), which'n nobody's gonna mistake fer the Pleasin' Platter, around the campground on the Long Road headin' north. I be guessin' the best place for a Yartarians to go be the Talking Troll." The last was said with a look that hinted of contempt.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 04/01/20 21:13 UTC

He had considered just setting up a tent with the caravan. But it =had= been a while since he had enjoyed a soft bed. It would also give him a chance to 'get the skinny' on the town ... who the players were ... especially if there was an bar near at hand.

He settled on the Talking Troll. Is seemed a more likely place to get some 'good gossip' ... as well as a recommendation for lodging.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 04/01/20 22:40 UTC

"Thou art too kind." He replied drolly to the guard, and stepped back into the gloom.

For a moment he took in the street---dark, deserted, blurred with a steady, cold rain---and wondered if Triboar might've been a mistake. It seemed insular, small in all ways, but Arus told himself that it was just the late hour and the inclement weather giving that appearance.

People would be gathered. They would be talking and sharing news. He just had to find out where.

And he had just discovered that his shop in Triboar was under the direct protection of the local government. That was news to him.

So the triton walked with a purpose up the road to the Northshield House.

The goings on along Evermoor Way sounds expensive and exclusive, and he'd make no progress by walking through the door in scorched old armour he'd found in the Ooze Tomb.

Northshield House first. Meet the innkeeper, arrange lodgings, dump his pack and trident, then back out and to the Talking Troll. That was his plan.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 05/01/20 15:05 UTC

Speaking a word of his native tongue, the Dragonborn scholar lit up the glasstaff one more as the natural light faded, planting it where it would be of most use to those setting up the encampment. They had laboured hard to get them all here, and the worker was worth their wage, and it was no hardship to aid in their contribution to the common cause. The Noble would as like favour the inn, once the work here was done.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 05/01/20 19:27 UTC

She stands in the midst of the activity, observing with interest as the workers begin to setup their camp. She appears to pay the wet weather little concern, though she does pull up the hood of her cloak to cover her head. The shadows caused by the hood make her blue-white skin and silver eyes appear even more ethereal. She glances to each side, but without wandering around she determines it will be hard to see any more of the town from here.

She turns as the two men approach, her lips quirking into a small frown as the man with the eyepatch tells the workers to move their campsite. Looking over the ground she doesn't see the difference between one spot over the other and she wonders at the reason for the order. Clearly this man is in charge, to some degree, of the caravanserai, but is there any logic in the instruction for the men to move or is this man simply one of those who feels a need to order people about?

As the men pick up and move, she nods approvingly of Kriv's activating a light on his staff to help them see better and once they have a tent setup and have gathered some of the soaking wet wood into a pile she speaks a word and points, causing the wood to ignite into a comfortable campfire.

In the brighter light she examines the man with the eyepatch and his half-elf companion more closely for a few moments. Then, as Bern has wandered off and Davorar and Jaliera are huddled together she moves over to the Dragonborn. "I am willing to brave the elements in this campsite, or even better in the woods to the West. Otherwise, without wandering around town the only place to stay I noted was that 'Six Windows Boarding House' we passed on the way in."
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 07/01/20 08:30 UTC

He returns a smile to Jaliera for wanting to stay with him. He noticed that she bought new warmer clothing earlier for the trip and feels there is no need to push his suggestion to sleep under a roof. Instead he will gently wrap his arm around hers and says, "Let's see what Kriv and Zhu want to do." Walking with her over to where Zhu and Kriv are standing at the newly created campfire he holds out his hands to warm them up and comments, "Nice. Thanks Zhu for starting the fire. I saw that boarding house too when we came in. Should we check it out? Or should we find where Bern has wandering off to?"
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 07/01/20 20:16 UTC

She returns his smile and happily accepts him embrace and the suggestion to go chat with Kriv and Zhu. She does notice the two men, the one with the eye patch stands out but she continues to Kriv & Zhu with Davroar. She listens for a reply whilst taking advantage of the fire.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 08/01/20 13:39 UTC

Arus was a bit surprised that Triboar was so small. From all the talk he had heard about the town, it was never compared in size with Yartar. As he strolled to the Northshield House, he tried to make sense of it and soon it was obvious. Triboar sat at an important caravan crossroad. It made sense that a town would exist here. There was demand for a place for travelers to rest for a night before getting on their way. The town center itself was small, but the ranches and farms in the surrounding area meant that it was a sprawling community which was spread out quite a bit. As he made his way towards his intended destination, he passed more farmhouses than places of business.

The Northshield House turned out to be a nice, quiet inn. He could tell that it was well kept and tended to as he approached. He opened the door and stepped inside and his arrival was a signal for three large mastiffs to rise off the floor. They neither barked nor approached but they did seem to be very much on alert. "SIT" came the order to the dogs who were obedient and lowered themselves back to the ground. Arus could not help but notice that their focus was on him even as they were ordered to relax.

[Linked Image]
"Welcome to the Northshield House," was the greeting from a dark-skinned woman that rose from a seat behind a desk situated near the entrance way. "I am Urgala, your hostess. Will you be spending the night?"

Bern, having found his way to the street, also finds his way to some folks that are in the last stages of clearing out of the market to get directions to some places to grab a drink and he decides on a place called the Talking Troll. It is a short way down the north-south road on his left. As he opens the door to walk in, he is blasted by the odor of alcohol that has permeated wood. It was a dim, smelly, low-beamed place crammed with mismatched, battered old furniture and drunks. Part of the roof is open to the sky and at the moment, a steady but light rain was falling past two charred beams, washing away bird droppings that had covered the floor and tops of tables and chairs underneath it. Fortunately it was possible to skirt the vicinity of that area to reach the bar.

Davroar, Jaliera, Kriv, Zhu
Kriv illuminated the campground for those setting up camp and received thanks for shedding light for the workers as they toiled. And Zhu was thanked too as she provided a fire for them. These were minor tasks but their small gestures were appreciated by those who did not have their abilities.

It was becoming clear to Kriv now that Jaliera and Davroar had formed a bond that went beyond being traveling companions. The young rogue, barely having hit the age where she might be able to breed, had latched on to the druid. They came over and the quartet started a discussion about where to go next and where they might spend the night.

As the conversation commenced, the one-eyed man and his elven companion made their way over to the small grouping. As they got closer, the collective group could see them more clearly. The red eye patch over his eye was emblazoned with the black serpent symbol of the Zhentarim. He was dressed immaculately in a business man's suit. His companion, the suave half-elf, stayed by his side in a manner that hinted that he was there as a body guard. "Are you in charge of this caravan?" the man with the eyepatch asked the group.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 08/01/20 15:35 UTC

His first thought upon opening the door was that the Talking Troll had to be the =worst= give he had ever visited. But these places were usually a great source for local information. He made his way to the bar, keeping as near the walls as he could to avoid 'ambiance' provided by the fire that had apparently burned a hole in the roof.

He waited for the bartender and ordered a whiskey when he arrived.

He leaned his back against to bar and, drink in hand, and as he sipped, he scoped out the patrons.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 10/01/20 18:59 UTC
(at Northshield House)

He made sure to wipe his feet on the mat, then unpin and hang his sodden cloak on the stand by the door.

It would be rude to do otherwise.

Approaching the desk, Arus gave Urgala a charming smile considering his rough countenance.

The dogs reminded him of the houndsharks his caretaker kept when he was a boy. Loyal creatures, fierce when called upon but content to mind their own business.

So he gave them no obvious attention and kept a respectful distance from their owner.

"Aye, ma'am, I hope to."

Arus looked around at the well-worn furnishings of a clean and tidy house, and recalled his time lodged at the fleapit in Yartar. Whitewings. Northshield House was luxury by comparison.

"Though surely every traveller in town must want to stay here?" He said to the lady of the house.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 12/01/20 02:38 UTC

The Dragonborn noble glanced over the pair of Zhent-aligned mammals and weighed his words with care. Speaking authoritatively,

"It would be more accurate to say we are responsible for its protection. Whom would wish to know those in charge, and why?"
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 13/01/20 00:18 UTC
Out on the carvan camping grounds, the man covering his head from the rain with the sleeve of his cape answers Kriv directly.

"Yes. Formalities. My apologies, the rain came suddenly. We need to check you in. My name is Urlam Stockspool and I run the caravan company. My associate here is Valken Naspeer. Hmmm. Responsible for it's protection? It would seem that you are a spokesperson, at the very least. Would you mind if we stepped out of the rain. We should speak inside." Urlam indicates going inside a building adjacent to the grounds (T9). It was the same building that the mercenary guards had hurried into.

Over at the Talking Troll, Bern walks in and moves over to the bar, watching his footing with every step. Many of those wood panels that were the floor under his feet were rotten from many rains and slippery with moss and algae. Over at the bar, where it was dry. The bartender sees you approach and lays down a notebook he was reading under some torchlight and approaches the ranger at the bar. "Whiskey it is my good man. I shall be back in a moment."

And he was back with the drink in a moment. Bern might have expected rotgut but his first sip is surprising. It was rich but subtle and well balanced and it warmed his insides as slid down as the back of his throat, as smooth as any he had tasted before. It was good, really good. "What do you think?" the bartender asked.

The hostess over at the Northshield House smiled at Arus's suggestion that her place was the favorite of travelers to the town. "Thank you for the compliment. I like to think this is a good place to stay. You honor me by saying so. There are other places I guess. It's a gold piece per night and I have only a few rooms left. Harvesttide is just recently over and a number of caravans have pulled into town.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 13/01/20 13:15 UTC

He that first sip brought an unexpected smile to his face. He turned to the bartender when he spoke. "Don't take this the wrong way, but it is unexpectedly good ... considering", he made an exaggerated 'glance' at the hole in the ceiling, "the ...decor", he said with a shrug.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 13/01/20 15:15 UTC

Waiting with Kriv, Jaliera, and Davroar she lets the Dragonborn lead the conversation. In the meantime she simply observes the man and his bodyguard closely.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 13/01/20 20:50 UTC
(At Northshield House)

The triton laid his hand on the desk, then withdrew it leaving a gold coin.

"Never was a gold piece better spent." He said with an alluring smile.

It was a steep price but it might only be for the night. He wasn't going to crawl the town looking for lodging at this hour, and sleeping in the street would make entirely the wrong impression.

1 gp seemed to him at least a fair price. It was a homely house indeed.

"My name is Arus. Arus Ahlorsath.

"I should like to leave my pack in my room, if I may. Then I said I would meet with the rest of my caravan. How late do you serve food?"
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 13/01/20 21:15 UTC
OOC: With Gypsy tending to Tusk, I aim to give our fearless leader some time to react. It's important that she's part of the thread. I'll respond to everyone once everyone posts something.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 13/01/20 21:50 UTC

She smiles at Kriv before turning to the two strangers.

"I suppose it would be even more accurate to say that we were the caravan's protection as we have other business here. Perhaps you could tell us more of the town as you seem to be the authority here?"
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 13/01/20 22:16 UTC

"Let's go inside and talk."

He turned and started walking to the building. His assistant did to. The fact that he turned away gave you the clear sense that this was a non-negotiable demand. Considering that the caravan parked in his plot of land, he would have authority.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 13/01/20 22:59 UTC

She glances around the group and shrugs, as if to say, **Well, at least we'll be out of the rain.** She then moves to follow, unless one of the others objects.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 14/01/20 04:38 UTC

He inclined his head slightly at Zhu's glance, affirming the call to follow the locals within. As they went, protocol demanded that, with their names given, He followed suit.

