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Posted By: nem Adventurer's Guild - Tue 27/06/23 17:28 UTC
Welcome to your new forum! Feel free to delete, reuse, rename this thread as you see fit.
Posted By: AquaDyne Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 27/06/23 17:28 UTC
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 27/06/23 17:31 UTC
Take that Ken!!
Posted By: KenSeg Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 27/06/23 17:32 UTC
Heh, didn't even try. razz
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 27/06/23 17:41 UTC
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 01:53 UTC

Feel free to discuss character concepts here. PCs will be Novice rank characters just starting out. Poke me with an email address if you need me to share the rules.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 08:28 UTC
I was going gnomish, likely. Loyal and ruthless. Sorcerer. Just to start the bidding so to speak. Zachergil, called ‘Zak’ by those to impatient for the name.
A bundle of unrepressed curiosity and bluntness - always says what he thinks and is generally mild mannered enough, unless you threaten or otherwise act in a way that could cause harm to things he cares about - in which case he can be downright scary in his sudden shift to ruthlessness.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 12:47 UTC
Looking at an Elvish Rogue. Probably would go with the character archetype in the Player's Handbook on page 63.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 15:22 UTC
I had been looking at some sort of spellcaster, having never played one in a SW game and it being my favorite class to play. However, I do not know the Pathfinder world setting or the SW magic rules (since all the SW games I've played in before have had no magic), so if those are issues I may need to adapt.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 15:43 UTC
At the moment I was doing a sorcerer of sorts, but if you wish in arcane caster I can easily change the concept to a divine cast instead.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 16:18 UTC
I just sent a bunch of info to give Zeim a peek at the basics.

A few points:

Not knowing the game world, isn't an issue. We will start out small in the town of Sandpoint and the surrounding environs. I have maps, and can describe as necessary. Also we might have an expert if Vryx joins as he knows that chunk of the world as well. I can also share a players guide to the area via Google Drive as necessary.

Since Savage Worlds is quite open, those that are adept, may certainly make whatever character they wish. Those who would like a little more guidance can find it as in premade characters and their paths, to approximate Pathfinder d20 in Savage Worlds.

Game play is supremely easy, and will go well. Combat may bog down a bit, but we can see about helping that along too.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 16:19 UTC
Am investigating the spellcaster options with Pande now. As we will have 4 players do we need a balanced group (ie a Healer, Arcane spellcaster, Rogue, and Fighter type)?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 16:24 UTC
Do you need a balanced group? Absolutely not. Is it helpful, yes it can be.

There will be NPCs which offer the potential for getting pieces filled in, ie if you don't have a cleric for healing, potions can be made (purchased), and of course in town can have a low level one for assistance.

All characters have some level of fighting skill, it is based off of Parry/Toughness/Athletics (thrown), Shooting (Bows), and Fighting (all hand to hand)
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 16:56 UTC
Let me know. I’ll choose mine based off yours.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 17:07 UTC
I was going to just make my choice last to let you guys choose what interests you the most. I'm happy to take a martial class to fill things out. I had some character ideas around any of the various core capabilities.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 17:09 UTC
If zeim wants an arcane what I had in mind works just as well persona wise as a healer so I can just tweak it to that and will. It’s slightly different version of the core idea but it’s still the same basic persona.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 17:19 UTC
I usually prefer such, but as I have limited experience in SW and none with a SW magic user I am happy to take any and all advice from those who have such experience as far as pc build (best skills/edges, etc) and best spell selection to start.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 17:43 UTC
It can be a little daunting to see the wide variety that is Savage Worlds, but we can make the choices that will help guide things. Just remember the characters are first just starting out. There will be opportunities to earn experience as we tell the story. Also one thing about magic, that might seem a little different.

Let's look at Bolt as a spell. The game talks about all the aspects of what Bolt is. In essence the spell tosses energy at a target. What kind of energy you might ask, that is what Savage Worlds calls a trapping. A frost bolt is different from a fire bolt for example a different trapping. You will pick one type and describe it a certain way.

Later was the characters earn experience, options will be available like:
A character can add a new Trapping on a power she already has instead of gaining a new one. She might add an ice Trapping to her existing fire bolt, for example, so she could switch between ice and fire Trappings freely.

So when you see a slightly more generic term or type of spell, remember that you as a character will flavor literally everything you do. So think about what concept you want for your magic, and we can grow it from that initial seed.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 18:21 UTC
Art - If you can hold off for a day or two so I can read the rules Pande sent me I will know better. I may end up choosing a fighting type instead if the magic rules seem complex so you could then go with your first choice.

Pande - Do we know each other at the start? Any shared history, or is that up to us?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 19:15 UTC
I’ll probably just make up a couple alternate versions.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 19:54 UTC
I think it would be great to have shared history!

The game starts at the Swallowtail Festival (think Harvest time) in Sandpoint. The PCs will be there when that happens or earlier as you see fit.

If it doesn't seem like you want shared history, we will work characters in. They will all end up as a party, in case that isn't obvious. This is ONE OF THOSE games. razz
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 20:12 UTC
I wanted to play with the character creation system so I made a Fighter and ran it by Pande. But I could easily shift the character concept to a different party role.

She's a traveling fortune-teller stuck in Sandpoint due to some obligatory community service.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 20:18 UTC
I will be divine or arcane magic. The loyal, curious, ruthless gnome bundle of unrepressed curiosity and bluntness - always says what he thinks and is generally mild mannered enough, unless you threaten or otherwise act in a way that could cause harm to things he cares about - in which case he can be downright scary in his sudden shift to ruthlessness.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 20:19 UTC
If it’s divine likely to be caylean or similar.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 21:21 UTC
Since I have little experience with anything other than Fighters, I can probably fill in to flesh out whatever makes the most sense. Paladin, Druid, Bard, even a Sorceror or Wizard are all possibilities. Just finished reading the 250 page rules book and trying to absorb it. Magic options seem a bit overwhelming, though I am sure I could (with Pande's help) figure it out. Don't really like Clerics much.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 21:37 UTC
Even though Savage Worlds makes clerics fun, I get that feeling. Don't feel like you should play anything, play what you want. The game will play to your character's story and strengths. There will be combat and plenty of despicable foes to beat up, in addition.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 23:02 UTC
I have a version of zak which is a cleric worked out now. Do what you like.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 28/06/23 23:54 UTC
Although I’m likely changing the cleric to Calistra instead of cayden. If it’s a cleric.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 00:09 UTC
By the archetype the Elf waif would be something called Forlorn since she (yes she) was raised by humans. Probably would fit right in and be somewhat known to the community.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 00:24 UTC
Most likely I’ll go with the Callistrian gnome as Zeim doesn’t want the cleric and I don’t mind, so the thing going for connection here is the above mentioned gnomish cleric of callistria. And some reason for him to be intensely loyal to this group of people
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 01:11 UTC
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

The disturbing smile of Zachergillin.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 01:24 UTC
Ummm.. that is disconcerting... Looks like an oompa loompa on crack
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 02:00 UTC
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Mark two, blending back in more of the original character model.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 02:03 UTC
I like this one better than the first one.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 02:07 UTC
I blended in more Andy Serkis.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 02:50 UTC
Yes the older face is less disconcerting to me. But I am not playing the character. You get to pick what works for you. I don't have to look. grin
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 11:58 UTC
As we develop characters put out, perhaps, some tidbits of information and see if we can find hooks to latch them to each other a bit. Some connection to at least two other characters or some such.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 12:21 UTC
Since I have played nothing but a fighter in this system I can play anything (except not a Cleric, which I don't like). So I would prefer to let you guys play your choices and I can fit any class in. As I see it we have:

- Gnomish Sorceror or Cleric
- Fighter
- Rogue

I am currently leaning towards a Paladin, so Art, if you prefer your first choice of Sorceror that should work. Cleric would work too so up to you.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 12:29 UTC
I’ve made up the cleric who works in my head, so all to the good. If we don’t have the arcane guy we can wing it and find ways around, ne?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 13:02 UTC
A paladin is cool, Zeim. My fighter is a light armor style with social skills so I could easily shift the concept to Sorcerer and would be happy to do so. I really just wanted to play around with the ruleset but couldn't help myself going all the way through creation.

In fact, I'm already enjoying converting her to sorcerer so, lala, presto, consider it done!
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 13:50 UTC
That’s what happened with me, did an experimental rework as a cleric and it clicked
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 13:58 UTC
I was oh so close to doing up a bard at one point
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 14:00 UTC
OK. So Cleric, Sorceror, Rogue, and Paladin (although <lol> if Vryx is moving away from fighter I may take another look there). Paladin is not so different and Cleric covers the healing the Paladin was going to do.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 14:08 UTC
Although the Paladin if it was the old fashioned type would have interesting disagreements about means vs ends with the gnome
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 14:49 UTC
Sorcerer is super fun. I love how they use Trappings to customize effects and all the flexibility around modifying and limiting powers.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 15:01 UTC
Although the Paladin if it was the old fashioned type would have interesting disagreements about means vs ends with the gnome

Yeah, I thought about that too. smile Still up in the air........

OK, think I will go with the Paladin of Iomedae. Perhaps he and Art's Gnome Cleric travel together? Lots of philosophical discussion potential.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 16:07 UTC
My Sorcerer, Catalena Teodorescu, will have been in Sandpoint for a little bit like a week or two. Would likely have gotten to know Forlorn? if she is a resident. And since Catalena has been pressed into Garrison service, there are points of interaction there too. I'll elaborate when I do the full reveal just busy today.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 16:39 UTC
Have to gfigure out if there is an existing Caleyan presence here
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 17:06 UTC
Ideally id like to either know someone here or come to town with someone to start.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 17:06 UTC
Art, afaik there is only a Desna temple in Sandpoint. It's a pretty small town.
BUT having been a Cayden Cailean cleric before, our world sort of established that because he's a new god, there were very few formal temples. Cailean is the god of taverns and adventurers so we would have clerics just kind of travel and show up in public places of drinking.
If you were going with Calistria, that's different but she also is a good patron of adventurers because they'll be on a mission, usually of vengeance. Or, there are brothels that are also temples.

