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Posted By: Gryphon Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme - Sun 02/04/17 01:13 UTC
For those of you who have seen the new movie, or love the classic Disney animated show, this, I must say, puts all other versions to shame.

Every time I see this, I think "Wow/" And then laugh and laugh and laugh. It gets great about 4:00 minute mark, and I would skip to there on the first watch smile

Posted By: MikeD Re: Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme - Sun 02/04/17 02:44 UTC
That shot reminds me of the English theater where men play the women's parts ... I forget the name <sigh>
Posted By: Gryphon Re: Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme - Sun 02/04/17 04:53 UTC
James Corden was born to play Belle!
Posted By: Gypsy Re: Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme - Sun 02/04/17 11:11 UTC
Pantomime! grin James Corden is great! lol
Posted By: MikeD Re: Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme - Sun 02/04/17 12:27 UTC
Thanks for the confirmation Gypsy. I was thinking Pantomime, but was not sure I remembered it correctly because there is another type of pantomime <g>
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