"Kriv Norixius of Norixius Keep. 'Spokesperson' fits well enough."
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 14/01/20 05:29 UTC

He follows along with the rest as well as giving his own name to complete the introductions.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 14/01/20 14:21 UTC

"Zhuirentel Elendaril of Silverymoon." She offers her name as well, watching the man for any reaction. After all he wears his Faction Association to the Zhentarim brazenly on his eye-patch, and Silverymoon and Zhentil Keep are traditionally on opposites sides of most issues.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 14/01/20 21:26 UTC

She offers her name too and moves with the others so that she can hear what is said.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 16/01/20 18:55 UTC

At Northshield House

"We expect travelers to arrive hungry in the evening" Urgala says, smiling at Arus. "Here is your key. The room number is on it. Put away your gear, go tend to your business. Come to the dining room when you can. Sovarish will serve you and if his shift ends, Manisol will be able to fetch you somethings we save for late arriving guests. Your gold here buys you one meal too. It's a good deal, I think!"

Urgala has a very welcoming manner about her, a trait that has surely worked well for her in the hospitality business. Arus was used to the stares and turned heads because of his exotic looks but he got none of that from this woman. She accepts the gold piece from Arus, hands him the key and points to steps behind her. "Your room, as are all rooms, is upstairs. The dining hall is past the stairs there on this main floor."

At the Talking Troll

Bern is surprised by the manner in which he is responded to. The proprietor, a tall, thin man raised his arm dramatically towards the charred beams above, averted his eyes from it and then threw his head back in a dramatic way with the back of his other hand pressed against his forehead, letting his long, straight locks drape down his back. He then said with an impassioned wail "Alas, the thatched roof of my place as set ablaze, chilling the spirits of my fine clientele!"

Then his visage changed in another overly dramatic manner to that of a man exuding pride and honor. "My great customers deserve nothing but the best that their coin can buy." He extends a hand in greeting and adds, "I am Kaelen Sarssir at your service!"

The Triboar Travelers

Urlam turns around once on his way over the building to see if the group all followed. Satisfied, he stops again only as he reaches the door to open it. There is a sign on the door. It is small and would have been virtually impossible to see from the road. It read "The Triboar Travelers". Once the door is open, he walks in but his associate, the half elf lingers by the threshold to usher the visitors in.

Once inside the building, you see a number of other people, men and women. They are appear to be mercenary guards. Before talking to your group, Urlam says to them, "Alright. Everything seems to be in order with you. Did everything go well?"

One of the others, a burly man, says, "Easy job boss. No real troubles. We saw some orcs up in the hills but when they saw us they fled into their holes and we didn't chase."

"Great. Good job. Here's your payment." Urlam hands the man a money purse. The man looks inside it, smiles and then turns to the other men. "What do you say? Let's go spend some of this gold?"

With that, the other group departs as a whole leaving Davroar, Jaliera, Kriv and Zhu alone with Urlam and his associate.

"Those guards work for me and they do a great job. Very reliable. We don't tolerate slackers and troublemakers. We have been trying to build a good reputation and I think we're doing very well. The reputation of the Zhentarim has improved much in recent years and I'm doing my part. That leads me to you. You must not be aware, so I forgive you for that, but all caravan guards are to operate through my company. We cannot have rogue groups doing that job."

He pauses there to allow responses.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 16/01/20 19:16 UTC

He was just about to ... comment ... on the overly dramatic 'tale' when he realized it was a put on of some sort for some reason.

"Pleased to meet you Kaelen", he said extending his hand. I am Bern. And I just arrived with the caravan. But I have to ask ...", he continued after a short pause. "It is apparent that the 'damage' was done some time ago. Why have you not repaired it", he asked. "Do you welcome 'nature' into your fine establishment ... or are you so focused on providing your customers such wonderful ... beverages that there is not enough coil left to fix the roof?"

He did include a grin ... hoping to show his 'interest' with out any 'condemnation'.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 16/01/20 20:27 UTC

She waits for Kriv to reply, as he has taken the lead in conversing with Urlam, although now that they've all arrived in Triboar the group's role in protecting the caravan is done anyway so she doesn't see any issues.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 17/01/20 02:01 UTC

The Dragonborn made full use of his considerable height, noble mien and inscrutable, inhuman features as he met Urlam’s gaze. A manipulative feeder line about the Zhentarim’s reputation might gull the unwary, but ‘improved’ did not mean ‘positive’, certainly not at this time.

“No forgiveness is necessary, since we are by no means ‘caravan guards’ as you appear to think of them, and have at no point claimed that designation. We are responsible for its protection, certainly, and thus should anything untoward happen we would exact restitution from those responsible down to the last copper piece with interest, but as you say, your people are responsible for making sure nothing like that happens here. It will be an intriguing measure of where the Zhentarim stand these days, certainly, but I am sure that we can both report there are no rogue groups operating here. Do we have an understanding?”
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 17/01/20 16:22 UTC

He took the key, giving his thanks.

Arus wasn't consciously charming, he didn't turn it on for the ladies. It was just his triton character, raised to always be courteous even when despatching an enemy at swordpoint.

Perhaps it was a form of discipline. A paladin had to somehow distinguish themselves from the foes they fought, since there was often little to distinguish their deeds.

It would be disingenuous to say that Arus was ambivalent to women though. He loved them and loving was his favourite past-time.

Though Urgala wasn't interested, the triton was unfazed, not looking for a distraction. He wanted to get to the tavern and pursue his mission.

So he didn't linger long in his room, depositing his pack and rather conspicuous trident. It hadn't seemed so out of place in the river town, Yartar. There were no fish to spear in Triboar unless they were already served on a plate.

Arus ripped off a couple of pieces of dried sausage from his rations, then headed out.

In the hallway, he threw the morsels to the mastiffs as he retrieved his cloak.

"Don't wait up." He said to them wryly.

Then he ventured forth into the night, into the town. To the sign of the Talking Troll.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 29/01/20 22:54 UTC

The rain started to abate a bit as the triton made his way towards the Talking Troll. Nothing seemed far away in the town center and this was a only a short stroll from the Northshield House. He walked in and knew immediately that this was not a high class place.

As he opens the door to walk in, he is blasted by the odor of alcohol that has permeated wood. It was a dim, smelly, low-beamed place crammed with mismatched, battered old furniture and drunks. Part of the roof is open to the sky and at the moment, a steady but light rain was falling past two charred beams, washing away bird droppings that had covered the floor and tops of tables and chairs underneath it. Fortunately it was possible to skirt the vicinity of that area to reach the bar. Over there he sees a man, with a bow slung over his shoulder, talking to the bartender.

OOC: OK sue me. I cut-n-pasted from a previous post. But I figured that we might as well handle the "chance" meeting of Arus and Bern. And I purposely didn't have the barkeeper answer Bern's question just yet.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 30/01/20 13:01 UTC

He wasn't in any 'rush' to accost the patrons. He wanted a to enjoy a drink first, and use the time to 'scope' the place. He leaned against the bar waiting for the bar tender to take his order.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 30/01/20 13:37 UTC
At The Triboar Travelers - Davroar, Jaliera, Kriv & Zhu

Urlam smiles as Kriv articulates their purpose here and insures him that they were not acting as typical caravan guards. "We deal with the caravans themselves but many enterprises add 'extra' experienced protection these days. I understand that, but it cuts into business and takes gold out of the hands of our guards. It's not acceptable but it is forgivable, under the correct circumstances."

It seemed the matter was not quite settled in Urlam's mind but that there could be a solution of sorts. He then turns to look at Jaliera. She had made a statement that he did not comment on when out in the rain. But now, inside, he says to her, "You said that you are out here on other business?"
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 30/01/20 17:23 UTC

She smiles.

"Yes, our principal reason for coming here is to trace a dagger we found recently, which we believe came from here."
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 30/01/20 19:48 UTC
(at The Talking Troll)

The door opens and he steps in, hooded and cloaked against the rain. In the smoky, ruddy light, his face is hidden in shadow, fortunate as his expression is stern.

"Those bloody guards." He mutters under his breath, "Thanks for the tip."

They must have thought it a fine jape when they pointed Arus in the direction of The Talking Troll.

But as far as the stranger knows this might be the only open tavern in Yartar and besides, he's rather taken with the hole in the roof. The freshening effect on the common room's close atmosphere is laudable.

So Arus unpins his wet cloak and slings it heavily onto a nearby hook.

He wears a suit of armour, its steel discoloured by acid or fire, and a sword hung from his belt. It's a mismatched ensemble, like detritus from several different shores washed up on one.

Another caravan guard, no doubt.

His face has a rugged charm but his features are strange even in the Savage Frontier. Skin a shade of teal blue, though still pinkish around the eyes and pointed ears.

Long black hair hangs thickly from his head, though it too has a hint of green.

If he's an elf then he is an unusually stocky one, and upon entering the light around the bar, a keen observer might notice rigid looking slots in his neck like gills.

Arus moves easily in his plate and leans in with his forearm on the bar, looking around the room with casual interest.

Lots of cheap beer sloshing in tankards. Blue kaorph seemed ubiquitous throughout the Sword Coast to Arus but he doubts the drink has yet reached The Talking Troll in Yartar.

Instead, he glances over to the patron beside him at the bar, obviously an archer by the well-made bow and wearing travelling garb. Another stranger in town?

"What dost thou drink?" Arus asks.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 30/01/20 20:01 UTC

At the sound of the door, he turns to watch the 'newcomer' enter.

He certainly wasn't 'bashful', hanging his cloak, exposing his 'lineage'. Part elf ... part something ... 'aquatic'? It was not a 'look' he had ever seen before.

He smiled and nodded as the stranger 'approached'.

"I =think= it is =supposed= to be a beer of some sort", he offered. "Not sure whether the wine or the liquor would be a safer choice", he added with a shrug.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 31/01/20 10:55 UTC
(at The Talking Troll)

"Fair enough" He says, turning to the barkeep.

"One beer, two wines, two liquors." Arus orders, not forgetting, "My thanks."

Having done so, he turns back to the other traveller with a wry grin.

What would an observer make of this bowman standing at the bar? What does Arus see?
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 31/01/20 13:00 UTC
[Linked Image]

[[ Not sure why the pic isn't showing <sigh> But you should be able to click on it <g> ]]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 01/02/20 02:54 UTC
At The Triboar Travelers - Davroar, Jaliera, Kriv & Zhu with Urlam and Valken

"A dagger you say? Surely a dagger isn't worth a crowd like this?"

With the way he turned and glared with his one eye at Jaliera first and then by his reply, which was in the form of a question, it would seem that Urlam was on to the fact, coupled with what Kriv had said, that there was a deeper meaning behind Jaliera's statement. After he asked his question, directly of that young woman, he waited for her answer with a wry smirk. His associate, the suave half elf, folded his arms and also smiled.

Urlam Insight - Neptune rolled 1d20+4 and got 22. With that good an insight roll, I'm going to give any attempts to get over on him disadvantage.

Kaelen the owner of the Talking Troll Tavern

"Indeed! Indeed!" the man tending bar said. "I'll tell you my tale later. First I shall fetch the drinks for this fine gentleman," he said to Bern as he backed away somewhat dramatically and then turned to pour the drinks. He returned in a very short while with the six beverages.

"Let me know what you think?"
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 01/02/20 12:53 UTC

He dug a couple of gold pieces out of his pouch and laid them on the bar by the time the drinks arrived.

He took a small 'sampling' sip from each of the glasses ... lightest to strongest ... judging each in turn.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 01/02/20 17:30 UTC

"It was used to harm a friend of ours." She says simply. "We're looking for the person who bought it."

All true, even if a bit misleading.

Zhu Persuasion
Zeim rolled d20+7 and got 18
Zhu Persuasion - disadvantage roll
Zeim rolled d20+7 and got 19
Result = 18
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 02/02/20 10:05 UTC

His eye roams the room for signs of interest, other travellers, any unhappy drinkers, games being played and instinctively if unintentionally, the women.