My Cayden Cailean cleric was basically Andy from Parks and Rec. Super enthusiastic, well-meaning bro guy and Caliean was like his sports hero.

Catalena, my character, is a Varisian who are like the Roma of Golarion and travel all the time. She's stuck in Sandpoint now, though, longer than she would have liked and would have welcomed a road buddy.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 17:16 UTC
Well, yeah. Just trying to forge some connections. Another priest would have been one such. Just looking for a reason to be here and to know at least one or more PCs.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 17:22 UTC
They could have been traveling together from convenience and if his sort of brash enthusiastic loyal personality would mesh.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 17:42 UTC
Even though she is not a Cleric, Catalena is very devoted to Desna and her Harrow (fortune telling) Deck. She ascribes her magic due to her connection to Desna, her spell trappings will have a "divine" style around them, and she has the Celestial bloodline.

So she's an adherent, and certainly happy to chat about religious matters. She likely will have been to Sandpoint in the past and could have convinced Zak about the beautiful glasswork or that the coastline is lovely or any kind of thing. She's a carouser too.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 18:31 UTC
Same with my Paladin. As I mentioned, he could also have travelled with Zachergillian, or really any of the other pcs. His name is Aendell Shieldguard, a Paladin of Iomedae. I know nothing about the world so not sure where he may be from.

He is not long left his Paladinate travelling to fulfill his vow. He is loyal, valorous, and a protector of the innocent. A bit innocent and inexperienced in world affairs having been placed in the training center while quite young and knowing little of the outside.

(OOC - Don't see how to add a pic to the "Heroes and Beasts" Sub-forum.)

Attached picture Aendell Shieldguard.jpg
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 19:37 UTC
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 19:43 UTC
Zeim, there is a Temple of Iomedae in the nearby city of Magnimar: https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Magnimar

Magnimar is the 'upstart' city of the country of Varisia, while Korvosa is still larger and more traditional, but their government and culture are impacted by the (literally) devil-worshipping Hellknights. There's no presence of Iomedae in Korvosa.

My character is "wanted for questioning" in Magnimar. Really, it's nothing bad, but if you wanted to be a law-and-order kind of paladin, happy to use that character hook.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 19:49 UTC
Thanks, Art. Is anyone from the areas around Mendev, Lastwall, Andoran, Absalom, Brevoy, Osirion, or Taldor? Not exactly sure where those are in relation to Sandpoint......

Also thanks Vryx. Again, not sure where it is but not too far from Sandpoint makes it make some sense. If you want to discuss a character hook send me a PM and we can see if it works.

He is more of a "protect the innocent" and "deliver justice to evil" kind of paladin. Law and order is good, but not his primary focus. Still, there are possibilities that could tie that outlook in too.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 20:00 UTC
A lot of those places are on the other side of the continent, Zeim. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/golarion-bokmumrik/map/696dd62b-85f5-44b6-b50e-34653862d944

Magnimar is a great starting location, I think. It is close enough that it has some supervisory aspect over Sandpoint.

I was going to PM, Zeim, but I realized this is probably better said here because I wanted to correct something I'd said before and might affect Art too.

It probably doesn't make sense for Aendell to be on the trail of Catalena for her "crimes"... She just gets in trouble because she convinces people to believe her fortune telling and sometimes a little too well. She's a Good person. She just trusts in fate too much.

But there are some events happening that might draw Aendell in. There is a Cathedral in Sandpoint that is going to get rededicated with a town festival. The Cathedral has shrines to several gods (Art, I'd said before it's just Desna but there are six gods represented with shrines, not Iomedae or Cayden). It would be worth a pilgrimage to inquire about the addition of an Iomedae (or Cayden) shrine.

Pande, hope it's ok for me to talk about this world stuff.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 20:19 UTC
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 20:23 UTC
....again, thanks Vryx and Art. So Andoran and Absolom are not terribly far, but the rest are very far to the NE. Still, Magnimar seems a good choice (for lack of any real reason to choose anything else and the fact it is close by).
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 20:30 UTC
Well, this is a big scale map. They're like 1500-2000 miles away plus mountains. Magnimar is about 100 miles away.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 20:56 UTC
The cathedral thing could work. Also, if you want to tie in Catalena's "crimes", rather than Aendell being 'officially' hunting her down he could have run across some of the folks she did a fortune telling for and who were harmed because they believed it too much and asked him to get recompense for them. That fits better with my vision of his outlook than his being a member of the town police.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 20:57 UTC
Incidentally, Zak’s deity…

Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 21:05 UTC
Sorry been busy and phone bound. The forlorn waif could have been an orphan at the cathedral/church. Headstrong and chooses to be a sneak thief.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 21:05 UTC
That's fine with me, Zeim. My idea of backstory in Sandpoint is that she did a fortune telling for a couple town guards and foretold death and danger for them so they quit, and the Sheriff said, OK now you're filling in their duties until I can replace them or you can rot in our holding cell for bunko artistry. Subject to Pande's approval.

Similar things in Magnimar, maybe a young noble decided to give his money to the poor and become a sailor and his family flipped out.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 21:41 UTC
So maybe when she cut out from Magnimar, maybe Zak was already a friend or acquaintance there and accompanied her, recognizing what he considers a good spirit anyway, and as an excuse to hit the road and go new places?”
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/06/23 22:07 UTC
Sure, Art. That sounds good to me.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 09:13 UTC
Next day off I’m going over my sheet because looking at yours, I musta missed something.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 11:44 UTC
Here's Iomedae.... Iomedae

Apparently she is an ally of Cayden Cailean as well.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 11:52 UTC
Miales - If Aendell is going to Sandpoint to attend the opening of the Shrines there and see if he can convince them to add one for Iomedae, perhaps your waif was at the Paladinate, working in some capacity? He could have befriended Aendell and either was sent along with Aendell on his trip because the elders wanted Aendell to not travel alone and to see if some of Aendell's traits might rub off, OR the waif ran away and joined Aendell on the road for his own reasons?

Anyway, it looks like there are cross ties everywhere here among the pcs. We probably need to settle on something?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 11:56 UTC
Well, so far we have strong ties with Catalina and Zak, and between Aendell and our doughty paladin, now we just need to link the two duos?
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 11:59 UTC
Aendell IS our doughty Paladin wink What is the waif's name?

Zak and Aendell have a fairly easy link as their Deities are allies and they share common outlooks on many things.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 12:00 UTC
Oops. True. Waif and paladin. Also, both being one himself and being of his particular deity, Zak has a strong affinity for the orphaned.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 12:08 UTC
Could be two pairs (interesting that a Paladin and Waif/Rogue travelling together is a fairly common setting in Fantasy literature/movies)? The link between Aendell and Zak's Deities makes an easy joining of the groups.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 12:38 UTC
The waif was more likely caught trying to pick the Pally's purse. Recognized as doing it so they could eat. Pally brought her in to the sheriff and the sheriff 's plan was to cut off her hand. Pally compassion FTW so she travels with him now
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 12:57 UTC
We can go with that. She has to put up with his preaching morality to her though...... wink
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:00 UTC
BTW, Art, thanks for posting his pic but it works for me now so I uploaded my own. You can delete the one in your gallery.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:00 UTC
Originally Posted by Art in the Blood
Next day off I’m going over my sheet because looking at yours, I musta missed something.

Art, sheet looks great! The couple things that stood out to me were the Toughness doesn't look right. I think it's half Vigor +2 and then in paren you increase by your armor 2, would be like 5 (7) not 10 (6)

And to have Fighting higher than Agility is costlier.
It looks like I see 1 pt spent on Common Knowledge, 4 on Fighting, 3 on Faith, 2 on Occult (assuming Gnome free Sm skill there), 1 on Persuasion, 2 on Healing. So that's one point over because to go from d6 to d8 Fighting it would need to be 2 pts, because it's over Agility.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:03 UTC
So if I moved fighting down one would it solve it?

And I wasn’t sure on armor. It listed each of the three parts as having a value of two on armor, so I wasn’t sure how that worked. The whole ensemble is two and then individual pieces are as well?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:10 UTC
I would keep your fighting and slide Persuasion down one. Fighting is good for Parry. I've got good skill in Persuasion plus magic to enhance it.
But if you move it down that actually gains you a point to spend elsewhere.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:13 UTC
Being able to at least moderately fight seems useful for when I’m not using my clericy abilities. The rapier seemed like a way to help avoid taking damage wit the parry improvement.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:14 UTC
Rapier, right! Maybe show your Parry as 6 (7). Yeah that's great!
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:16 UTC
I still need to do up a char sheet. Is it linked here?
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:18 UTC
Wouldn't it be 6(1)? Looking at the pcs shown as templates in the Pathfinder SW Guide it appears the number in parenthesis is the added number for the armour/parry not the new total?

Or am I confusing the number in parenthesis with Armour Protection versus Armour Piercing?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:28 UTC
Kinda trying to rough out what to equate that to in something resembling ac for how good that is.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:38 UTC
Zeim, on the sample character for Parry it says like "Parry: 4 (5 Staff)" but are right about Toughness/Armor.

Parry: 6 (7 Rapier)
Toughness: 6 (2)

I think maybe they chose that way so the GM can see an easy to read "to hit" target but sometimes attacks are Armor Piercing to a certain degree, 1 or 2 points, and this way can see that separation.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:41 UTC
Originally Posted by Miales
I still need to do up a char sheet. Is it linked here?

We put our sheets in the Gallery, Miales. Just built them from text.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:45 UTC
If it helps This page has a free form fillable sheet.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:46 UTC
And Art, they break up the armor into pieces because you can do a Called Shot where someone isn't armored but they also do a general "armor" if you have chest armor on the sheet. Oddly, it seems like none of the archetype characters have helmets!

