DreamLyrics™ Play-by-Post
Posted By: Weez Final Acro Scoresheet - 4/18/17 to 1/6/18 - Sat 06/05/17 16:43 UTC
                     round    21    22      23        24      25
                     acro     PNO   NSFW    SCORE     FDCPA   HNY
                     dealer   Weez  Mina    Mackey    Exeter  Mackey
               TOTAL played 	
Weez           165     25      D      9      11         7       1
Gypsy          150     25      2      6      6          10      5
Gryphon        136     21      4      4      2          4       15
Mina           133     22      14     D      5          1     
Dugan          128     24      3      6      8          6       7
Mackey Mouse   128     25      4      12     D          12      D
Shamrock       120     25      4      10     2          4       18
Exeter         116     25      3      2      13         D       8
AquaDyne       104     20      5      3      1          4 
Slufoot         26     6      
Tusk            16     2       9      7

Game Start: April 18, 2017
Game End: Jan. 6, 2018
Winning Acros:
  • RND 25 HNY (Mackey): Hairy Nude Yuppies (freezing their buns off , here in Boston) by Shamrock (18 points)
    Real Winner: Hopeful? Not Yet (three more years of Trump. Bring on 2020!) by Gryphon (15 points)
  • RND 24 FDCPA (Exeter): Found Dasher & Comet Poking Around (they don't know where their presents are hidden) by Mackey (12 points)
    Real Winner: Food! Drink! Christmas Parties Abound! (Love this time of year) by Gypsy (10 points)
  • RND 23 SCORE (Mackey): Senior Computators Only Read Emails by Exeter (13 points)
    Real Winner: Some Comedians Often Require Encores (they are just too funny!) by Mina (11 points)
  • RND 22 NSFW (Mina): Needing Santa (to) Find (his) Way by Mackey Mouse (12 Points)
    Real Winner: New Snow For Winter(oh joy!!,checking on the snowblower) by Shamrock (10 Points)
  • RND 21 PNO (Weez): Positively No Objections (to more holiday weekends)by Mina (14 points)
    Real Winner: Purple Neon Oreo’s by Tusk (9 points)
  • RND 20 ZIP (Exeter): Zero Interest (in) Politics (when you're tired of all the finger pointing) by AquaDyne (12 points)
    Real Winner: Zis Iz Problemz (coming up with acro starting with Z) by Dugan (11 points)
  • RND 19 EADESP (Gypsy): Eat A Doughnut Eat Several Pralines (not the most balanced of diets) by Exeter (12 points)
    Real Winner: Every Airman Deserves Extra Silky Parachutes! by Mina (10 points)
  • RND 18 POST (Weez): Prepare Ostrich Special, Thanksgiving (Note: Expecting a =lot= of family) by Gypsy (12 points)
    Real Winner: Potentially Optimistic Some Times (other times that glass is half empty!) by Mina (11 points)
  • RND 17 TPMS (Mackey): Terrifying Pumpkins & Menacing Skeletons (Must be Halloween time - or at least I hope it is.) by Weez (14 points)
    Real Winner: True Paladins Make Sacrifices by Gryphon (10 points)
  • RND 16 GGNRA (Weez): Gopher Goes Nuts Replying (to) Ace. (the Love Boat was never this busy) by Mackey (13 points)
    Real Winner: Golden Globe Never Reclusive Award (for all those prima donnas!) by Gypsy (7 points)
  • RND 15 VMHU (Mackey): Velociraptors Mobilize. Humans Uneasy. ("Why are they mobilizing and what should we do?") by Weez (10 points)
    Real Winner: Valiant Man Holds Unbrella (for ladies, while getting drenched himself) by Gryphon (9 points)
  • RND 14 BASH (Dugan): Bunnies Avoid Senseless Hopping (Hef can't handle all that exercise anymore) by Mackey Mouse (11 points)
    Real Winner: Bad Auto-corrects Seldom Helpful (I have too many occur on my phone!) by Gypsy (9 points)
  • RND 13 DACA (Shamrock): Donuts And Cops Anonymous (meeting at 9am) by Dugan (12 points)
    Real Winner: Donald Acts Crazy Again (Duck or Trump? Both are whack-a-do!)by Mina (9 points)
  • RND 12 RFID (Weez): Root beer Floats (make) Icy Desserts (especially with vanilla ice cream) by Shamrock (8 points)
    Real Winner: Donald Requesting Funnies: Internet Delivers (usually in the form of cats) by AquaDyne (8 points)
  • RND 11 INNO (Dugan): I Need Newer Optics (These eyes aren't getting any younger or stronger.) by Weez (16 points)
    Real Winner: I Never =Need= Opals (but you just gotta love jewels!) by Gypsy (15 points)
  • RND 10 GEDCOM (AquaDyne): "Greetings Earthlings, Do Come Over (to) Mars" (for a cup of green tea). By Dugan (11 points)
    Real Winner: Godzilla Excitedly Dances Charleston (in) Ostentatious Movie by Mina (10 points)
  • RND 9 PATC (Slufoot): Pioneering Aliens Threaten Civilization (as Earthlings are referred to as "indigenous creatures") by AquaDyne (12 points)
    Real Winner (Sort of – Weez picking up Aqua’s next deal): Perfect Addicting Toffee Cookies by Weez (12 points)
  • RND 8 DCL (Aqua): Dreamlyrics Comic League (punchlines every time) by Slufoot (11 points)
    Real Winner: Dogs Can't Lie (they either like you, or they don't) by Gryphon (10 points)
  • RND 7 SAHM (Weez): Sometimes Aliens Harass Me (and nobody believes my stories!) by AquaDyne (11 points)
    Real Winner: Silent Acronyms Haunt Mackey by Mackey (11 points)
  • RND 6 USB (Dugan): Unusually Strong Bandaid (Pulling that off is gonna hurt.) by Weez (13 points)
    Real Winner: Ukelele Sounds Beckon (I want to go on vacation!) By AquaDyne (8 points)
  • RND 5 DOT (Shamrock): Devils Own Tabasco (now that's hot!) by Dugan (12 points)
    Real Winner: Doctor Obtains Tardis (or did the Tardis steal him?) by Mina (8 points)
  • RND 4 DNA (Aqua): Down Nerd Avenue (the smart kids hang) by Shamrock (11 points)
    Real Winners: (10 points each)
    Doing Nothing Again (My plans for the weekend) by Weez
    Deliberate Non-Answer (with a mouthful of cookies and a empty cookie jar) by Dugan
  • RND 3 NTSB (Shamrock): Never Trust Salespeople's Banter (it's all designed to get you to Buy the Thing!) by AquaDyne (13 points)
    Real Winner: Now Taking Sleep Break (Detailed explanation for AFK) by Weez (9 points)
  • RND 2 NOLA (Weez): Never Order Liver Again (that's my advice)by Shamrock (13 points)
    Real Winners: (9 points each)
    Never Open Link Attached (Viruses abound!) by Gypsy
    Newton Only Liked Apples (which is why a grapefruit did not help discover gravity) by Mina
  • RND 1 MLS (Aqua): Marvelously Lazy Sunday by Weez (13 points)
    Real Winner: Memory Loss Syndrome (what did I say?) by Shamrock (10 points)

Weez          6       <-------- Winner of this game
AquaDyne      4       <-------- Winner of last game
Mackey        4
Dugan         3
Shamrock      3
Exeter        2
Gypsy         1
Mina          1
Slufoot       1

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