Arus takes off his gauntlets, ready to pay for the drinks he'd ordered and raises an eyebrow when the bowman steps in first with his own coin. So the man approved of Arus's gesture but shows that he can buy his own drinks. A man of proud independence perhaps? Or perhaps just an outlander, unused to socialising.

Arus tastes each of the beverages, considers, then adds the wine and the liquor to the tankard of beer; a fine old military tradition. The flavour is such that it won't make a huge difference to the enjoyment.

"My name is Arus. Arus Ahlorsath." He says, turning again to his new drinking companion and holding out his hand.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 02/02/20 12:59 UTC

He raised an eyebrow when ... 'Arus' ... 'consolidated' all his drinks into one. Strange custom.

He accepted the offered hand. "Bern", he replied, adding a firm handshake.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 02/02/20 18:29 UTC
At The Triboar Travelers - Davroar, Jaliera, Kriv & Zhu with Urlam and Valken

All true, even if a bit misleading.

Not true, but inconsequential. All that you know (suspect actually) is that the dagger was used in an attempt to pry out the Forge of Spells.

Urlam thinks for a moment and then nods, understanding.

The other man, from the back, says "Revenge? Nasty business that." He's sitting down, rolling a coin between his fingers. "How's the dagger going to help you find him?"

At the Talking Troll Tavern - Bern, Arus and Kaelen

All of the drinks that Kaelen pours for his two new patrons are, at the very least, good.

After Arus tastes from each of the glasses he wonders whether he really wants to mix them.

The beer he brings out is a hefty stout as black as ink and nearly as thick as the snows of the Spine of the World. It has a sweet flavor and a frothy head. The wine is a surprisingly sweet white with a slightly nutty aftertaste. Its wonderful taste and full body are further enhanced for romantic evenings by its prominent silver and green luminescence. He had poured it from a ceramic bottle, which is unusual. The liquor was a dark red fruity sherry that had just a slight hint of fiery spiciness to it.

"Lurien's Best, Alurlyath and Cherryfire. Tell me what you think?" Kaelen says.

At just about that moment, the rain starts pouring back in again in sheets. The owner sighs. A patron that was asleep, with his head on a table suddenly wakes as he is splashed. He rises quickly and either slips in one of the many puddles or trips over his own feet,and falls to the ground where he stays.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 02/02/20 19:20 UTC

He smiles as he takes another sip of the stout. "They are =all= first rate and certainly worthy of any man in need of a dram." He might have had more 'exuberance' to offer, but he was distracted by the man who seemingly managed to trip over his own feet. Was he really that drunk, he wondered as he turned his attention in that direction. He was beginning to wonder if the man might need some ... 'assistance'.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 02/02/20 21:43 UTC
(OOC - She didn't say the harm was physical in nature. Breaking into the mine and trying to pry out the forge was harmful to the Dwarves and the party as it put the miners on edge and caused the headache of additional guards and so forth."Harm" is the relative phrase. No big deal.)
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 03/02/20 18:26 UTC

"Well before we can find him.. or her.. we need to know whose dagger it was."

She glances at Davroar as he is quiet. She wonders if anything is amiss.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 03/02/20 19:22 UTC
(at The Talking Troll)

He tips his head to the barkeep in respect, but Arus has strange tastes and perhaps stranger customs.

With his beverages amalgamated, he also turns to spectate, talking with Bern as he does.

"So Bern, art thou new in town?"
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 03/02/20 19:50 UTC

"Just arrived today with a caravan. This =does= seem to be a town that relies and 'travelers'", he said with a grin as he took a sip of the ale that had been 'presented'.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 04/02/20 19:08 UTC
(at The Talking Troll)

"Aye," He agrees with Bern, "though they're none too fond of folk from Yartar-on-the-river."

"Whence did thy caravan come? Down from Longsaddle?"
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 04/02/20 19:26 UTC

"Any idea why they don't like folks from Yatar", he asked out of curiosity.
[[ ummm ... where =did= we come from <g> ]]
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 05/02/20 09:19 UTC
(at The Talking Troll)

"Historic rivalry, so I hear." Says Arus, "Triboar is built around the caravan business, Yartar river barges. They compete for trade."

He takes a swig of his drink.

"I should know, I just came from Yartar mine own self.

"Thou didst not say from where thee came?"
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 05/02/20 13:17 UTC

"I don't get it", he said with a frown. "The river folk would have almost no business since they cannot sail on land. And I would think that the caravans would welcome the speed and ease of travel on the water when that was useful", he said shaking his head.

"No where really. I have not had what you would call a 'home' since I was a boy. I just happened upon the caravan and decided to travel here with them. It has been a while and there are things I need to get."
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 05/02/20 16:51 UTC
Kaelen - at the Talking Troll

He sighs as he hears the discussion and looks askance of Arus when he says that he's from Yartar.

"You are not Yartarian, are you?" he asks.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 05/02/20 17:04 UTC
Urlam - at the Triboar Travelers

"I assume then, since you did not get a description and do not even know if it was a male or female, that your friend is dead. How awful. It is strange for a murderer to leave a weapon behind. That is a foolish thing. Was your friend robbed or do you suspect something worse? I ask because of concern. If there's a murderer about, we should be alert."
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 05/02/20 20:49 UTC
(at The Talking Troll)

"No, I am not." He answers the barkeep, Kaelen. "Though, how long does one have to stay in a place for it to become a moniker?

"Perhaps I am like Bern the Traveller here?"

Arus ponders this for a moment, before raising his tankard to Bern and Kaelen.

"A toast." He says, "'No place is home.'"

He doesn't elaborate but he does have a house. Far away and deep deep down, a terraced house back in the Protectorate. Came cheap as it overlooks a race course; noisy on race days. The state is presumably still paying for its upkeep.

[I'll take this opportunity to link you to Welshly Arms' excellent album, No Place Is Home. Bought it Gypsy for Xmas.]
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 05/02/20 21:07 UTC

He raised his mug in response to the toast. But his mind was 'burred' in his past.

It =did= ring true. While he knew that he hadn't really had a home for a very long time, he did ... occasionally ... wonder what had happened to the place his father had built for his family ... before ... =that= day.

[[ nice! ]]
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 06/02/20 09:29 UTC

He is fine with what the others have said so far and really has nothing to add to the conversation at this time. Kriv is the better speaker, and Davroar figures he just might say something stupid like he has done in the past. For now he just gives Jaliera a reassuring smile.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 06/02/20 18:23 UTC

She smiles back at Davroar, slipping an arm through his, happy to let Zhu fend the question as it had been her statement that had provoked it. She is not comfortable lying.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 06/02/20 18:38 UTC

She looks at the others. Kriv had been taking the lead on conversing here, but since she made a statement attention had shifted her way so she mentally shrugs and continues.

"I don't believe I ever specified what harm had befallen, but the one we are looking for is indeed at least partially responsible for murder. We cannot provide a description. He is able to take on different faces."

From what Luminmorn told her, the Doppelganger had been part of the Black Spider's crew, and that crew had murdered Tharden Rockseeker. If Urlam is part of the local authorities here then she is obliged to work with him, at least to some extent.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 07/02/20 03:20 UTC

The Dragonborn was leery with parting with too much information to what some might uncharitably call Zhentish racketeers, whom for all they knew might well be in league with their foes, or better predisposed to them.

"It would seem unlikely that we would find them right here in this town, though not impossible. If they were retracing steps, perhaps, but they would be up to a week ahead of us if so, and I suspect most folks would pass through. So, if they were coming back this way, if they stayed, if this place was significant to them. But nothing solid in a sea of ifs to offer as a reason for greater than usual vigilance."
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 07/02/20 14:16 UTC

She thinks over what Zhu had said. She hadn't thought of it that way but yes, that is the nux of it. Nothing to add herself, she does however nod, backing up what her companions had said.
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 08/02/20 05:57 UTC

He is impressed with Zhu's and Kriv's eloquence in telling Urlam just enough to hopefully satisfy him. Davroar knows enough now to keep his barbarian tongue silent when it comes to things like this. Thinking it might be a good time to get off topic he says to Jaliera, "I'm hungry. Let's find a good spot to eat." The inside of Triboar Travelers is not smelling nice at all to him, and wonders where those mercenaries went off to spend their money.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 08/02/20 11:14 UTC

"That's a good idea."

She smiles at him before turning back to the two men.

"Any recommendations?"
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 09/02/20 11:47 UTC

As Bern drinks in the company of his own thoughts, Arus watches the tavern's drunkard slip and slide in the muck on the floor. Arus grew up under the sea but tritons built many dry settlements on the seabed in enchanted bubbles of air.

Yet dirt isn't something they really found in their world. Sand and rock, yes, but not mud. Arus is reminded of the very first lesson he'd learnt about the surface world. It's dirty, and there's not always an ocean of water you can step into to clean off.

Arus is not afraid of getting dirty but cleanliness is important to him, a natural reaction to his earlier life beneath the waves.

The Talking Troll certainly inspires further exploration of the subject but a different question has occurred to the paladin.

A question of a far more lavish establishment. He turns to the barkeep.

"Barkeep, what knowest thou of the fancy inn south of town? Its clientele aren't local, whence do they come?"
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 17/02/20 19:35 UTC
Kaelen - at the Talking Troll

He leans over and whispers to Arus, serious and somewhat alarmed.

"'Tis good that you are not one to claim to be from Yartar. 'Twill be better if you say not that you even stayed in that place.
There is no love lost between Yartar and Triboar. That I can tell you both."

He sees Bern glance over to the man on the floor, but continues about the conflict.

"Those who are polite about it call it a rivalry, but when real blood is shed, as often as it has been when flareups occur, even a skilled thespian such as myself finds it difficult to feign calm. I cannot tell you how many brawls have broken out there, on this floor, because someone suspected that one from the river town is here."

Then he addresses Bern's glance at the man on the ground. "He is drunker than usual, but it is hard to tell. Sad what has befallen that priest."

When questioned about the inn which is south he replies, "The Everwyvern House. Yes, it's indeed expensive, quite expensive. It caters to Waterdeep's nobility and other well-to-do folk, those who would never cross the threshold of this place. Yes, it is run by that Illuskan peacock, Draven Millovyr."

OOC: Mike, To answer your question, 'ummm ... where =did= we come from <g>', check out the Geography thread in the SKT Geography sub-forum. I'll comment futher in the OOC thread after I finish posting for both groups.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 17/02/20 19:54 UTC
[[ been looking at the maps. Very helpful, thanks. But looking forward to any 'help' ya wanna give me in any event. I need all the help I can get <weg> ]]


He nodded at the 'info' from Kaelen on the fellow on the floor. He wondered ... as he has in the past when presented with the like ... what had driven the man to such an extreme situation.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 17/02/20 20:38 UTC
Urlam - at the Triboar Travelers
The one-eyed man is taken aback and the rest of the party can see his associate squirm and then straighten up a bit when Zhu mentioned that the person they were chasing had shape-changing capabilities. Urlam didn't comment on that but focused on the murder. "I asked if it was a robbery but rarely does one send out a posse for a horse thief," he states bluntly to the eladrin before returning his attention to Kriv.

"And a murderer is a danger to us all. Perhaps you should bring such information to the authorities here? That is what law abiding folk would do, would you not say? You've deemed Triboar significant enough to come here as part of your investigations. I suspect that you are being as forthcoming as you deign reasonable. You have your reasons."

It was clear to Kriv by the man's tone that Urlam suspected that more was afoot with the quartet. "If you do not know what the suspect looks like, how do you intend find your prey?" It was said separately, to underscore that indeed, he had caught the part about shape-shifting.