Targeting a particular part of the body is a
Called Shot. The modifier to the attack roll
depends on the Scale of the target itself
(not the creature it’s part of). Use the Scale
Modifiers table on page 138 to determine any
bonus or penalty for the target’s Scale. These
modifiers are already listed in parentheses
below for Normal scale creatures, along with
any specific game effects:
HAND (−4): Target may be Disarmed, see
page 131.
„ HEAD OR VITA LS (−4): Hitting the head
or vital organs of living creatures adds +4
damage to the attacker’s total. The penalty
is −5 if attempting to target the face of
someone wearing an open-faced helmet
(thus bypassing the helmet’s Armor).
„ ITEM (?): Use the dimensions on the Scale
table for items. Targeting something the
size of a dagger, for example, is −4.
„ LIMBS (−2): Unless attempting to Disarm
(see below), hitting a limb has no additional
special effect since it’s already accounted
for by Wound and Pace penalties (see
Wounds, page 125).
„ UNA RMORED AREA (?): The attack targets
the unprotected area of a target otherwise
covered in Armor. The penalty depends
on the Scale of the area. The eye slit of a
helmet is Tiny (−6), for example, while the
flesh beneath the missing scale of a Huge
dragon might be Very Small (−4).
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:49 UTC
So if I’m reading right if I have a d8 fighting and Catalina as an example has a 5 parry, I would hit her on a 5,6,7,8? Or am I missing an aspect here?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 13:55 UTC
Yes, you'd roll a d8 and a d6 (Wild Die because you're a PC). If either one of them is a 5 or higher you'd hit. You don't add them together. So, better than 50% there.
Then you would roll damage and you would roll d6+d4 and try to get to her Toughness of 6 to damage her. A 6 would make her Shaken. A 12 would make her Shaken and a Wound. If she had her Protection spell, you'd need an 8.

If I've got it right!
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 14:08 UTC
Yes. 50%. It is what you get with light armour. My Paladin, who is intended to be a tank (with medium armour. can't afford plate yet.), has a Parry of 8(2) and a toughness of 9(3). BTW, it seems like the parenthesis number shown for the templates is the added value for both, not the new total for either? Oddly for Rogue and Wizard (with Rapier and Staff) it is shown differently than for any of the other classes?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 14:18 UTC
That is weird. Maybe it's because the bonus to your Parry is a shield vs a weapon?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 14:28 UTC
I wasn’t expecting better, just trying to calibrate things in my head.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 14:39 UTC
Of course I don't think most non-Wildcard foes (at our level of encounter) will have a Fighting as high as d8.

Also, yes, the way the Parry/Toughness is written is odd. It seems 8(2) for example means a total of 8, with 2 of those 8 coming from a shield. Whereas 6(7) with a Rapier means a base of 6 but +1 for the Rapier for a total of 7. No idea why its different.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 15:17 UTC
Strictly on phone until the 5th. Trying to get access to the free SW pdf then I can do up Selaim with some alterations. Like no rapier maybe ambidextrous with short swords(long knives). But working on it.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 15:42 UTC
If you take Ambidextrous, you could use a Rapier and a Starknife (presuming you have to use a smaller weapon in the off hand and can't just use 2 Rapiers). This would give a little less damage (Str+d4 for both instead of Str+d6 for a Short Sword), but with Ambidextrous you would get to stack the Parry bonuses and both weapons give +1 to Parry.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 15:47 UTC
Pm pande I think …
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 16:17 UTC
As a bonus I believe the starknofe would be a thrown Ranged option if needed
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 21:39 UTC
okay - I am late to the party.

Is there room for another?

If there is, what sort of character would be useful for party ballance?
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 21:45 UTC
Think there is a rogue, cleric, paladin, and some gnomish thing.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 22:31 UTC
I think I speak for all, and even our DM Pande, certainly, yes!

Also, Art, for purposes of Skill optimization I presume your Cleric has Heal? I made that assumption so did not take it for Aendell. I did take Occult so not sure we both need it?

We have a Paladin, Rogue, Sorceror, and Cleric. Pande said not to worry too much about balance, and truthfully we are fairly balanced now so you should be able to play anything you like. Bard has been mentioned? Or if you want to align with the religious tendencies we seem to have there is Monk?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 22:36 UTC
A gnomish cleric. And I did. I have heal at d6. I have to have a minimum occult of d6 just to take the class. I could possibly repurpose one dice level from occult to make heal d8, maybe.

And I certainly wouldn’t mind the extra company.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 22:48 UTC
Well, I don’t need Occult for the class, although it fits his background. I could swap it for Heal at d4 and take it later?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 22:57 UTC
Would we gain anything by the d4 heal?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 23:21 UTC
I think having more than one person with Healing is very useful. I was thinking about it and then thought that the Paladin would have it.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 23:33 UTC
But is a d4 healing worth much is what I was wondering, I guess.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 30/06/23 23:59 UTC
It avoids taking a -2 if you try healing and are unskilled. So yes the d6 wild die has a better chance of rolling the typical 4 success, but if you don't take Heal as a skill you must Ace to succeed.

I'll adjust so he has it.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 00:15 UTC
Absolutely Welcome Angr!

As far as what the party can use? Literally, anything works. What do you feel like you are in the mood for?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 00:26 UTC
At the moment we have a fighting guy, a cleric, a sorcerer and a rogue, so quite literally play something interesting to you. A long range capable guy might be nice and have an instant role. A bard would be a nice fit likely, but even double stacking one of the other roles would not go amiss.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 00:29 UTC
Regarding world knowledge etc... Frankly, this is my first foray into Pathfinder ever. I don't know the gods nor the world. I will happily lean on any knowledge you can offer.

I was thinking that the church might share a bit of the burden, not be exclusive. Think of it as a bit more non-denominational. But really, I don't know.

Bring all you know or don't know to the fore, and let us make this the best world/game we can. Just don't be surprised if the GM makes stuff up as he goes. grin
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 00:31 UTC
And the system is Pathfinder?

I have never actually played that system, nor do I have the rules ... brilliant start ...
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 00:34 UTC
But it is like savage worlds?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 00:34 UTC
It’s the savage worlds conversion of pathfinder.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 00:36 UTC
If you just try to make a fantasy character archetype we have a couple of people with knowledge of the game world enough to help you polish it to fit.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 00:40 UTC
Originally Posted by Miales
Think there is a rogue, cleric, paladin, and some gnomish thing.

“Gnome thing, I think I love you. But I wanna gnow fr suuuure …”
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 00:41 UTC
Yes this is Savage Worlds. And Art is right, we can make any concept fit in the system.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 01:07 UTC
ok - I now own a set of rules ...
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 01:24 UTC
Heh I could have shared them. grin
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 01:25 UTC
check out savage.us if you want a free character creator, just make a log on, and select the Pathfinder book. Then you can go through the steps. Again anyone here can help.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 01:33 UTC
All8 get on savage.us is “John savage, technology in art”
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 01:35 UTC
Just makes the crunchy bits in the character a bit easier. And of course advances (or exp, as they call it).
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 01:49 UTC
Well, if I’m reading it right I cheated myself …
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 02:01 UTC
Actually looks like my math all works on second go through
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 02:43 UTC
I am thinking of human draconic sorcerer
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 03:39 UTC
That would be cool and certainly doable with the rules.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 08:30 UTC
She just needs to be another orphan and we can have the group be called ‘the lost and found’. And for bonus point from the same place as either Zak or Selaim for connection purposes.

Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 11:15 UTC
I can do 'orphan'
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 11:23 UTC
Well, I was half joking but really, it provides an instant connection to one of two characters and through them into the party web.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 12:36 UTC
Tried that savaged.us site and the thing is clunky. Well clunky on a phone.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 12:45 UTC
Worked pretty well on a tablet.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 12:54 UTC
Not sure. Might be the smaller screen. Also wish it was like D&D beyond. A step by step walk through.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 13:40 UTC
It is "savaged.us". That is why you get the John Savage site.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 14:04 UTC
Don't see "savaged.us" aligned with SW Pathfinder rules, even after choosing the Pathfinder books. Starting money is different and item costs are different. Also doesn't take into account Racial bonuses to Attributes/Skills so keep getting error messages.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 14:13 UTC
It lined up for me.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 14:25 UTC
What options did you choose for setting? Both Pathfinder books? Was the starting money $300 or $500?
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 14:34 UTC
I'm thinking the site and using it via phone doesn't work so well.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 15:56 UTC
Think I have it figured out. Is starting funds 300 or 500? Also how do you change strength or is that set by race?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 16:11 UTC
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 16:17 UTC
You should just be able to bump it up right by the stat
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 16:37 UTC
Not sure since the rules show costs that do not line up with the app. Example. Traveling clothes are $1 in the rules book but $20 in the app. A Chain shirt is $100 in the rule book but it shows as $300 in the app. I am going to take what the template in the rules shows for my pc and ignore the costs in the app.

Also, the app does not recognize the Human bonus of starting one Ability Score at a d6.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 16:47 UTC

Not sure if that will work

Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 16:49 UTC
Originally Posted by Zeim
Not sure since the rules show costs that do not line up with the app. Example. Traveling clothes are $1 in the rules book but $20 in the app. A Chain shirt is $100 in the rule book but it shows as $300 in the app. I am going to take what the template in the rules shows for my pc and ignore the costs in the app.

Also, the app does not recognize the Human bonus of starting one Ability Score at a d6.

I thought those prices were crazy. Will most likely get rid of that crossbow because it isn't even in the Pathfinder book.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 17:15 UTC
300 gp to start, but yes, the prices are a little odd. If you have a specific request, ask me in a PM and we will see what we can do.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 17:40 UTC
Going back over the app and cross-reference the Pathfinder guide. Still debating the weapons on her. Thinking of swapping to falcatas.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 17:42 UTC
If you use the template as a guide for the pc you can set the costs to "Free" in the app and change the starting money to whatever the template says she has left and it works out.....

