DreamLyrics™ Play-by-Post
Posted By: nem Q&A: The Haunted Helm (HHE) - Fri 08/04/16 18:28 UTC
Arriving in the Hall of Fame like a knight on a charger is HHE.

It was started in an attempt to playtest Pelgrane Press's 13th Age RPG, an unofficial version of D&D from the creators of 3rd and 4th Edition, so OOC topics tended to be busier and more involved than normal, totalling 746 posts out of 2092.

The adventure itself was based on The Haunted Helm by James Ward, published in TSR's AC10 D&D Bestiary of Dragons and Giants. This was then remoulded to fit the shape of Blood & Lightning, the official beginner's adventure in the 13th Age rule book.

The game started in April 2015 and ended in April 2016, giving it a roughly 12 month running time. With 1346 game posts, that's approximately 4 posts per day.

That seems pretty high, considering the average word count for game posts was 158, giving a total word count for HHE somewhere in the region of 212,136! That's about twice The Hobbit, and more than any book in The Lord of the Rings trilogy too.

What does 158 words look like? See the lorem ipsum below.

Looking at previous nemarsde games, he killed off 40% of the player characters in TVS and around 60% in INS!! fear Shockingly, no player characters died in HHE. He must be slacking.

The GM, nemarsde will answer any of your questions here.
Posted By: nem Re: Q&A: The Haunted Helm (HHE) - Fri 08/04/16 18:36 UTC
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac neque elementum, elementum nisl et, porta mi. Nullam non arcu sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque sit amet posuere ante. Vivamus dignissim suscipit nisi, eu dapibus lorem. Ut ac erat laoreet, elementum velit semper, tristique turpis. Integer sagittis sit amet diam laoreet vestibulum.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam sed dolor dui. Sed vestibulum dolor justo, vitae venenatis purus rutrum eu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam commodo cursus ex, in ullamcorper eros aliquam in. Suspendisse vitae velit at libero elementum ullamcorper.

Aliquam et finibus urna, vel bibendum nisi. Phasellus dapibus lacus hendrerit diam scelerisque, sed tristique nisl aliquam. Vestibulum aliquam ipsum risus, et euismod sapien lacinia vitae. Nunc tortor tortor, sollicitudin ut tellus in, venenatis dictum turpis. Praesent sem leo, molestie sed orci.
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