Then Jaliera asked about lodging and that broke the tension and Urlam let out a laugh. "Not what I would expect to hear out of a lass when murder's afoot! Sure. There are places to stay in town. Most guards set up tents in the campground. You've been on the road and no matter how much gold you have, they won't let you into the Everwyvern House looking like that. Not that you aren't pretty, they just cater to nobles and the upper class. The Northshield House is a good place to stay but with two caravans arriving this evening, it may book up. Then there's Six Windows. I don't recommend it. I would camp before staying there."
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 18/02/20 12:13 UTC

She smiles back at Urlam.

"Thanks. I expect we might just be camping then."

Then she grins.

"Of course we have only just arrived and it would be helpful to know who is the authority here?"
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 18/02/20 15:20 UTC
(OOC - Not a big deal, but here is Urlam's post:

"I assume then, since you did not get a description and do not even know if it was a male or female, that your friend is dead. How awful. It is strange for a murderer to leave a weapon behind. That is a foolish thing. Was your friend robbed or do you suspect something worse? I ask because of concern. If there's a murderer about, we should be alert." - so he did specifically ask about Murder as well as robbery. I knew I heard the word Murder someplace. )
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 18/02/20 19:54 UTC
Urlam - at the Triboar Travelers

He answered Jaliera's question directly. "The current Lord Protector is Darathra Shendrel. You're likely to find her in the 2-story tower in the center of town."

The building is right in the center of town and obvious to find.

ooc: Yes, Urlam suggested "murder", as part of a probing investigative question and Zhu confirmed it to an extent, providing the information he we trying to extract with that particular line of questioning.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 19/02/20 05:37 UTC

"I refer you to my earlier answer," the Dragonborn deadpanned. "Tell me, is it reasonable to insist that there is a murderer present in town on such an unlikely confluence of events which would have been required to have happened for them to be here, here and now? You may trust that we will carry out all necessary due diligence as required by law, and to refrain from imposing our business upon either you or upon the Lord Protector without cause. Rest assured you need not be burdened by our actions here, or the details of them."
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 19/02/20 11:34 UTC
(at The Talking Troll)

He's heard of Waterdeep---who hasn't?---but he has never been. He came inland through Neverwinter.

Interesting that Waterdhavian nobles come to Triboar for the food and entertainments at Everwyvern House. Arus doesn't suspect anything sinister, just a lot of excessive wealth and time to spend it.

Triboar is on the road, about halfway between Waterdeep and Mirabar after all... the latter being the second most fabulous city in all the land, from what Arus hears.

"Rich pickings for bandits, I'd say." Arus muses aloud, to both the barkeep and Bern.

"Is that what game these Red Brands in Phandelin are up to? I hear they're a bad bunch."
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 19/02/20 12:58 UTC

"Which is why they tend to have a lot of guards", he said with a nod.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 19/02/20 17:54 UTC
OOC: A reminder about the "Redbrands". That was a test Mike, you eradicated the Redbrands in Phandelin in chapter 2 of LMP. Tresender Manor, where Luminmorn stayed, was their HQ.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 19/02/20 18:10 UTC

"Is it reasonable to insist that there is a murderer present in town? I wasn't the alarmist who came into town with a team to find this person. Your little elven friend their said that the dagger was used to harm a friend. I wondered if murder was afoot and she confirmed it. And here you are, at least four of you, chasing down leads in Triboar. What are we supposed to believe? And to top it all off, you don't know what this person looks like. I think it's reasonable to assume that, whether or not you are totally forthright, that yes, there's a good chance that the murderer is here. It seems like a logical conclusion and the fact that you are downplaying the danger verbally, but sent a team, is that the danger is real. So I don't insist on anything, not even the truth. You've led me to my conclusions and raised the alarm, whether you like it or not. In the morning Valkan and I will take what precautions that we deem necessary. When your business impacts my business, it's my business. And while I don't always agree with the Lord Protector, I respect her and will inform her of your presence here and the purpose ... whether it suits you or not."
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 19/02/20 20:44 UTC

"I doubt he is here, but it certainly is a possibility and it makes sense to take precautions. Feel free to tell the Lord Protector, of course. All I'd ask is if you do catch him to turn him over to us, Justice awaits him in Phandalin." She replies simply, a bit uncertain why all of these word games seem to be necessary.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 19/02/20 20:51 UTC
[[ Sorry. Not sure why I thought that was 'to me'. Slearly I am getting too old for this <sigh> Post removed ]]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 21/02/20 20:15 UTC
Urlam - at the Triboar Travelers

"Consider her 'told'. It's probably best she doesn't hear about this second hand," the Zhent said to Zhu. He then turned to Jaliera and added, "It's an ugly night out there. You might still want to try and check out the Northshield House. If they're not full, it's much more comfortable and far less smelly than the campgrounds.

With that he seems to have finished with the quartet and his new but terse responses hinted at a level of suspicion of them.

Kaelen - at the Talking Troll

"Don't be fooled about this town. The center is small but most of the residents live in the farms and homesteads outside the center. This place is no easy pickin's for thieves and bandits."

The man on the floor, that Kaelen had identified as a priest, tries to stand but he can barely muster sitting up on the wet floor.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 22/02/20 10:30 UTC
(at The Talking Troll)

The triton nods in reply to the barkeep. Duly noted.

He drains the last of his tankard with one vigorous gulp and sets it down on the bar.

"I think the priest here has had enough of the divine spirit this evening." He says to Kalaen and Bern before politely excusing himself.

He walks over and offers his hand to the drunken priest.

"Permit me to lend thee a hand, my good man."
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 22/02/20 12:53 UTC

He nodded. "A pleasure", he said holding a hand to Arus. "And don't hesitate to ask if you need a little help with your charge", he added with a grin.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 24/02/20 18:53 UTC
Drunken priest - at The Talking Troll

The man glances up from the ground and blinks a few times - a good indication that he's alive.

"Whatchawan?" the priest says with a pronounced slur in his voice.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 24/02/20 19:07 UTC
Kaelen - at the Talking Troll Tavern

While Arus goes over to help the priest, the barkeep continues his conversation with Bern, "So it was never my dream of owning a tavern. No, no. I have much bigger plans for the Talking Troll!"
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 24/02/20 19:11 UTC

She nods. "You may tell her I am available to speak with her at any time." The man seems at least somewhat observant. She doesn't think he missed the silver pendant she wears openly, and that pendant should be all the explanation he needs.

Turning to those with her she says inquiringly, "So. Northshield House then?"
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 24/02/20 19:20 UTC

He turned from the group effort to 'restore' the priest to some semblance of 'consciousness' when the bartender continues their 'discussion'.

"There are much =worse= things than =owning= a bar", he said thoughtfully. "What =were= you hoping for", he asked, sounding quite interested.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 24/02/20 20:18 UTC
Urlam - at the Triboar Travelers

"I will tell her how .... cooperative you all were."

The smirk on the man's face portends the twisted tale he's starting to craft in his mind. If he noticed Zhu's pendant or cares about it, he gives no indication of that.

Kaelen - at the Talking Troll Tavern

"When I took over the tavern from the previous owners, I had dreams of turning this place into a theater. I know it would do well, but sadly, I do not have the funds to do the work needed to help convert the place."

Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 24/02/20 20:53 UTC

"Well don't give up the idea", he said with a grin. "If you are lucky and work at it, I am sure that you will make it happen", he added with a wink. "And I will be sure to come to see a show once you get it going", he said raising his glass in salute.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 24/02/20 21:09 UTC
Arus to The Priest
(at The Talking Troll)

Arus had shaken Bern's hand when offered.

Now he studies the priest for a moment, considering whether to offer a hand of his own.

The weak light in the tavern is not a hindrance for the triton's darkvision but drunkeness always makes a man's mettle hard to gauge.

"Tis odd to see a priest sprawled without an altar." Arus says, slipping his hands back into his gauntlets. He is making ready to leave, the drink having slaked his thirst and roused his hunger.

Before he does he holds out a hand to the priest. It's a foul night, he can at least escort the man back to his temple.

"Come, let's get thee where thou'rt going."
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 24/02/20 22:08 UTC
...at the Talking Troll Tavern

Kaelen sighs in response to Bern's suggestion. "Alas, without funding there is very little chance that it would happen. Were I to find financial backers, they would surely profit greatly."

A few yards away, the priest does take Arus's hand and tries to rise, which is tricky, but with some help he gets to his feet, although quite wobbley. With a simple head nod, he indicates a nearby booth, which he likely suggested because it was close.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 25/02/20 02:12 UTC

"We would expect nothing less of the Zhentarim, and we shall likewise share the reputation you have established far and wide," concluded Kriv, though if that was either approbation or opprobrium he left hanging in the air, depending on what was warranted.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 25/02/20 11:12 UTC
Arus to The Priest
(at The Talking Troll)

He seats the priest in the booth. Arus is eyeing his cloak by the door, ready to go, but it seems the priest has even less will than stamina.

"What ails thee priest? Apart from a skinful of beer."

As far as Arus knows, people only drink themselves legless to celebrate happily or drown their sorrows. And Arus doesn't see the priest singing and dancing.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 25/02/20 17:21 UTC
Urlam - at the Triboar Travelers

He doesn't respond to Kriv with more than a single eyebrow being raised. As far as he's concerned, the discussion has concluded and he's ready for the quartet to leave his office.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 25/02/20 17:28 UTC

The wordplay still seems wasteful, and so she repeats to the group as she makes her way towards the door, "Northshield House?"
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 25/02/20 17:43 UTC
[OOC Waiting for Davroar smile ]
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 07:43 UTC

The others seem to know more about the Zhentarim than himself, so he remains quiet on that topic, but when it comes to finding a place to eat he says, "Sure Zhu. Let's go..."
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 14:11 UTC

Might as well have a look. She links her arm through Davroar's as they set off. When they were a suitable distance away she asks the others.

"Any idea why those guys wanted us to move to the other campground? Just thinking that if we need help or cooperation here it might be a small thing to do to keep them happy?"
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 15:03 UTC
(OOC - Gypsy - Not sure I follow the question? Who wanted us to move to what campground?)
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 15:12 UTC
[OOC When we first arrived, we were asked to move? Or did I get that wrong? rolleyes I'll check! ]
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 15:23 UTC

Just as the work to establish the campsite gets underway, two men walk into the compound with the hoods of their cloaks pulled over their heads to ward off the rain. From the looks of their clothes, they are well-off. "Could you not have come any later? Set up over there, not here!" one of them orders the men that were about to establish camp. Once they are close enough, you can see that the man that called out is wearing an eye patch over one eye. The other male looks to be half-elf.

Could be my assumption? Thought they meant the other campground.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 15:55 UTC
[[ I don't remember anything =specific= about where 'over there' was ... just assumed that the caravan operators had been here before and understood where 'over there' was <g> But that does not invalidate Jaliera's question as to why they had been directed 'elsewhere'. ]]
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 17:24 UTC
(OOC - Yeah, I had assumed they were just yelling at them to move from one spot in the campground to another. Just sounded, to me, like a person who had a need to flaunt their power.)
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 18:06 UTC
[[ yup. My remembrance as well <g> Like minds <wink> ]]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 22:19 UTC
[ooc: You were not asked to move to another campground. The "order" to move was to another area within the same campground. They were just being bossy, as Zeim indicated. wink ]
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 26/02/20 22:46 UTC
[[ Thanks for that clarification. That had been my initial assumption ... way back then ... but I have remembered wrong a lot of late <sigh> So it is nice to have remembered something correctly for a change <chuckle> ]]
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 27/02/20 18:02 UTC
[ooc OK thanks! smile ]
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 27/02/20 19:32 UTC
Zhu - with Jaliera, Kriv, and Davroar

As they leave she ponders, musing partially towards the group. "A bit odd, though association with the Zhentarim may explain most of it."
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 28/02/20 07:55 UTC

"Is Urlam typical Zhentarim? I've never met anyone so full of themselves and wanting to rub it in our faces."