Pande - Are we all in the same caravan, or is it multiple ones?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 17:51 UTC
The intro thread is up. Join it, and describe your character with common information that could be gleaned from just traveling about three days on the road. For those that know each other more, that is just fine. This scene is just to establish characters. Feel free to add NPCs or any other flavor that you would like. The caravan is about a half day's travel from Sandpoint coming from the southern city Magnimar. The caravan has been on the road about four days. The travel has been leisurely. Most of the caravan are merchants bring their wares, or food stalls to Sandpoint for the Swallowtail (think harvest) festival in two days. The Swallowtail Festival is held on the Autumnal Equinox—generally on the 22nd or 23rd of the month of or 23rd of the month of Rova.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 17:56 UTC
I posted her to the heroes gallery
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 17:59 UTC
Before we start, Angrboða, did you want to have a prior connection with anyone?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 18:05 UTC
I’ll do that after I get home from work
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 18:07 UTC
Yes by all means work out any connections. I just wanted to get something up so that people could talk. grin

Anyone have bbcode helper? I want to build a couple of tables, Days of the Week, Months, Coinage stuff like that. But my formating fu is WEAK!
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 20:15 UTC
I don't mind a prior connection
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 20:18 UTC
Well. One easy connection would be being from the same orphanage that Zak came from, which, through Zak, would provide a connection to yet a third character as a mutual acquaintance. THat is if we triple down on having thre orphans.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 20:19 UTC
Zak is that gnome right?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 21:03 UTC
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 21:06 UTC
Ut oh. We've at least doubled down on the curious hinderance<G>
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 22:34 UTC
I was persuaded to make it triple curious
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 22:39 UTC
We’re a bunch of meddling kids!
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 22:40 UTC
Oh perfect PCs, Impulsive, Overconfident, and Curious. What more could you want? Blind and Stupid? grin
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 22:41 UTC
Oh and in case you didn't see it in the other thread.

Everybody gets a mode of transportation to their liking as part of Common Knowledge/Common assets. Sheesh!
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 22:43 UTC
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 22:47 UTC
Did I mention I didn't want murder hobos? razz
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 22:53 UTC
He only took minor ruthless. We’re good.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 23:12 UTC
So I think Coral likely recognizes Zak when she sees him again from their time in the same facility.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 23:23 UTC
Also I don't think any PC took luck. Correct me if I am wrong.

What that essentially means is all of you have three bennies each.

With 5 PCs that means I have 5 bennies to use for my NPCs and other foil.

Would you like to note them on your character sheets? Or would you prefer a sticky thread with them, and potentially other important stats?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 23:24 UTC
Sticky thread might be a good thing for that.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 23:35 UTC
Yes, sticky/thread. Also, unless I am wrong, I think NPC Bennies are only for Wild Cards (ie named important enemies), not for random, miscellaneous opponents. So Joe Smith and his 5 henchmen attack us. Joe has some bennies but his henchmen don't, I believe?
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 23:50 UTC
Originally Posted by Art in the Blood
So I think Coral likely recognizes Zak when she sees him again from their time in the same facility.

but that time i nthe orphanage was some 40 years ago for Zak and only 10 years ago for Coral !
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 23:51 UTC
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 23:51 UTC
At 49 he’s just becoming an adult gnome not long ago.

At any rate, he spent a lot of time at the place even after leaving it.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 01/07/23 23:53 UTC

So she was there for 10 years and left aout 8 years ago
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 00:04 UTC
So he was there quite often with his mentor during her time there.the orphanage was sponsored by the Caleianites, as many are, and in this case his mentor took him along.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 00:20 UTC
You are correct, Zeim, GM bennies are only for special NPCs, and potentially special occasions.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 02:12 UTC
Angr- did we agree we knew each other? I am fine with it but I don't recall the details we worked out?
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 06:54 UTC
I think we are just aware of each other
Relative closeness is for role play
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 06:55 UTC
Originally Posted by Angrboða
I think we are just aware of each other
Relative closeness is for role play

[ I hate you wine ! I don't remember typing that!!]
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 10:57 UTC
I imagine Catalina would have at least a little touch of an earthy sense of humor l
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 11:32 UTC
I'm going to take a pass for now on RRL, actually, Art. Though Pande is free to use Catalena as an NPC if he likes. I know you'll have fun, guys!
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 11:34 UTC
Ah well. Gotta work on worming my way over to the others now.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 12:45 UTC
If she did see blue hair it was likely because he caught someone and was chasing them off.

Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 12:52 UTC
Lies and twisting the truth..
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 12:53 UTC
Seriously though. Wouldn’t.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 13:19 UTC
Sorry to see you go Vryx. Well, back to the foundational mix of pcs again. Only one Sorceror.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 13:30 UTC
Angrboða - So whenever I reply to you I always copy-paste your member name as I can't reproduce the special character between the 'o' and 'a' at the end of your name. If I am using my phone or Fire tablet I can't do that as easily, so how do you pronounce that letter so I can substitute properly? Is it an 'o', a 'd', a 'u', something else?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 14:03 UTC
Isn’t that a thorn?

The first of these unfamiliar letters is Þ, þ. This is the letter known as thorn. It has a /th/ sound and can be pronounced as a voiceless interdental fricative, as in thick or as a voiced dental fricative, as in the. Thorn originated in the Old English runic alphabet known as futhorc and survived the transition to the Latin alphabet. Thorn continues to be used well into the Middle English period. In later use the letter often lost its ascender, coming to look much like the letter wynn (see below) or the letter Y. This survives in the pseudo-archaic usage “ye olde…”, which in the modern alphabet should really be written “the old.”

Attached picture IMG_0890.png
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 14:07 UTC
Angrboða (Old Norse: [ˈɑŋɡz̠ˌboðɑ]; also Angrboda) is a jötunn in Norse mythology. She is the mate of Loki and the mother of monsters.[1] She is only mentioned once in the Poetic Edda (Völuspá hin skamma) as the mother of Fenrir by Loki. The Prose Edda (Gylfaginning) describes her as "a giantess in Jötunheimar" and as the mother of three monsters: the wolf Fenrir, the Midgard serpent Jörmungandr, and the ruler of the dead Hel.[1]

So in the Pathfinder mythos, Lamashtu.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 17:12 UTC
Thanks Art. So to my original question, "d".
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 17:21 UTC
Sorry to see Vryx go, but I understand.

All orphans now? I think that is the case. Going to have to make something of that...
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 17:39 UTC
Originally Posted by Zeim
Thanks Art. So to my original question, "d".

In terms of pronounciation, 'Eth' ('Ð' 'ð') is probably better substituted by a 'dh' than a 'd', but most of the time I see a 'd' being used as a substitute.

'ð' is the sound of 'th' in 'the', whereas 'Þ' 'þ' is the the sound of 'th' in 'thin'.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 17:49 UTC
I’m not ignoring you other guys I just want to give coral a chance to be posted before I add any more
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 02/07/23 18:14 UTC
Angrboða - Thanks.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 11:53 UTC

If you don’t have it. Has lists of sayings etcetera.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 13:24 UTC
Bah humbug. He really never would. Hmmph.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 13:34 UTC

You and I know she is wrong. Just don't tell her that.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 13:49 UTC
With Selaim I am viewing everything in bonds

She has Bonds with:

Aendall: saved her from having her hands cutoff.

Coral: girl she knew several years ago and enjoyed being around

She has Conflict Bonds with:

Zak: knows him from orphanage. She blames him for her leaving and roaming the streets. She knows deep down he was probably telling the truth but is too stubborn to admit she is wrong even years later. Instead she constantly doubles down on not liking him

Aendall: she blames him for her having to leave. It was his wallet she was caught lifting after all.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 13:55 UTC
Yah. Just was hoping there is room for a bit more positive interaction at some point.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 13:59 UTC
From a Bond perspective, I can list Aendell's as:

Selaim - Waif who almost paid a penalty he felt was inappropriate for her crime. He decided that if she spends enough time around him he can reform her.
Coral - A girl he knows from the Orphanage and who treated him nicely when he was dumped there. He's visited her there from time to time.
Zak - Doesn't know him, but recognizes his Deity is an ally of his own so default position is respectful.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 14:09 UTC
From Zak it is basically..
What is good in that person and how can that be enhanced and nurtured. How can you provoke the best of people? That is the goal.

Might be characterized by “ Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know, in nine hundred years of time and space, I've never met anybody who wasn't important before."(a doctor who line, but it fits)
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 14:11 UTC
Originally Posted by Art in the Blood
Yah. Just was hoping there is room for a bit more positive interaction at some point.

Bonds change as characters grow. You notice all of Selaim's conflict bonds are from her refusal to admit she is wrong.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 16:05 UTC
Excellent- everyone has defined Coral's bonds for me
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 16:29 UTC
Angrboða - If you were thinking anything different for Aendell I am open to changing?
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 17:21 UTC
OK. Finalized Selaim is up. Gone is Curious. She is now jealous. And this is reflected in how she treats Zak and Aendall.

Also gone is the leather leggings. I did make her cloth leggings at half the cost and half the armor value. Little better than traveling pants but not near as good as leather. Finally her weapons are hidden in her bedroll for now. She doesn't think Aendall would approve.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 18:22 UTC
Originally Posted by Zeim
Angrboða - If you were thinking anything different for Aendell I am open to changing?