Having traveled mostly through or skirting around big cities in his young life so far, Davroar figures he still has a lot to learn about city folk.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 28/02/20 12:17 UTC
Is it their reputation or is it reality? The Zhentarim faction certainly started off as evil. There's an interesting twitter conversation Are the Zhentarim evil? involving Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms, in Sage Advice. So we start with reputation. I will say more in the OOC thread but now I have to rush to work and don't have time to elaborate. I will later.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 28/02/20 16:14 UTC

She ponders quietly for a few moments. "Zhents, like many other groups hold all sorts of different people with different personalities. Some are quiet, some outgoing, some, perhaps like Urlam, with a need to show people how important they are. Many Zhents I know of prefer to work quietly, in the shadows. Their most common trait, if I had to choose one, would be selfishness. They, and the goals of their Faction are more important than obeying local laws. Although I can say a similar thing about some other Factions as well." She smiles softly.

She pauses, adding, "Most towns and cities in the realms welcome members of the Order of the Gauntlet as we help enforce the law, so I am more interested in how the Lord Protector reacts, should we meet her, than Urlam. I didn't really expect much different from him."
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 28/02/20 17:50 UTC

"Interesting Zho. I guess it is difficult to generalise as we've met other folks that like to throw their weight around. Don't think that necessarily put them in a certain faction. I prefer to take people as I find them."

She smiles at everyone.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 28/02/20 19:59 UTC

She smiles back and nods. "Probably a wise position to take. Most people are just people and not connected to any Faction. Those who choose a Faction are typically those who have a strong belief, either principled or personal, that that particular Faction's beliefs align with."

"However", she adds, "even then, there is variability."
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 29/02/20 08:58 UTC

Listening to Zhu and Jaliera, he finds that he should probably try to be a little more open-minded. His druid training has coloured his viewpoint to those that respect the natural world and those that do not.

"Wise words of you both that I wouldn't have considered until now. I guess Urlam is just being Urlam. I will try not to judge too quickly."

Zhu's last words stick in his mind about human (and really for any sentient being) about how their thoughts, words and actions will be different from one day to the next. It makes some sense to his young mind that only by getting to know a person over time, can anyone make a decision one way or another about anything.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 29/02/20 15:12 UTC
Outside the Triboar Travelers

Davroar, Jaliera, Kriv and Zhu step out of the office and into the rain which has started to abate. Still, the ground is wet and squishes under their feet. As they finish discussing their encounter with Urlam, they move on to deciding on where to go. They also haven't seen Bern for a bit.

at The Talking Troll

Kaelen, the bartender at the tavern, raises a glass to complete the toast that Bern had offered and sighs when Bern does not reply to his comment about finding financial backers to help convert the tavern into a theater.

"I would put a stage over there."

He points to an area on the far side of the large puddle that had under the hole in the roof, in the rainy section of the tavern.

"A bard might be positioned to the left over there, to augment the presentation. Oil sconces would illuminate the place to provide the proper ambiance. But hard work alone does not make it happen. I won't start working on job that one has no chance of being completed due to a lack of funds. It is a wasted effort."

He pauses and ponders for a moment and asks, "Would you know of any benefactors that might want to invest in such a great opportunity?"

Meanwhile, the priest had barely heard Arus but when asked about what was troubling him, he muttered, "Banished. I was banished..."

His voice trailed off and his eyes started looking about. It didn't take an expert to figure out that he was looking for another drink.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 29/02/20 16:02 UTC

His brow furrowed a bit. "Sorry ...", he said slowly. "I don't have any help for you. The closest I ever came to 'theater' is what passes for a stage in those taverns have 'floor shows'. But ... if that is what you wanna do, maybe use that 'time honored' 'floor show' to pay for the stage and =then= add the occasional 'play' or the like to transition ... as it were."

"As for investors, I could certainly ask my friends ...", he was silent for a moment as he considered. "Perhaps we can find a job that can get you started ..."
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 29/02/20 16:52 UTC
(OOC - Nep - Do we know where Northshield House is?)
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 29/02/20 18:56 UTC

Once they were clear of the office, the Dragonborn quietly spoke up,

"Historically, the Zhents have not had a sterling reputation. This wouldn't have been the first time in the existence of the organisation that they have claimed innocence of past misdeeds and started cooperating with the rest of civilization. Last time out didn't go so well for those that trusted them."
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 29/02/20 22:08 UTC
[Nep, because we know he's a priest does Arus also know what faith he's a priest of?]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 02/03/20 04:10 UTC
Arus needs to provide a DC 10 religion check...
Zeim, No. Nobody asked and you did not pass it.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 02/03/20 15:30 UTC

Stepping back outside, and back into the rain, she glances from one side of the town to the other and shrugs. "I suppose we'll have to ask someone where Northshield House is, unless one of you know? Not the kind of weather to just wander around looking in."
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 02/03/20 17:20 UTC

As they make their way out of the Triboar Travelers and start heading back towards the caravan grounds, Kriv, Jaliera, Davroar and Zhu can see that many of the caravan guards have already huddled inside their tents as the rain continues. But there are others in the streets. Most notably there's an armed guard in the town square outside the Tower of the Lord Protector. Most other folks in the street are trying to find their way out of the rain.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 02/03/20 21:34 UTC
[I rolled 5. The Priest is a WW2 motorised gun carriage?]
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 02/03/20 22:01 UTC
[[ well ... if we can get results like =that=, can I roll to see if I can get a tank ... or maybe a 'strike team'?? <weg> ]]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 03/03/20 01:18 UTC
ooc: or you can drag it out of him?
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 03/03/20 15:10 UTC

"No idea. We could ask him."

She points to the guard at the tower.

"Bet he knows. And if it is expensive we can always camp."
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 03/03/20 19:11 UTC
Arus to the Priest (at The Talking Troll)

Where he comes from, there's only one god worth praying to and that's Persana, Guardian of the Deep, God of tritons.

There's no triton pantheon like the elves and dwarves celebrate, no facets or aspects, only the one Persana, a force of civilisation.

So Arus looks over this priest and can't fathom much about the drunkard's calling. But only a priest would wear such impractically long robes when the ground is so sodden.

"I doubt they banished thee to the tavern, priest."

Arus drags the man upright.

"Come now, man, tell me thy sad story."
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 03/03/20 20:13 UTC

She nods, moving across the street to go talk to the guard.
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 04/03/20 06:58 UTC

He will quietly wait beside Jaliera while contemplating about changing into a duck as he feels his fur armour slowly getting heavier by the moment from standing in the rain. Hopefully Zhu gets directions from the guard and they can at least get a nice cooked meal.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 05/03/20 17:33 UTC
DM - Outside (Zhu, Kriv, Jaliera & Davroar)

While the others waited, Zhu sauntered over towards the guard near the tower in the center of the square. As she walks over to him she realizes that he's actually watching the building across the street. The sign over that building has the marks of the Lionshield Coster, the very place they intend to visit to learn about the dagger. The guard, a stocky dark haired man doesn't appear to be happy and places a hand on the hilt of the shortsword on his hip as she approaches. "Halt!" he calls out before Zhu even has a chance to say anything. "This here establishment be under the protection of the Lord Protector!"

at the Talking Troll

When Bern tells Kaelen that he can't help, the proprietor sighs in disappointment but when Bern suggests that he can ask his friends, optimism and a smile cross his face. "Would you ask your friends? Perhaps if they pool resources...?" Then he asks, "What sort of job?"

Over at the booth where Arus is trying to pry information from the priest he makes some progress. "I was exiled. Banned! They threw me out! Helm, why do you test me so? I lived all my life in Neverwinter. They banished me to Red Larch. Go to Red Larch they say. Run the Shrine of the Allfaiths they say! Why? Why?"

Then his bloodshot eyes narrow and he leans forward and says "Politics. It's all stupid politics. I should have played their games!" before starting to weep.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 05/03/20 18:53 UTC
Arus to the Priest
(at The Talking Troll)

"Helm?" He wonders, "Haven't heard of him."

Arus wears half a grin for the priest's predicament, but it's not unkind. More amused by those who blame their bad habits on others. As if some tyrant had forced the drink down the priest's throat.

"I take it Helm is not the god of wallowing self-pity. What is his symbol?"
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 05/03/20 19:31 UTC

He smiled and shrugged. "No promises, but I will see how the other feel."

He paused at the last question. "Not sure", he said after a short pause. "They are looking into that", he said, raised his glass, emptied it, and added, "I am looking into this", he said looking into his empty glass ... which he then set on the bar ... expectantly.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 05/03/20 20:06 UTC

"Is it?" She says. "Alright", she nods. "I have no reason to dispute your claim."

She glances across the street at the other building the man seems to be watching, noting the symbol on it. "I only have a quick question. Can you point me towards the Northshield House? Oh, and also I suppose you can tell the Lord Protector that a member of the Order of the Gauntlet will be staying there for a night or two. If she would like to speak with me I can be found there, presuming they have rooms."
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 06/03/20 01:14 UTC

He nodded at the guard's declaration, heeding the challenge and ceasing the advance.

"Good. We have credentials for this coster here, that they are safeguarded is reassuring. Is there any reason for the active protection that we should be aware of?"
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 13/03/20 03:30 UTC
Silvarren Loomshank - at the Talking Troll

The priest starts to weep. "Helm sees all," he barely answers as he fumbles under his cloak to reveal a large pendant that hangs around his neck. It is molded as a stylized eye, the iris painted blue. "Helm is the watcher. What did he see me do to punish me so?"

Apparently he's not done wallowing in his own self-pity.

"My superiors banished me to the Allfaiths Shrine in Red Larch!" he cries. "I never made it there.....Here...I stopped here ... I haven't left!" he wails.
ooc: Since you did so well with your last rolls, let's have Arus provide a religion roll and a straight intelligence roll. The religion is DC 13 and the intelligence is DC 10.

Kaelen Sarssir - at the Talking Troll

Just hearing the word promise, even if it came as part of no promise was enought to lighten the mood on the man's face. "Here, let me top that off for you," he says as he pours another drink. Just as he starts to pour, the door opens with a brisk wind that splashes more rain into the soggy taproom. OOC: That's your queue Pande....

Guard outside the Lionshield Coster

Zhu had been joined by Kriv and the man could see the other pair, Jaliera and Davroar a short distance away. He did not lower his guard. He answered Zhu's first question first. "Over that way," he said pointing down the road opposite the way that the Phandelin caravan had arrived. He didn't quite acknowledge Zhu's directive but replied to Kriv with a question, "Where do you hail from, might I ask?" as if it mattered.

Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 13/03/20 08:21 UTC
[Son of a... I get a natural 20 on a bloody Religion roll of all things! Anyway, that's a 19 vs DC 13 and a 16 vs DC 10 in total.]
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 13/03/20 11:57 UTC

He smiled and nodded his thanks as his glass is refilled. But before he can thank him properly, the door opens and he has to dodge a bit rain that blows in. He turns to see if it is one of his friends come to join him.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 13/03/20 13:46 UTC

She smiles and nods thanks, then glances at Kriv to answer the follow on question.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 13/03/20 15:04 UTC

Zhu's matter resolved, he spake in turn,

"Collectively, we arrived from Phandelin earlier today. Prior to that, I'm of Norixius Keep originally, those with whom I travel coming from all manner of places. Why, is there a matter concerning a particular locale of which we should be aware?"
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 13/03/20 15:15 UTC

Standing off to one side with Davroar, Jaliera is watching her companions in case they need help but she doesn't expect trouble. She has also been thinking.

"If we get any time alone, just the two of us, I've something I need to ask you about. Later though, not now."
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 13/03/20 18:41 UTC
OOC: I'll get more detailed after the next Arus post and when Pande jumps in, but in the mean time,

The Religion=19 roll:
What Arus understands when Silvarren said is that he was asked to tend to the Allfaiths Shrine is that being sent to run an "Allfaiths" anything is seen as a serious demotion to clergy. It meant that the church deemed him less important. Had they deemed him to be important, he would be asked to tend to a flock in a church dedicated to Helm. For someone that has dedicated his life to Helm, that's a serious gut-punch.

The Intelligence=16 roll:
What Arus knows is that Red Larch is not far. It is about 2 days travel directly south from Triboar.

Posted By: Pandemonium Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 14/03/20 02:02 UTC

In out of the cold and wet came a swirling blue cloaked figure. As the door was returned to the more favorable closed position, the hood slipped back revealing flowing blond locks and slightly pointed ears. Clearly not a full elf, but enough of the blood to make him an obvious halfbreed human and elf combined.

He removed he sodden cloak and hung it next to other also wet cloaks revealing studded leather armor. At his hip was a well-polished rapier. As the cloak came off, one might note a leather-wrapped package attached to his pack. The length and breadth bespoke a string instrument of some kind.

Turning back to the room, his blue eyes ran over the other occupants and stopped at the hole in the roof with the steady rain falling down. He had played in worse places, but it had been a while. He straightened his shoulders and made his way over to the bar, skirting the obvious dangerous spot in the middle.

He stopped at the bar nodding to Bern. They might recognize each other from the caravan, the half-elf had been along since Phandelver. He had been quiet and kept mostly to himself. The young man had soft fine features with a scar upon his left cheek. The way he wore it, the scar seemed more like a beauty mark or badge of honor.

He waited till the Bartender shared some of his attention with the young man. He had come to play if what he had heard was correct. He slipped a fine long flute wrapped in waterproof leathers upon the bar and displayed it to get the man's attention.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 14/03/20 02:25 UTC

Indeed, Bern does note that he saw the fellow who was one of the other guards that escorted the wagons to Triboar.
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 14/03/20 05:14 UTC

He notices the guard pointing where to go, and half turns in that direction to take a look before answering Jaliera, "Sure. Everything ok though?"
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 14/03/20 12:16 UTC

He watched as the stranger entered. It wasn't until he was most of the way to the bar that he recognized him as one of the guards. That shouldn't have been such a surprise. He suspected that most of the guards and caravaners would be looking for a drink. He nodded in return, moved over a bit to give him a bit more space since he seemed to have an agenda to go with the lute.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 15/03/20 12:34 UTC
Arus to the Priest
(at The Talking Troll)

Arus notes the holy symbol. He's seen the eye icon used by many faiths since he arrived on the Sword Coast. Gauntlets too, also popular.

The paladin doesn't know what Helm is all about but he gets a sense of what a demotion it must be for an ambitious priest to be assigned to an Allfaiths shrine.

Sort of like a triton trying to rise in the ranks of the Protectorate's government and being assigned to a consular duties in Myth Nantar to make nice with the sea elves and merfolk. Arus has seen it happen before; a very dubious honour.

"Gah, who can know the will of the gods. I do know thou will not return to anyone's favour until thou hath taken thy punishment.

"Instead here thou ist slumped, when thou might be scratching off days in Red Larch."

"What keeps thee, priest? Thy feet aren't damaged, only thine ego."
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 15/03/20 13:13 UTC

She smiles.

"Nothing wrong, just looking for some advice."

She squeezes his arm, so pleased he has come into her life.
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 19/03/20 05:34 UTC

He lets out a small chuckle and says, "Ok, but don't expect much." He figures they are the same age or close enough, and his advice will not be from experience. Still he is happy that Jaliera likes him enough to ask for such advice, whatever that might be.

His stomach grumbles again, and he looks to see Zhu, Kriv, and the guard still in conversation.

"Come on Jaliera. Lets start walking where they pointed to. I'm still hungry and I'm sure they'll catch up to us."
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 19/03/20 14:10 UTC
(OOC - Was just waiting for the Guard to reply to Kriv's question......)
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 19/03/20 16:44 UTC

"OK. They look safe enough."

So the two turn in the direction indicated and start walking, looking for the establishment.

"Maybe, even if we decide to camp, we could eat at this place. I'm hungry and it will be good to get out of the rain if only for a while."

She looks up at a building, seeing Whisper perched on the edge of the roof.

**See if you can find a lookout perch out of the rain.**
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 23/03/20 00:50 UTC

"That is good then," he says as he fixes his cloak collar to stay warm in the rain. "S'long as yer not from Yartar, I suspect that you will not be trouble," was his cryptic answer. It didn't seem like he was ready to elaborate.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 23/03/20 10:05 UTC

"So noted. Your vigilance is appreciated."

Responded the Dragonborn. Something about which to enquire, but probably not from someone on guard duty. A quick glance to ensure nothing was exploiting the potential distraction, then askance of his companions as the group began to split.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 23/03/20 14:09 UTC

She nods at the answer, making a mental note to find out why Triboar and Yartar seemingly do not like each other, or at least Triboar doesn't like Yartar. She doesn't really know if it hold true in the other direction.

"Shall we find a place to get out of the rain then?" She says to Kriv, noting Jaliera and Davroar have begun walking in the direction indicated by the guard.
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 24/03/20 05:48 UTC

"Same here", he replies to Jaliera, then turns his head to see Kriv and Zhu leave the guard. Slowing his stride a bit when Kriv and Zhu catch up, Davroar looks to Kriv and asks, "What did the guard say?"
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 24/03/20 17:27 UTC

She might be wet and have a few things on her mind but she is happy to be here with Davroar and the others in a relatively safe environment. She has been in worse places and situations.

Jaliera glances around as Davroar looks behind and slows, seeing Zhu and Kriv moving to catch up. She follows suit and gives them a wave.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 26/03/20 17:49 UTC
... at the Talking Troll

Silvarren, the priest, wipes away tears before tearing up again.

"I cannot. I have .. spent ... drinked ... drank .. drunken ... drunk... all my traveling money. I owe Kaelen 5GP and it is not right that I run out on the debt!"

As Sindar enters the tavern, he is blasted by the odor of alcohol that has permeated wood. It was a dim, smelly, low-beamed place crammed with mismatched, battered old furniture and drunks. One man, with blue skin, was talking to a man that was obviously intoxicated. They are sitting just outside of the open area. The open are is that portion of the tavern that is under no roof. It is open to the sky and at the moment, a steady but light rain was falling past two charred beams, washing away bird droppings that had covered the floor and tops of tables and chairs underneath it. Fortunately it was possible to skirt the vicinity of that area to reach the bar. Over there he sees a man, with a bow slung over his shoulder, talking to the bartender. The man had moved over a bit, an invitation to join him. That is where the tavern owner is standing and he waves Sindar over. "What can I get for you?"
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 26/03/20 19:03 UTC
Arus to the Priest
(at The Talking Troll)

5 gold is a week's fine lodgings and board. Not a small sum.

Arus resists shaking his head, though he wears of look of severe disapprobation. Perhaps clergy can't be held to the same standards as military, maybe this Helmite faith has looser rules than Persana, but a priest is still a man in uniform and that Silvarren could shame his uniform by drinking himself into 5 gp of debt is a disgrace.

It truly isn't these kind of problems that the Protectorate sent Arus to fix, but the triton will struggle to leave things as they are.

[How much cash does Arus have btw?]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 27/03/20 02:14 UTC
Hasn't he been working? smile Let's say "enough" so that you don't need to worry about mundane expenses. Staying at the Ritz for a month's another story.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 27/03/20 02:57 UTC

At Davroar's question,

"Apparently they watch for a threat from Yartar. More detail than that was not forthcoming."

He tried to assert a faster pace on the group.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 28/03/20 21:02 UTC

As he walked through he eyed the different patrons, already deciding upon what he might offer for entertainment, even the order of songs.

Smiling a winning grin at the bartender he indicated the shiny flute. "I heard that there might be entertainment needed in this establishment. Who might I speak to about the details?"
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 29/03/20 12:00 UTC

He smiled and nodded when he noticed to flute, but didn't want to interrupt the man's 'negotiations' with the bartender.
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 30/03/20 03:40 UTC

"Perhaps we can learn more about Yartar at the tavern, Kriv."

He picks up his pace to match Kriv's, as he is looking forward to getting something to eat.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 30/03/20 13:13 UTC

"Good idea Davroar. Must be a reason behind it. Be interesting to find out."

She has to hurry so that her shorter legs can keep up with her companions but the promise of dry comfortable surroundings and a hot meal are a definite incentive.

"How was the guard? Friendly & helpful or guarded and officious? Sometimes they reflect the hierarchy above them."
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 30/03/20 16:07 UTC

"He seemed a bit, ....., um cautious? Not really the right word." She looks at Kriv for input. "Definitely does not like Yartar though."
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Mon 30/03/20 20:16 UTC

"Guarded." The Dragonborn affirmed. "He gave up the bare minimum of information, was diligent and careful. Good attributes in a watchman keeping an eye on a place we would want kept safe, even if temporarily inconvenient. Competent command above, to put him there. His affiliation remains unstated, be it the town or the coster. No appeal to a higher authority made."
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 31/03/20 03:41 UTC
At the Talking Troll
The owner smiles at the arrival of a new visitor with a flute. "I am the owner, Kaleen.I see no reason why I should prohibit you from laying your hat on the floor in the hope that some of my customers fill it with coin. If you are good, perhaps they will?"

He turns back to Bern, with whom he was talking before Sindar had arrived and said, "You see, this man knows what a good venue this could be!"

Then he turns back to the bard. "I was telling... I'm sorry, what was your name again?...Anyhow, I was telling him how it is my dream to turn this place into a theater. It just takes some imagination, right?"

Arus was contemplating what to do with the despondent priest.

In the street
Zhu and Kriv catch up with Jaliera and Davroar who were already on their way to the Northshield House. Their destination was visible as they stopped to talk.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 31/03/20 12:12 UTC

He grinned a bit when the newcomer and Kaleen came to an agreement. He was looking forward to hearing some music. "Bern", he said offering his hand to each in turn.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 31/03/20 13:39 UTC
[OOC Talking whilst walking I believe. Want to get out of the rain. smile ]


"Nice to know we are in safe hands."

She smiles, thinking that you could always rely on Kriv for a full answer.

"Looks like that must be the place."

She points out a building ahead.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 31/03/20 21:33 UTC

"I am good," he states without any extra pride in his tone. "You will need to reorganize a bit to offer the best entertainment. I will do my part and give people a reason to sit and listen, which of course means enjoy your creations as well."

He turns and looks over the room trying to decide where he might best gather all eyes to him. He knows that many will hear him and that will do a lot of the work. However, his winning smile and small dance moves might help too. Though he wants more than just coins tossed into his hat, he does need a place to stay. However, this place doesn't seem like it has rooms and he didn't want to sleep in a common room where it was open to the rain.

His fingers limbered up along the fine holes of the flute as they had a mind of their own.

Turning back to the owner he says "we will talk after I have entertained the crowd for a bit. You will know my value then."

Once he has a place picked out he moves in that direction.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 05/04/20 19:54 UTC

Arus sniffs and glances over his shoulder at the bar.

He counts 5 gp into the palm of his hand, showing the priest.

"I shall pay thy debt." Arus says, "These five gold will go to the bar. Thou, Silvarren, wilt go to Red Larch.

"And this---" Arus slaps the priest sharply upside his head with a gauntleted hand. "Is so thou dost not forget."

Arus straightens the cuff of his gauntlet and returns to the bar to pay Kaelen.