No - I am happy with that
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 21:58 UTC
Oh I totally see "They Killed Kenny!" coming to life sometime in the future... grin
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 03/07/23 22:12 UTC
No. Zak will take the abuse …

It’s what he does. That is not where his ruthless comes in. He’ll just have to mostly interact with Coral And the Doughty Paladin, while making the occasional foray in the direction of the Suspicious One while still trying to look out for her. It’s a balancing act, but he’ll still go off on someone trying to harm either of them.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 00:42 UTC
I hope that coral notices where coral is?
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 01:29 UTC
Originally Posted by Pandemonium
Oh I totally see "They Killed Kenny!" coming to life sometime in the future... grin

Well naming it Art or Ryx seemed a little inappropriate. So I went for comedic value and named it after Ken.
Posted By: KenSeg Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 01:30 UTC
What is this about killing Ken? I did not approve any murder of myself.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 01:31 UTC
Originally Posted by KenSeg
What is this about killing Ken? I did not approve any murder of myself.

Knew I could get Ken to post more than once on this OOC weg
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 01:33 UTC
Originally Posted by Art in the Blood
I hope that coral notices where coral is?

ditzy red-head ....
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 03:00 UTC
I admit I'm getting jealous ooc of the game and I've reworked Catalena as a Bard. Third time's the charm? Though she no longer "charms." Mostly the same concept except I changed her Arcane powers to be different from Coral's and added Healing so there's a backup caster for that for Zak.

Pande, ok if I'll just pick up in Sandpoint with the backstory we'd discussed?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 05:24 UTC
Sure, but I might put you to work. See a PM.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 09:44 UTC
Originally Posted by Vryx
I admit I'm getting jealous ooc of the game and I've reworked Catalena as a Bard. Third time's the charm? Though she no longer "charms." Mostly the same concept except I changed her Arcane powers to be different from Coral's and added Healing so there's a backup caster for that for Zak.

Pande, ok if I'll just pick up in Sandpoint with the backstory we'd discussed?

So do they possibly still know each other as a way to integrate into the party?
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 10:02 UTC
A Bard? Your gnome's religious symbol is a tankard. I can see one possible connection right there.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 11:31 UTC
Art, yes I think the personal connection of them having met in the past is still valid. Her background is the same.
Also, Zeim, anything we talked about before remains valid about her being wanted in Magnimsr. They probably haven't met yet.
I think that's plenty of hooks.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 11:36 UTC
OK. Welcome back? In any case Aendell also has Healing so if you wanted to take something else to start and add Healing later you could do that. Or it can't hurt to have 3 with Healing.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 11:38 UTC
Would definitely make the party more robust long term.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 11:54 UTC
Waiting for the results of the notice checks. Unless they say different, however, rapier and follow the Suspicious One.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 13:03 UTC
Originally Posted by Zeim
OK. Welcome back? In any case Aendell also has Healing so if you wanted to take something else to start and add Healing later you could do that. Or it can't hurt to have 3 with Healing.

Not the skill, Zeim. She doesn't have skill in that. The Power, I mean, that removes Wounds.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 13:11 UTC
She has the spell, Pally has the skill, Zak has both.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 14:05 UTC
Ah. Well maybe I'll swap then?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 14:11 UTC
Originally Posted by Zeim
Ah. Well maybe I'll swap then?

Zeim, no, I'm saying you should keep the skill. It is good to have backup of both the Skill and the Power.

With the skill, it takes 10 minutes and has to be done with supplies within the first hour after the Wound and only one shot per Healer (skill) for each Wounded person. Nothing's guaranteed, you have to succeed at the check. The skill is also very useful to keep people from bleeding out.

The Healing Power can also fail on the casting, but probably more likely to succeed. They require precious Power Points though.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 14:17 UTC
OK. Kept.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 14:22 UTC
Yeah, if Zak's bleeding out, that's a round by round life or death so it's good to have someone who can at least stop the bleeding. I don't have that many Power Points or might not be there. Or might be dead already. LOL.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 15:05 UTC
Instead of “who watches the watcher’ “who heals the healer”
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 23:38 UTC
Originally Posted by Art in the Blood
Instead of “who watches the watcher’ “who heals the healer”

Yes, healing will help in the long run. I don't plan on being super deadly, but dice can be dice, as we all know. There will most certainly be combat.

We have worked out the PM, and the results of the notice rolls should be coming up shortly. General information all but the Pallidum noticed. He should figure it out pretty quickly.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 05/07/23 23:58 UTC
He's following Selaim so he should be fine. She has weapons... he should be fine. weg
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 06/07/23 00:03 UTC
Zak is quite reasonably proficient with his rapier.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 06/07/23 23:47 UTC
Hello, I wanted to ask you all what card you'd like to represent your character in Catalena's Harrow deck. There's a nice list here:


Cards are marked with a suit tied to a dominant statistic and with a traditional alignment, so for instances, the LG card of Strength is The Paladin (a paladin), the CG card of Wisdom is The Publican (a cyclops pouring a huge mug of ale), and the NG card of Charisma is The Theater (a puppet theater), which I think are good cards for Aendell, Zak, and Catalena respectively. You might not agree!

The cards for Coral and Silaim I'm not sure are that obvious.

Anyway, I own the physical cards and would like to employ them in character. But I want to make sure if a card comes up, it represents how you'd like your character represented in a Reading.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 06/07/23 23:53 UTC
Probably an upside down Rabbit Prince for Selaim. Truthfully she is a pretty broken twisted character that actually needs the group. SHe might evolve and be more trusting but they will need to find a way to keep her from being so impulsive.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:03 UTC
I wondered if Selaim might want to start with The Crows since she was thieves guilding. Her card can change over time. It doesn't mean that Selaim is evil. There's also cards like The Lost, The Carnival, The Eclipse which can speak more toward her struggling with choices vs being very agile.

That's cool you're thinking of an inverted meaning. Unlike tarot, I don't, and the little booklet with the cards, ascribe meaning to orientation. I've always just read them upright.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:08 UTC
Even though he is technically neutral good, the publican works on Zak. Interesting enough, my live game I do in saturdays has a harrow reader and cards representing each member.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:09 UTC
Cool! You're playing Pathfinder? Or just like the deck?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:13 UTC
Or Miales, there's also The Desert:
"This is the chaotic good card of constitution. It represents an environment too difficult for anyone to survive without help. "
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:14 UTC
Pf1.reign of winter. Before that serpents skull same players, before that kingmaker. You see AJ around here, he’s one of the other players. My current character is a halfling winter witch, sister to a human and a yeti. (Haggishness ancestry can make things weird). One of the players even made custom harrow deck art for each character.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:18 UTC
Oh cool! We have to talk. I've been running Reign of Winter for about five years. We're on the third module, I'd say about halfway.
My group is an Irreseni witch, not winter; two kellids, a barbarian and an oracle, outcasts; a bard with Ulfen ancestry and his half-orc half-brother, an inquisitor of Abadar and they're like the Odd Couple. They've gotten joined by two former foes (don't want to spoil it for you) one an NPC and one a PC.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:21 UTC
Im ahead of you in the path.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:25 UTC
Ah, ok then there are no spoilers for you here:

My players write some nice recaps and contribute some artwork here and there.

Ten-Penny Tacey and Jairess Sonn are in the group, Jairess took over the mantle of the Black Rider from Tacey who stayed in Whitethrone. She was a background connection for the bard and led to some good character interaction.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:25 UTC
We have winter witch, psychic ravager, yeti bloodrager(GM really worked to make a path which made that balanced! A human unchained rogue, a hunter with a dino pet(basically imported Athyra from the serpents skull path and made her a hunter), and a forlaaaren fire kineticist. Had the starting background of having been circus folk from a destroyed circus.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:26 UTC
We’ve also been joined by Greta.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:27 UTC
The Bard considered inviting Greta, after they'd had a date but the party was not having it. grin
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:29 UTC
Our 5! Charisma kineticist seduced her into following us. We were quite flabbergasted at the rolls involved in that let me tell you.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 00:58 UTC
On the earlier question, the Paladin card for the Paladin seems appropriate.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 01:03 UTC
Thanks, Zeim. Feel free to have Aendell join up with the others in the game thread.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 07/07/23 06:11 UTC
The Winged Serpent for Coral
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 08/07/23 08:50 UTC
I was under the impression it looked like the man was being actively attacked by something we couldn’t see. Is this not the case?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 08/07/23 11:11 UTC
That is a reasonable conclusion, yes.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 08/07/23 18:18 UTC
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
School: Conjuration
Trappings: Laying on hands, touching the victim with a holy symbol, prayer.
Healing removes Wounds less than an hour old. A success removes one Wound, and a raise removes two. The power may be cast additional times to remove additional Wounds within that hour and as long as the healer has enough Power Points.

For Extras, the GM must first determine if the ally is still alive (see Aftermath, page 159). If so, a successful arcane skill roll returns the
ally to action (Shaken if it matters.)

So 3 power points can be spent to attempt to heal him.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 08/07/23 18:45 UTC
Well, that is being done through channel
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 08/07/23 23:35 UTC
So Zak doesn't have to touch? Am I understanding things correctly?

If so the man's wounds aren't improved and Zak only has to spend 1 power point. (Like a failed spell.)
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 08/07/23 23:41 UTC
Well. Just reading the channel ability off the sheet.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 09/07/23 01:44 UTC
Clerics can do the Healing power, as I read it, at the regular PP cost but at Spirit range and can do it in bulk with +1 pp per target.

That's another difference between him doing it and a dabbler like Catalena using the same Power
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 09/07/23 04:07 UTC
You guys keep me honest. This is the first SW game here, and it is Pathfinder which is different too.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 09/07/23 10:18 UTC
I’ll start quoting the rules text I’m using for things if it helps? Maybe in the ooc thread? I’m kinda learning the system as I go along.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 09/07/23 20:43 UTC
Yes, OOC is prefect for looking at the mechanics. Since I am learning too, it will help me as well.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 10/07/23 02:22 UTC
Originally Posted by Zeim

His expression turns grim as he sees the apparent apparition and it's actions. "Yes", he says to Selaim, "Go get them." In the meantime we wracks his brain with no success for any knowledge he has heard or read of such things as he is seeing now.

Aendell Occult
Zeim rolled d4,d6 and got 1, 1
So, a fail.

1,1 is usually a 'spectacular success'

A Critical Failure occurs when a Wild Card rolls a 1 on both the skill die and Wild Die of a Trait roll. The attempt automatically fails and something bad happens—a weapon is dropped or gets stuck, the attack hits a friend, the vehicle crashes, spells misfire (see
Backlash, page 169), and so on.
Critical Failures cannot be rerolled by any means, even with Bennies (see the next page)."

I did ot realise you cannot use a bennie to avoid a 1,1
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 10/07/23 02:28 UTC
Correct, you can't make them go away.

In this instance though it isn't critical. grin
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 10/07/23 11:41 UTC
Yes, it was a good time to use that up!
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 10/07/23 20:41 UTC
Correct on the belief thing about believing something incorrect.

Oh and they did hear the ghost mention a goddess's name Desna might have something to do with the rites. Coral remembers hearing that during her spell.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 10/07/23 20:47 UTC
Zak Religion
Art in the Blood rolled 1d8,1d6 and got 7, 3

For appropriate Desna rites
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 10/07/23 22:36 UTC
Zak knows just what to do.

Alternatively, he knows there is a temple to her in Sandpoint if they want to get a professional involved.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 11/07/23 00:40 UTC
Probably a combo
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 11/07/23 22:39 UTC
(What is the time? How close to night?)
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 12/07/23 15:48 UTC
It is dusk. The ghost was running around as the light was fading. With the digging and gathering probably getting dark, if not now, very soon.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 12/07/23 16:02 UTC
Ok, so stars are coming out. Good. Post tonight
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 12/07/23 16:16 UTC
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 12/07/23 17:31 UTC
Pande, it's early fall, right? Around Rova 21?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 12/07/23 20:40 UTC
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 12/07/23 20:41 UTC
Autumnal Equinox is in two days.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 13/07/23 19:21 UTC
Nice ceremony, Art.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 13/07/23 23:26 UTC
I figured her connection with stars, that constellation’s connection with Desna, and one of the values the Accidental God and Desna most share in common would be good things to center around,
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 15/07/23 02:01 UTC
Very nice. I am not going to get in the way, go ahead and post as you will.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 17/07/23 21:27 UTC
Vyrx your up at the town gate in the arrival thread.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 18/07/23 14:06 UTC
Pande, how are you planning to use Bennies and Action Cards? Bennies, it's a bit vague when playing over a forum since it's not "session by session." But I think if we all had an idea of the expiration/refresh schedule, it will help decision-making on when to use them or not. For your NPCs too.

And in the JTM game, Gypsy doesn't deal Action Cards more than once an encounter, but the Savage Pathfinder rules seem to have a lot of mechanics tied to the idea that the Action Cards change round by round.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 18/07/23 15:13 UTC
Yes, Gypsy also only refreshes Bennies once per advancement I believe. Also, refreshing Action Cards every round would impact the value of some Edges.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 18/07/23 20:06 UTC
I am planning on using Bennies. Depending on what I feel is an appropriate scene change, and I intend to be somewhat less rigid about refreshing them.

As much as it might be a bit more work, I like the idea of action cards each round. If it is too cumbersome, we will adjust, but that is my current plan. I will likely keep a thread for cards, and deal them out by my computer, and track them. Though if we find an appropriate tool for online play, I am happy to use it.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 18/07/23 20:35 UTC
I like that, Pande. I'm excited to learn the system as the creators intended because I'm a mechanics nerd. I like the idea too of how once an initiative is used, it's gone as an option until a Joker is drawn and there's a shuffle. Pretty much means all the things that happen from a Joker will happen eventually. I find it interesting to strategize too.. like if you're last in a round and decide to, say, focus on defense for a +4 to Parry... you've lost the chance for it to be effective in that first round and then you might be first in the next round.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 18/07/23 21:06 UTC
I have to admit I’m foggy on that part of the system. Perhaps someone can summarize?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 18/07/23 21:16 UTC
As I understand it:

Every round in combat, all the PCs and the NPC Wild Cards (like named villains) and each group of mooks get dealt an Action card from a standard deck. Some character traits let you get two and choose one. Then the DM counts down in order from Ace to two. Ties are broken by suit in reverse alpha order (Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs) and if a Joker comes out, whoever gets it gets bonuses to their rolls that round and everyone on their side gets a Benny or a shared pool for mooks.

Next round everyone gets a new Action card. But from the remaining deck, unless a Joker came out, in which case it got shuffled and is fresh all 54.

So the longer you go, the higher the probability of a Joker.

What I was saying is... Say Catalena found herself cornered by 4 Goblins with help coming but not there yet. She might think to go defensive instead of taking an Action. But if she goes later than the Goblins due to card draws, she doesn't get the benefit until her turn. Say she went at the end of the round with a two of clubs. If she goes defensive its until her next Action which, if she goes early in the next round might mean she wasted her Action. But if she goes late again, then it's a useful strategy.

You see, unlike regular D&D with a predictable cadence of turn order, that kind of thing has an effect.

Or, say there's a spell ritual that takes a long time by design so it can be interrupted. If you happen to start it at the end of your first round and then you go early the next round then it takes no time at all! But I don't even know if such a thing is in Savage Pathfinder.

You know what Bennies are, right? They're rerolls you can spend. You gain a set number each "game session" or "scene change/act" or however Pande is going to do it. You can gain Bennies in between sessions for roleplaying and there are certain abilities, like Catalena's Elan, that if she spends a Benny, she gets +2 on her reroll.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 18/07/23 21:24 UTC
In short, in each round, we will draw cards for initiative. I will post them, and then we will act in the order as appropriate when in combat, of course. That way edges like Level Headed come into play each round.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 18/07/23 21:28 UTC
I don't believe anyone took luck. So everyone has 3 bennies to start.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 27/07/23 16:53 UTC
Are we ok with moving to the church?

Are there other things the PCs would like to do?

This day in the game is pretty free form, and tomorrow is the day of the Swallow Tail Festival.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 27/07/23 18:07 UTC
We seem to have some interesting things going on in this game. Where the party members are much more suspicious of everyone else, the charm spell on the friendly guard, heck a detect evil prior. Is there something I need to know about how all of you see the game world that I don't?

While I had intended this game to run traditional party style, it doesn't have to. The plot can allow for splitting up the group.

What do I need to do to make this game more of what people would like? How do we arrange for the PCs to get along better, or will they not?

We started off well, but we seemed to have hit a stalling point which surprised me. Help me understand what you want from the game if you haven't done so via PM already. If you don't feel comfortable discussing things here, send a PM. I honestly want to know what people want.

If this game is not what people want, we can kill it. I have had aborted games before, and I won't take it personally if that is the choice people want.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 27/07/23 18:25 UTC
Dad is in hospital so my ability to keep up posting is very limited.

Detect Evil was due to Aendell having had a visit from a distraught family in Magnimar who lost their life savings after a Tarot reading by Catalena. He's been asked to track her down and recover what he can. They, of course, believe they were fleeced. I believe Catalena gave them a real reading, but it just didn't turn out well. Aendell doesn't know that and now that he found her he is trying to determine how to approach it. Her now being a member of the Watch complicates things so he is biding his time.

Vryx and I worked out this background hook early on.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 27/07/23 18:27 UTC
It is not our fault that we are suspicious of a character being played by Vryx - clearly there is form in the game already wink

Coral is going to cast charm on anyone where she thinks it will give advantage. smile

At the moment, Coral has not got her own driving goal and is allowing herself to be influenced by others' goals and attitudes. I think we just need time to allow the characters to get used to each other.
I am happy with the game as it is.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 27/07/23 18:38 UTC
Me too - just by the way things are, interaction with selaim is, at the least, limited. And this has until now been inventory week.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 27/07/23 19:44 UTC
Originally Posted by Angrboða
It is not our fault that we are suspicious of a character being played by Vryx - clearly there is form in the game already wink

You mean that bit with the ghost? I mean, IC, you wouldn't know who was playing a character, right? But I think you're saying you're just joking.

Originally Posted by Zeim
Detect Evil was due to Aendell having had a visit from a distraught family in Magnimar who lost their life savings after a Tarot reading by Catalena. He's been asked to track her down and recover what he can. They, of course, believe they were fleeced. I believe Catalena gave them a real reading, but it just didn't turn out well. Aendell doesn't know that and now that he found her he is trying to determine how to approach it. Her now being a member of the Watch complicates things so he is biding his time.

Vryx and I worked out this background hook early on.

Yup, and I really loved that you did a Detect Evil on her! I'm really looking forward to playing this all out between her and Aendell. There are also multiple perspectives there and Aendell may hear a side of the story the family wouldn't have told him.

I would really like to play but unless we do a sandbox style where characters go off on their own, maybe there needs to be at least some ooc agreement to try to progress as a group in a cooperative way.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 27/07/23 20:05 UTC
Originally Posted by Art in the Blood
Me too - just by the way things are, interaction with selaim is, at the least, limited. And this has until now been inventory week.

Ummm what did I do?. Can't help if Selaim is stuck in a narrow visioned world. Aendell at least has found a way to get her to shut up.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 27/07/23 20:41 UTC
Things are more antagonistic than I originally had envisioned. I don't expect everyone to read the barcodes on the other character's foreheads and automatically know they are PCs.