Having done so, he nods to barkeep, Bern and the newcomer at the bar.

"Gentlemen, I think I will call it a night."
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 07/04/20 23:14 UTC

At the Talking Troll

When the gold coins land in the priest's hands, his eyes widen, bloodshot as they are and he stares into the Triton's eyes.

OOC: From the book: "they can persuade him to attend to his duties in Red Larch with a successful DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check." so please provide.

Sindar starts to play and the mood at the Talking Troll starts to lighten. Even as the rain continues to pellet the ground, the music chips away at any anguish that might have led someone to drown themselves in alcohol. One old geezer tries to dance but falls flat on his face, only to draw laughter, a shocking thing, from other patrons. The aged drunk stands right up, none the worse for his little tumble, and drops a silver at the feet of the bard. This was the first of a slow procession. The earnings were coming in slowly. He took a break in time to notice the man with the blue-green skin press gold into the hands of the fellow he was talking to. That moment came just as he prepared to wet his lips and give them a break from the flute.

OOC: I'll Sindar a little time (one or two posts) to interact with Arus and Bern before we close up for the night. Sindar's conversation with Arus would be considered to have happened prior to the line "Gentlemen, I think I will call it a night." and he can pick up with Bern too. By the end of the night, Sindar will have earned 3gp, less than he might have elsewhere, but certainly more than enough to pay for a comfortable place to stay for the night.

At the Northshield House

The quartet stepped out of the rain and into the inn. As they cross the threshhold, three large Mastifs rise from the floor of the adjacent common room and race into the lobby to greet the new arrivals. They stop obediently as a woman also walks into the lobby holding her palm to them, stopping them. She has dark skin, black curly black hair and a welcoming smile. "Hello! How may I help you?"

At first glance, the inn looks nice and comfortable. It seems clean and quiet.

Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 08/04/20 09:26 UTC
[Rgr rgr, makes sense, Neptune.

Arus Persuasion, rolled 17 total.]
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 08/04/20 10:48 UTC

At first she feels a sense of relief to be out of the rain but that disappears quite quickly as three large dogs run at them. Instinctively she steps closer to Davroar. Thankfully they too stop dead as a woman comes into view.

Heart still thudding, she will let one of the others respond.
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 09/04/20 06:47 UTC

The three Mastifs startles him a little bit, but is glad that they are well trained as they heel at the womans command. Slipping off his rain-soaked fur-clad hood, he returns a smile and replies, "Hello! Looking to get some food please."
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 09/04/20 12:13 UTC

He leaned back against the bar, clearly enjoying the music. He smiled, pulled out a gold piece and tossed it into the pile at the man's feet.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 09/04/20 14:59 UTC

She enters after Jaliera and Davroar and notes the large canines with a slightly raised brow. She doesn't react to their approach, not surprised when they heel and the woman comes into view.

Adding to Davroar's comment, she says, "We were also given to understand we could obtain lodging here?"
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 09/04/20 21:16 UTC

The half-elf admires the blue-skinned man as he approaches. He didn't know the man's race though he had met many different types of people as he traveled around the lands.
<Leaving room to communicate should the opportunity present itself.>

<Later from where he has chosen to play>
His music starts out soft and builds, working the crowd and their feelings. He augments the high points of songs with a bit of extra light and sparkle to enhance people's enjoyment of his music. He shows that he has skills in entertainment and musical ability.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 14/04/20 03:21 UTC

At the Northshield House

The woman has a kind and welcoming manner about her. She responds to both Davroar and Zhu with a sweet smile. "Yes, there are rooms and we do serve food. Sovarish has prepared some nice meal for our guests and the food is hot. We expect those coming in from a long day's trip are going to be famished! My name is Urgala, and I am your hostess."

"Yes, I still have a handful of rooms, but I expect to be close to full by evening's end. The last of my singles was rented out a short while ago to a fine man that came in on the Yartar caravan. With Harvesttide just having passed and two caravans pulling into town tonight, beds might be scarce. I hope that the four of you want two rooms between you? You can figure out who sleeps with whom. Otherwise, if I run out of rooms, you might find yourself sharing a room with a stranger."

With a matronly manner, Urgala looks at her guests, drenched from the rain and smiles, "Each bed is one gold per night. That room also comes with one meal, which I think is a terrific deal. I'll also have Manisol bring you each some towels to dry yourselves down with."
[Linked Image]

At the Talking Troll
The evening winds down, with Arus being the first to depart the tavern. He has a room already at the Northshield house. Perhaps a word or two are exchanged with any others but the tavern owner, the ranger and the priest were the ones he got to know a bit.

Bern sat back and enjoyed the music that the half-elf bard played as he drank the various beverages that Kaelen Sarssir put in front of him. The proprieter kept talking about his grand plans to turn the establishment into a world renown theater. He talked about how he would light the place, where he would build the stage and create an band pit. He talked and talked but Bern quickly figured out that these were all dreams. Alas, if the man had initiative, he might have fixed that hole in the ceiling. As he thoughts about that hole, his mind shifted to the need to find a place to sleep, and maybe meet up with his friends from Phandelver.

Sidnar's melodies brought the Talking Troll to life as some joined in and sang. By the end of the night, he knew that he had earned what he would earn as no new people were coming in and those who had tipped him already would feel as if their obligation had been met. By the end of his set he was content to accept the smiles and the chorus of voices from the audience as bonus payments. He had earned a nice sum and would surely be able to afford a decent place to stay for the night.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 14/04/20 12:18 UTC

In between drinks, he asked Kaelen to recommend a place to sleep. When Sindar had finished playing, he settled his bill and headed out to find a bed.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 14/04/20 13:31 UTC

"What do you think?"

She looks at Zhu and Davroar but it is the latter she would prefer. Still she understands that would be awkward for Zhu and Kriv.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Tue 14/04/20 22:10 UTC

He was pleased just to be able to play and entertain. He hadn't done it in a while to this scale. A campfire sing-along wasn't the same thing as entertaining a crowd.

Finishing his set, he gave a deep bow, and blew kisses to the patrons. He honestly did thank them for the chance to play. He gathered up his payment and secreted it about his person with a talented sleight of hand. He headed to the bar to ask the bartender about suggested lodgings for those who enjoyed comfort. (OOC: I can't remember if that was part of his information or not.)

He knew he would have to hustle to get a nice room.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 15/04/20 01:45 UTC

"It seems acceptable", she replies, not concerned at all about sharing a bed. She has no cultural peculiarities about modesty. "Do the rooms sleep 3? We have one more who is out and about and may come here looking for us, or one of us may go look for him."
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 15/04/20 13:29 UTC

"I am sorry, no. The beds are small and so are the rooms. I would make exceptions, obviously, for little children. Your friend will need to get his own room and he will likely end up with a roommate."

She takes two keys out of a pocket in her robes and holds each out with a different hand. "That will be four gold please."
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 15/04/20 17:12 UTC

She looks to Davroar to see what he wants to do.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 15/04/20 18:24 UTC
(OOC - Do we know how much money we have, or does it not really matter for things like this?)


She turns to Kriv, Davroar, and Jaliera. "Go get some rest. I will go search for Bern and send him here. He can stay with Kriv. I have no need of sleep. I will find a quiet place for reverie."
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 16/04/20 06:57 UTC

He pulls out two gold pieces from his pouch, and gives a brief look to Jaliera to rhetorically ask, "Good deal I think?" Turning back to Urgala he passes her his coins and says, "Thank you, we'll take your offer."

There is probably going to be more outdoor camping wherever their investigation might lead, and Davroar figures they might as well take advantage of a comfortable bed now.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 16/04/20 13:22 UTC

She smiles shyly at Zhu, grateful for her suggestion. Now all of a sudeen shis is nervous and excited at the same time.

"Yes, good deal."

She tries to keep her voice on an even keel.

"It will be nice to have hot food and the comfort of a soft bed for once."

She is sure she is blushing.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 16/04/20 23:38 UTC
OOC: You should have your gold tracked, but let's assume that since some of you now partial owners of a mine, you've got some cash on you. But for the game, let's assume that you can afford comfortable accommodations. You might even splurge for a wealthy stay on occasion. You can assume that cost of living and lifestyle money is not an issue for you at this time.

You have to be a trouble maker!
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 17/04/20 14:14 UTC
(OOC - Well, you were the one who mentioned specific costs......... wink . Hate to just assume we have endless money.)


She nods towards the others and then ducks back outside to start searching for the missing Ranger. He must be in this town somewhere. He'd not have wandered off into the woods without telling someone. So, that means most likely a tavern or inn.

Glancing up and down the street, she looks for signs of bright lights and the sounds of men drinking. During her years away from the Faewild she has come to recognize that men drinking has the same unique sound in any town she visits.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 17/04/20 14:55 UTC
[[ FWIW, I don't see it as 'endless money'. I see it as a simplification that I appreciate. I have always hated having to count every damned copper piece <gak> So I am quite happy to only deal with 'costs' when it is something 'out of the norm' <g> ]]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 18/04/20 13:24 UTC

Kaelen is quick to reply to Bern. "There are not too many places that one can stay but you do have some choices. Most traveling folk, especially the ones with swords, bows, wands and that sort of stuff, try to get a room at the Northshield House. Urgala retired and bought the placed after her wife disappeared. That was about ten years ago. Anyway, she's good people. Then there's the Everwyvern House. I don't doubt your riches, but you're not dressed for that place either. There are many very rich people that take this road and stay here. It caters to nobility and their ilk. Six Windows is run by Tolmara. She does not get many return guests. The Frost-touched Frog used to be a good place, but it's been shut down."
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 18/04/20 15:36 UTC

He considered the 'choices' offered by his host for a moment. Then he smiled. "Thanks. Should I 'send your regards' to Urgala", he asked with a grin.
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 19/04/20 09:02 UTC

Whilst the Dragonborn was not overly enamoured of the scent of human in close proximity, He had nonetheless bivouacked extensively with the group, and accepted the sleeping arrangements with a curt nod.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 19/04/20 15:10 UTC

As the hours pass, the town of Triboar shuts down for the night. Eventually, every one finds a bed and a room to sleep in. Bern is greeted by Zhu who then directs him to his room where he finds Kriv, who is getting himself ready to go to bed. Arus returns to the Northshield House to his room and sees the bard that had been playing at the Talking Troll checking in and noted that he was lucky to have gotten the last room available there too. Those who were hungry were surprised by the quality of the food that Urgala's cook prepared for them. There was a lamb stew, broiled fish and roast chicken all served with roast potatoes and steamed greens. One meal came with the price of the room. The night passes without incident. In the morning she put out freshly baked breads and muffins as well as some fruit, cheeses, butter, assorted jams and spreads. A tin cup by the entrance to the dining room clanged with silver as people marched in to have their breakfast. The rain had stopped and the morning sun pierces through sheer drapes and spills onto the polished hardwood floor.

There is a small crowd, about two dozen guests and a handful of people that worked for Urgala. She was up and marching around with good cheer, making sure that everything was operating smoothly, with her mastifs following her around obediently. She walked up to each guest, some together, to ask how their bed was and if they had a restful night. it seemed like many of the caravan guards were staying here rather than sleep on soggy ground. Many were return guests you learn as you overhear Urgala speak to them. It was a good morning and a hopeful start to the day.

OOC: you are all free to describe your night and waking. Some of you have some objectives. It would be good to make a plan for today (no matter what actually happens...)
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 19/04/20 16:04 UTC

He was happy to see his friends when he got to Northshield House. The food was surprisingly good. It =had= been a while since he had enjoyed a =good= meal. He didn't mind eating 'meat', it was part of the 'circle of life'. But he preferred veggies since the life lost there was less ... 'lively'.

The great meal put him in the mood for bed, so he didn't resist that 'urge', letting others sit at the bars drinking.

The morning 'offering' was equally enticing. He enjoyed some of the fruit, but especially appreciated the bread with cheese ... and plenty of butter ... of course. He made sure to include a few gold in the 'offering cup'. It had surely been worth at least that much ... at least to him. He smiled and offered a 'scratch behind the ear' to Urgala's 'companions' as he expressed his 'appreciation' of the accommodations. He stepped out into the new day, happy to see that the rain had decided to move on.

[[ don't recall if I have any objectives. If I do, hints would be good <g> ]]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 19/04/20 16:27 UTC
OOC: First, you play Bern in this game. I've gotten used to that though smile

Let's see, there's a doppleganger murderer that's impersonating Bern. The only clue the core group (Bern, Davroar, Jaliera and Kirv plus Zhu) had was the broken dagger found at the Forge of Spells. It leads to the Lion's Share, the Triboar branch of the Lionshare Coster.

Arus has his thing and I kinda have stuff for Sindar but that will become clearer to Pande shortly smile

Yep, I'm pushing the action a bit in prep for next Sunday. I'm a little behind because I had to prepare for my "home" FTF session yesterday.
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 19/04/20 16:28 UTC

As she wandered casually around the town looking for Bern, she made mental notes of the different buildings she passed. At one point she passed back along the road they'd used to come into town originally and she again noted the boarded up and empty store.

Finding Bern, she told him about the rooms they'd obtained and walked back with him to show him the way. Upon arrival, she nodded to the others as they went up to sleep, and asked Urgala if she minded if she sat on the porch outside. She didn't need sleep, but she did get rest from Reverie, a kind of waking meditation particular to Eladrin. If the woman doesn't want her to do that, she will simply find a spot in the lee of the abandoned building to rest, where most of the rain won't fall on her.

Come morning she returns to the Northshield House and pays separately for a meal so she can sit and eat with the others.

(OOC - Nep - Several of us have horses. Did we leave them in the caravan yard or did we put them in the Stables we passed on the way into town?)
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 19/04/20 18:28 UTC
[[ thanks Nep. My 'long term' isn't what it used to be <sigh> Sux getting old. The only thing worse is the alternative <wink> ]]
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sun 19/04/20 20:04 UTC
{OOC PM for Davroar & GM ]


She is full of the joys of spring this morning and settles down to eat well. Everything looks so enticing.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Wed 22/04/20 23:01 UTC
Breakfast ends and the day begins. There are objectives to be met. Where do you go?
Posted By: Dugan Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 23/04/20 05:27 UTC

Adding his own silver to Urgala's tip jar he sits with Jaliera to enjoy the breakfast, and is pleasantly surprised to find that Zhu did find Bern as he spots him.

With breakfast done, he will walk over and say, "Morning Bern! Did you find any other interesting places here?"
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 23/04/20 11:53 UTC

"Besides the bar, no. But then I didn't look after I went in there", he said with a grin.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Thu 23/04/20 22:10 UTC
ooc: Zeim, I forgot to answer your question. You would have left them with the rest of the caravan in the caravan yard.

We're running behind where I would like to be. We may need to do some role playing early and then move some role playing that should be happening now to later. We'll adapt but, in a few months, when timelines seem wacky, please forgive me. I think that things shake out like this...

  • Bern, Kriv, Davroar, Jaliera & Zhu want to visit the Lionshield Coster to find out about the dagger.
  • Arus needs to check in with his employer's contacts.
  • Zhu had additionally indicated a desire to pay a visit to the Lord Protector.
  • Sindar's would be reaching out to talk to someone specific (see PM)

It might be simplest to handle the first bullet for now. Does anyone have a dissenting opinion?

The plan is to play on Discord and Roll20 this Sunday. Please check to make sure that your character sheets have spells memorized, weapons and armor added and readied. I don't care so much about the color of your PC's eyes as your ability to handle common actions through your character sheet.

Also, the module calls for an unusual approach to what's coming next so you'll be asked to do more than you might be guessing.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 24/04/20 11:25 UTC
[OOC What time again for Sunday? We are on BST which is EST +6 I believe smile ]
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 24/04/20 13:08 UTC
For your calendars, this Sunday April 26. Game starts at:

BST Gypsy, AJ, Neil (5 pm - 10 pm)
EST Neptune, MikeD (12 noon - 5 pm)
CST Zeim (11 am - 4 pm)
PST Pandemonium (9 am - 2 pm)

I will be online an hour earlier, for chit chat, socializing, answering questions, etc. The intent is to start game play on the dot.

More info coming later. Time for real work now.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 24/04/20 13:50 UTC
Hi Neptune,

Your USA times are correct but I believe our slot is 5 to 10 pm BST smile at least according to Alexa and Google! grin
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 24/04/20 13:54 UTC
Actually Nep, Indiana ( well most of it <chuckle> ) is on Eastern Time <g>
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 24/04/20 18:25 UTC
Fine. I will set my alarm for early on Sunday. razz
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 24/04/20 20:51 UTC

Having finished a light breakfast with the others, she turns to the group and says, "Shall we go to the Coster and see about the dagger now?"
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Fri 24/04/20 23:22 UTC

He rises and joins the others at breakfast. Food is one of the perks of living, and he enjoys both. He takes a smattering of everything. It is all good.

He is quiet while he eats different than he is most other times. When he hears the discussion he offers "I think I will go see Darathra Shendrel, the Lord Protector of the town, maybe I can find out more about the town, and any other pieces of information that might be useful."
Posted By: AJ Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 25/04/20 01:20 UTC

An uneventful night, and a routine awakening, exercise and ablutions before descending to breakfast. A genteel repast and then on to the business for the day, to whit, as Zhu so saliently put it, seeing about the dagger. With their credentials secured about his person, they were set and ready for what might be.
Posted By: nem Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 25/04/20 07:19 UTC

In the morning he ate some nuts and dried fruit from the bowl in his room, then exercised. A warm up of isometrics, followed by press-ups with his feet on a chair, shoulder presses in a handstand against the wall and pull-ups from the doorframe. Finally some dips from the bed-frame to the chair and he used his pack, containing his armour, for hip swings.

An adventurer must make do with what little time and equipment they have.

After taking a nice cold bath, Arus appears in the dining room of the Northshield House for breakfast.

He eats heartily, listening to the other guests talk.
Posted By: Gypsy Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 25/04/20 11:59 UTC

She is enjoying her breakfast, just having a piece of fruit to finish when the newcomer to their group speaks out and she looks at him closely for the first time.

He seems familiar but she can't quite place him. Something tells her that she should remember, that it was important. Well she can only make an idiot of herself.

"Do I know you?"

Her round eyes watch him.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 25/04/20 12:02 UTC

"No point in putting it off", he said with nod to Zhu and pushing his plate away, clearly ready to be off.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 25/04/20 14:20 UTC
ooc: of course, Sindar hasn't formally met most, except for Bern momentarily and Arus at the Talking Troll. There would be no reason why the outgoing bard wouldn't just jump into a conversation at the long common table. I'm not sure he would "announce" where he's going, but we'll roll with that smile

Everyone should take note that you will be assigned an NPC. If you see one in your roll20 journal, please familiarize yourself with him/her - specifically, what they can do. Assume that they are all on your side, because they are.
Posted By: Neptune Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 25/04/20 15:56 UTC
OOC: I apologize for the presumptive pushes here. Please roll with this since we don't have the month to play this out that we would need to have. Feel free to react and to fill in the blanks. Also, remember what is and isn't known to others as you post. I accept privates, if you want. Make sure to respond to the PM thread for your character that I asked you to keep if you want to do something privately. I may or may not have time to respond before we play FTF


As the various folks make their way outside, they are amazed at the crowds and activity. The place is abuzz. There are hundreds of people all about, doing their business, hawking wares from carts and wagons. It is just past High Harvestide so now is the time that all the surrounding farmers and hunters are hawking their wares as people stock up for the long winter that lies ahead. With the sun out and the weather presenting a nice, warmer autumn day, today appears to be a very busy business day for all.

That turns out to be the case for those who attempt to make contact with those at the Lion's Share. Arus makes his way there and finds Alaestra Ulgar and Narth Tezrin there. Once he introduces himself and explains who he is and where he came from, he is directed as to how he should assist in the current operations, where he should have the caravan he escorted unload and where to find the wares that need to be loaded. Soon he finds himself assisting the pair in the operations of the Lionshield Coster, directing the carts from the caravan grounds to the Lion's Share where the laborers begin unloading some goods and loading others.

By the time the others that came from Phandelin arrive, they find the pair of proprietors to be gracious and polite but unable to take a moment of their time to answer any questions about daggers "We can talk when we break for lunch, at noon." But when they say that they came with the caravan from Phandelin, the man in charge, Narth Tezrin assumes they are in charge and gives them detailed directions about where to bring their wares and directs them to his partner, Alaestra Ulgar who is just as focused as Narth. "Help coordinate the loading and unloading operations over there." She points to the main operation. There was already a line of wagons and carts. It would get longer by the time it was their turn. Some wagons from two caravans had already started lining up from the campgrounds. A half dozen men were unloading the wares. As a cart got to it's turn it unload, the driver would attend to financial matters, then load up with other wares from the Lion's Share that were to get distributed elsewhere along the Sword Coast. They would then move on and make their way to other merchants along the street with whom they would do the same. It was not choreographed but it was like a complex dance where most knew the steps but those unfamiliar, needed to find a way to get out of the way.

"Bring your wares there," was a directive by a blue-faced man that was pointing to the end of the growing line. He seemed to be managing the unloading/reloading operation. Bern recognized him as Arus, from the Talking Troll. "We have some merchandise that needs to head back to Waterdeep, Neverwinter and Baldur's Gate with your caravan, so when you're done unloading there, send the carts and wagons around back to get reloaded."

They may not have expected to get put to work, but some of the wagons had ore, from their mine, so they took responsibility and opted to stay on the good side of those they needed to get information from. They could assist in the manual labor if they wanted to, but there were people who were paid to do that. Those people looked to Kriv, Jaliera, Bern, Davroar and Zhu for guidance as the heroes that were celebrated in Phandelin just days ago.

Meanwhile Sindar, the bard, made his way over to visit with the Lord Protector of the town. He was greeted at the door by a dozen, armored men mounted on warhorses that were organized outside the two story tower. They stopped him. One of the guards dismounted, took his note and soon returned to let him go up and see Darathra Shendrel. They had a conversation that would last a few hours. Before noon, a rider came from the south, spoke to the guards and after a very short time, the twelve mounted men rode south.
Posted By: MikeD Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 25/04/20 16:10 UTC

He wasn't surprised that his help was being 'requested'. He had been in this position before. And since it didn't seem as though there would be much 'time' for talk until the work was done, he shrugged and 'chipped in'.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 25/04/20 18:11 UTC

There was something about her voice, it sounded like something he had before, yet it was different. When he looked at her, he saw familiarity in her features too. "I think we have met. Maybe on the way to Silvermoon?" He considered, "maybe in Neverwinter? Waterdeep?" The more he thought about it, the more he wondered.

Assuming she offers Neverwinter he said "long ago I lived as a boy in Neverwinter. I did so many things, yet, one sticks in my memory." He shows her a long scar on his cheek, like it was a badge of honor. Does this look familiar?"
Posted By: Zeim Re: 2 - Rumblings: Triboar - Sat 25/04/20 19:34 UTC

Seeing the man approach and speak to Jaliera, she considers. She knows him, a Bard of no little skill. They'd traveled together as part of the same caravan once, and she'd seen him play in Silverymoon.

Not wanting to interject herself into the conversation between Jaliera and the man, she waits for a pause in the conversation and then clears her throat gently.

"Sindar, isn't it?"
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