I am fine with going on, I was just trying to sort out some of the stuff that I was seeing, and of course, we had slowed in posting. I get that several of us have been busy, so that is some of the reason, but I wanted to make sure there wasn't something underlying that I was missing. We aren't sitting around a table where we can read each other's body language cues. Instead, we have flat text on a page, which doesn't offer a lot of insight.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 27/07/23 21:00 UTC
Nothing specific... Save I'm really scratching My head trying to figure out ways to get interaction with her. Both in character as Zak and ooc as me. I want to but he’s not going to much if it’s just going to be nothing but hostility. Non productive loops, so to speak. I'm sure I can eventually figure it out, just right now, no clue.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 28/07/23 11:46 UTC
The issue is the jealous Hindrance. I have her being jealous of both Zak and Aendell. I think I have a way to tone it down some. And get a taste of redemption for Zak. Sending something to you Zeim and Pande shortly
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 28/07/23 19:47 UTC
I have a big post drafted for the cathedral intro but wanted to run it by Pande first.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 29/07/23 18:48 UTC
Pande, SavageFinder doesn't seem to utilize Golarian dialects like Hallit, Varisian, Skald, etc. which were a big part of Pathfinder for spending of language slots. I'd like Catalena to speak Varisian but what she knows, I chose from the list of languages in the SavageFinder book. Are you planning to use dialects at all? If so, I'll swap one out but if not, I won't.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 29/07/23 19:47 UTC
I would say the best way to handle that would be Common with an accent. That would free up a language slot, and that is fine. What do the rest of you think? It fits the more common Fantasy trope of a Common tongue for humanoid races with flavoring.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 29/07/23 23:08 UTC
Fine by me. More communication is a bonus.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 31/07/23 12:31 UTC
Yes. Prefer a single common language and then racial languages rather then separate "country" languages. More of the D&D style.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 31/07/23 12:57 UTC
I'm happy with that! In Pathfinder, it's pretty easy to pick up new languages with lots of skill points per level so maybe one reason why they have so many. It has been a challenge to DM because every time they go to a new region, I have to keep straight which languages the NPCs speak and who in the party can understand them.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 13/08/23 22:25 UTC
The next two weeks I'll be traveling on family vacation. Catalena needs to fulfill her Major Obligation hindrance anyway so happy for her to be off-screen for a while.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 14/08/23 16:10 UTC
Have a great trip!

I had intended to cut to the next morning, ie the day of the Swallowtail Festival. I imagine that it will take us a couple of weeks just to get to the noon events when the festival starts in earnest. I would prefer to have all the PCs in the square when the speeches begin at noon.

We can continue into this first evening in town, if people prefer, which will give Vyrx time to enjoy his family. Then we can cut to the crowd gathering just before noon if that works for all of you?

I am fine either way.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 14/08/23 17:31 UTC
That works for me
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 14/08/23 17:39 UTC
Have moved dad to live with me in TN. It is taking a bit more of my time than I had thought it would so my posting will be slow.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 14/08/23 19:51 UTC
Family first Zeim!

As you know from having played with me, I am not a super fast poster.

The game will be fine with a slower rate, do not fret.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 14/08/23 21:53 UTC
New thread for the morning of.

Feel free to post to both threads as you wish.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 15/08/23 10:49 UTC
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 15/08/23 17:34 UTC
That is AWESOME!

Thanks for sharing!
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 16/08/23 08:50 UTC

Cayden Cailean
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 16/08/23 09:10 UTC

Although I wish he would drop the accent.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 16/08/23 14:12 UTC
It is cute as the initial guide, we will see how it grates. grin
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 24/08/23 16:48 UTC
If Vyrx is back, which he seems to be posting well....

I am happy to gloss over the events in the morning and get to the start of the Festival with the speeches by certain important townsfolk.

What do you think?
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 24/08/23 17:29 UTC
I am good with such.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 24/08/23 17:54 UTC
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 24/08/23 18:41 UTC
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 24/08/23 20:26 UTC
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 25/08/23 21:16 UTC
There's a Humble Bundle right now for all the Pathfinder Tales paperbacks taking place in different areas of Golarion. I own a couple and as far as written-for-hire novels, I enjoyed them a lot and they really helped me fill out the setting in my mind. I've tried to find them used but people usually ask for a lot and the collections are not very complete. This is $25 for 41 novels: https://www.humblebundle.com/books/pathfinder-tales-paizo-books
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 25/08/23 21:43 UTC
Great! I might have to pick those up!

I have started a new thread feel free to make a post about enjoying the festival as your characters might.

I will post the Mayor's speech once everyone is ready.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 09/09/23 17:12 UTC
Pick an activity, narrate to your heart's content.

Next event when the bell tolls for the dedication of the Cathedral (church).

Bring your booties, there will be combat. grin
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 09/09/23 20:58 UTC
This is a festival in a guarded town - I am not sure Coral would think to tool up with sword and dagger. Or is the general vibe that in this world you always wear weapons?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 09/09/23 21:01 UTC
The town has a wall on the Northern end between the town and a pretty wild forest.

Other access elements are by bridge, so they are easily defensible.

Some people are carrying weapons, but the majority are not.

The Sheriff was in full armor despite the festival goings on.

You are a PC, and you get to choose. I am fine either way.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 09/09/23 23:27 UTC
Aendell is always with his weapons.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 10/09/23 00:48 UTC
Zak has his rapier.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 10/09/23 00:55 UTC
Coral is innocent and weapons-free
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 10/09/23 01:08 UTC
Coral IS a weapon.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 10/09/23 08:07 UTC
Originally Posted by Art in the Blood
Coral IS a weapon.

LOL - yup - but at this point she does not recognise that in herself
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 10/09/23 19:19 UTC
I added some more contests
And, feel free to play fast and loose with any of those guidelines. Like if Coral just has a ridiculous tolerance for spicy food no matter what her Vigor score is... go for it.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 12/09/23 18:20 UTC
New Thread up The Bell Tolls.

Combat has started!
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 16/09/23 22:25 UTC
What has me confused is right here ….


Which said …

Zak is up with Seliam on Deck!

To which I then posted an action ..l and the results went right to Selaim with no resolution of that action.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 16/09/23 22:32 UTC

Another gobbo gone. Puts is down to 12 before Cat's actions.

Thank you for pointing out my oversight!
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 16/09/23 22:35 UTC
Np. Just wanted to make sure that I wasn't misunderstanding something myself
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 16/09/23 22:49 UTC
I have reflected the results of Zak's attack.

New round only #3, but they are going down fast. 4 jokers in 3 draws and great rolls will do that.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 16/09/23 23:14 UTC
Just a reminder, for bennies... Do they go away in a certain amount of time if not used? Is it a ‘use it or lose it’ thing?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 17/09/23 05:07 UTC
Bennies are refreshed at the start of a scene.

Because we are playing PBEM, that is a bit more amorphous than if we were sitting around the table.

I am willing to go with the majority rule here.

Do we want to keep bennies consistent across the game, and refresh only on certain scenes, ie when they have been used?

Or do we want to say use them or loose them, and when a scene change occurs, they get reduced to the normal refresh amount?

For context, the current combat is one scene, but it is a more involved one than many. It might seem like it will be over at a certain point, and well, you will see.

What would you folks like to do?

Also as a bit of feedback? How do you like the initiative system being determined each round? Or would you prefer it to be once for a combat and left static?

Feedback is welcomed on all pieces. I want this game to be fun for you as it is fun for me.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 17/09/23 05:15 UTC
I'm happy to go with the flow.

My only worry about the order potentially changing every turn, is the bad guys getting a double turn: move last one turn and then move first the next. But it does work the other way too.

I've played enough games of "Third Reich" to cope with double turns. Just so everyone is aware of the possibility.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 17/09/23 05:19 UTC
If bennies are persistant, I will be thoughtful about using them, and most likely husband them for staying alive.
If they evaporate at the end of a scene, I will burn through them, because I'll get more at the start of the next scene.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 17/09/23 09:21 UTC
Exactly. I’m trying to determine if I need to start spending them right now or not.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 17/09/23 11:23 UTC
I'd like to stick as close to original intent of rules just to see how it goes. New cards every round, and use or lose Bennies. I'm planning to use a bunch.

And I didn't check, Pande, but how are you doing the cards for initiative? I think the intent is that Jokers aren't supposed to come up as often because it's not like dice, it's supposed to be a discard of results until there's a full shuffle required. Sorry, on my phone and not able to look it up or look through our results for the rounds.

And Angrboda, if you get a bad draw against you, you can use Bennies for initiative too.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 17/09/23 16:49 UTC
In the SW games I've played before it has always been a "use them or lose them" thing.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 17/09/23 16:53 UTC
Sounds like a use em or loose em is the choice.

To be fair, so that you know, this combat will layer into another, so you have some time.

Lastly, I am using the standard rules for card draws. If a joker is pulled on the draw, that means shuffle the deck, no discard.

The discard pile only grows when a joker hasn't come out to play.

I have had to shuffle three of the initiative draws. grin

As far as where I am using savaged.us because it is simple.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 17/09/23 16:55 UTC
Created a benny thread and pinned it. Please correct me if my count is off.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 18/09/23 01:24 UTC
Ah, ok. Thanks for the explanation, Pande! I love game mechanics!

I was wondering if the Benny thread pin might include a quick overview of Benny options, because I keep looking them up, eg

Bennies can be used for:
  • A Trait reroll (Attribute or Skill), but not a critical fail of 1, 1. Can do multiple times and take best but a critical fail in any roll becomes final result.
  • Instant recovery from Shaken
  • Recover 5 Power Points
  • Soak damage. After taking damage but before taking Wounds, make a Vigor check, each success and raise reduces 1 Wound from attack
  • Draw a new Action Card for the round
  • Reroll damage
  • Influence the Story: GM's call
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 18/09/23 02:08 UTC

Especially since you made it all purty for me!
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 18/09/23 08:49 UTC
So if we wanted to do the soak damage one, it would seem to almost have to work differently on a message board just because ‘after damage but before wounds’ seems harder to manage when both are included in the same post.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 18/09/23 11:13 UTC
well, say a player with the goblin war chanter is taking 19 damage - which ought to be 4 wounds, and that was posted on the board. The player could then say - 'I want to use a benni to try to reduce the number of incoming wounds'. Then depending on the success, the actual number of wounds received could be identified.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 18/09/23 12:37 UTC
Yeah, since it's not involving secrets or anything, a player could reply that they want to Soak it, and then Pande could retro/edit based on the results. It's a good reason to keep at least one Benny in reserve because it could save you from a deathblow.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 18/09/23 20:52 UTC
I am fine with retroactively using a benny. We have to be a little flexible to account for this medium. The story (ie results) are what we are telling.

I completely agree with keeping a benny or two in reserve. Do see the note about Savage Pathfinder being a little more deadly. Though to be fair not every foe will be out to kill everyone. In fact the only thing the goblins have been intent on is killing dogs which they hate with a passion and setting things alight. They have threatened people, but only attacked those who might be threatening them. Just as a META comment.

This combat is to give us all a feel for how Savage Pathfinder handles large numbers of somewhat less dangerous foes.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 18/09/23 22:04 UTC
So how do wounds actually work, re: Life and Death? I understand that a successful hit causes the target (a PC or Wild Card) to be shaken and every 4 points above the targets Toughness causes a Wound, and every wound results in a cumulative -1 to rolls. In Aendell's case he caused 4 Wounds to the Warchanter (so presumably he is now -4 to his rolls, presuming he succeeds at a Vigor check to get rid of the Shaken Condition, otherwise I believe he can't do anything?), but how does that translate to something like HPs in D&D? IOW how many wounds can someone take before they die or fall unconscious?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 19/09/23 05:52 UTC
The Warchanter is -4 at the moment, that is correct.

When a target is hit (PCs and other Wildcards) and:

If the damage is equal to or greater than his Toughness, he’s Shaken. Each raise on the damage roll also inflicts a Wound:

Extras are Incapacitated if they take a single Wound (and aren’t Resilient; see page 243). They’re dead, injured, or otherwise out of the fight. [You have seen this with the Goblins.]

Wild Cards can take three Wounds and still function (more with certain Edges or abilities).

Further damage doesn’t cause additional Wounds but Incapacitates them instead.

Wound Penalties: Each Wound a character suffers causes a −1 cumulative penalty to his Pace (minimum of 1″) and all Trait rolls—up to a maximum penalty of −3.

Timing: Characters sometimes take multiple hits on the same Action Card. Resolve each damage roll separately before moving on to the next (including any Soak rolls).

Wound Cap
In Savage Pathfinder, characters can never suffer more than four Wounds in a single hit and, therefore, never have to Soak more than four wounds either. This rule keeps combat dangerous but reduces the chances of heroes (and villains!) dying from a single lucky blow. It can still happen, but it is far more rare.

Ignore the cap for catastrophic damage such as falls from great heights, extreme environments such as lava, and so on.

Incapacitated characters may not perform actions but are still dealt Action Cards for the remainder of the encounter in case they recover or must roll for other effects such as Bleeding Out (below). Edges or Hindrances that affect card draws, such as Quick, Level Headed, or Hesitant are ignored when the hero is Incapacitated.

If Incapacitated by damage or injury, he must make an immediate Vigor roll:

CRITICAL FAILURE: The character dies.

FAILURE: Roll on the Injury Table. The Injury is permanent and the character is Bleeding Out, see below.

SUCCESS: Roll on the Injury Table. The Injury goes away when all Wounds are healed.

RAISE: Roll on the Injury Table. The Injury goes away in 24 hours, or when all Wounds are healed (whichever is sooner).

Characters cannot take actions of any kind and might be unconscious (GM’s call). The victim makes a Vigor roll each day thereafter and is no longer Incapacitated (or unconscious) if successful. They may also heal Wounds during this time (see Natural Healing on page 128).

Bleeding Out: The injured character is dying and must make a Vigor roll at the start of his
turn. Failure means he perishes. With success he survives but must roll again next turn (or
every minute if not in combat). With a raise, he stabilizes and no further rolls are required.

Other characters may stop a victim’s bleeding by making a Healing roll (the skill or the spell). This is an action, and if successful the patient is stabilized.

The healing power can also stabilize Wounds, as can a successful “natural” healing roll by a
being with regeneration of some sort. Incapacitation from Fatigue: See page 132.

Soak Rolls
After taking damage but before applying any Wounds, the defender may spend a Benny to make a “Soak” roll. This is a Vigor check, with each success and raise reducing the number of Wounds suffered from that attack by one.

If the character Soaks all of the Wounds from an attack, he removes his Shaken condition too (even from a previous source). Don’t count the Wound modifiers he’s about to suffer when making this roll—that hasn’t happened yet.

Characters can’t Soak more than once per attack, but may spend Bennies as usual to reroll
the Vigor check if they aren’t satisfied with the results.

Shaken: A character can spend a Benny to immediately eliminate a Shaken condition. This is instant and can be done at any time.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 19/09/23 05:55 UTC
The Warchanter should be unconcious, but isn't. He is at -4, and he failed his vigor roll, so he is Shaken.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 19/09/23 13:18 UTC
I thought it says above the Max penalty is -3?
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 19/09/23 14:46 UTC
I think that the goblin sorcerer is "cheating", since he should have fallen over at 4 wounds.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 19/09/23 15:03 UTC
Yes, the max penalty is -3.

Yes, the Goblin Warchanter is cheating... welcome to making Faustian bargains! weg whip
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 20/09/23 06:40 UTC
I should note that normally your foes will draw cards as well for initiative. It might be one card for a group or multiple, depending upon how I choose to break them up.

I didn't do that this round because I felt it told a better story to have the PCs act and the goblins act in the response post.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 28/09/23 00:43 UTC
How much time has passed in rounds since combat ended and the goblin rider appeared? Both Coral and Catalena had durations to track.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 28/09/23 05:30 UTC
[OOC: About two rounds. That is why I am not worried about the bennies carrying over.]
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 04:09 UTC
[OOC: I don't have the rules with me at the moment but does the combat section have something like

"If Your Mount Falls in Battle

If your mount falls, you have to succeed on a DC 15 Ride check to make a soft fall and take no damage. If the check fails, you take 1d6 points of damage."

I'm just trying to look out for Coral smile ]
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 04:16 UTC
No, there isn't something like that. However, I did have him look at options for not falling, which I graciously ignored. He took his action to stand and swing. Coral was conveniently near by. It has nothing to do with the fact that she just eviscerated his favorite ride.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 04:35 UTC
Originally Posted by Pandemonium
No, there isn't something like that. However, I did have him look at options for not falling, which I graciously ignored. He took his action to stand and swing. Coral was conveniently near by. It has nothing to do with the fact that she just eviscerated his favorite ride.

Of course. I was sure he would not mind his favourite ride being gutted
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 15:16 UTC
How do multi-dice weapon damages work for Aces in Savage Worlds? Selaim's hand crossbow does 2d4. Does it Ace only on an 8 and then you roll 2d4 again? Or if either of the d4s gets a 4 is that an Ace and you track them individually?
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 15:50 UTC
I'd say err on side of caution... Ace on 2d4 would be an 8 since the damage calls for 2d4 not 1d4, 1d4.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 16:16 UTC
But in a way it makes 2d4 cooler than 1d8 and maybe that's why they made the distinction so you have more of a chance for higher damage rather than the consistency of a sword. Like a little crossbow bolt could be a little more deadly when it hits between the armor.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 17:00 UTC
If it was an ace chance on each d4 there is a greater chance of getting an ace, but that ace has lower potential if it only counts on that dice.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 17:03 UTC
The rules are written for face to face gaming. In ftf, you have to roll the dice individually: d4,d4, when it calls for 2d4. So, we should do the same here.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 17:32 UTC
I like all of the points that Art and Angrboda made. They equal my own thoughts.

One thing I love about Pathfinder is how they make individual weapons different in their own ways and it seems like with SavageFinder they tried to preserve that.

And, it doesn't make it overpowered... you'd still need two 4's to get an 8 for the scenario of only Acing on an 8 for two dice.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 17:50 UTC
The 2d4 have a very different distribution curve to the 1d8.
Between the pair of them the 2d4 have an almost 50% chance of one of them acing, so you might expect the average to be 2½ + 2½ + ½x2½ = 6¾ whereas the d8 will average 4½ with only a 1 in 8 chance of acing. But the the d8 will, 1 in 8 times, give a total bigger than 8, and the chances of getting a 15 are the same as getting a 9. The 2d4 really struggle to get 15.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 18:53 UTC
And of course, because there is a threshold to cross to hurt things, a solid average of 6¾ damage is great if the targets have a toughness of 5. But if the target has a toughness of say 9 I would probably be looking to use the d8 weapon, because with a d8, 1 time in 8 I will get through ...

So of course I had to look at the stats...

... and the 2d4 is better all the time - which surprised me
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 29/09/23 22:35 UTC
The rule in Savage Worlds is every die rolled can explode (Ace). If you have 2d4 you have more opportunity for explosions. A d6, 16 2/3%. A d4 25%, which does something interesting with 2 dice.

I will have to do some research to verify that, but that is what I remember reading and playing for years. Till I find something that disputes that, I say they both aced, roll em till they don't. Then sum the total.

Go ahead and kill all my monsters within a moment of introducing them, see if I care. <hides his crying face in a corner>

Just makes me come up with tougher monsters. grin
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 04/10/23 21:34 UTC
Added a round of bennies to every PC, great posts guys! Keep up the good work!
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 25/10/23 15:38 UTC
Before we go too much further, it is time for an Advancement!
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 25/10/23 16:50 UTC

Coral will take additional powers - 'fire bolt' and 'deflection'.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 25/10/23 17:00 UTC
Aendell will take Trademark Weapon (Long Sword)
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 25/10/23 17:03 UTC
Both sound good, go ahead and update your sheets.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 25/10/23 17:15 UTC
Raising two stats that are below the stat dice

Planning on updating Fighting from d8 to d10 and Stealth from d6 to d8
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 25/10/23 17:50 UTC
That works!
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 26/10/23 18:27 UTC
Oops! Gotta do the advancement when I get home
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 30/10/23 06:17 UTC
Pande, because you asked, as far as the boneyard scene, it's arguable that the weapon shop being 100' away but on the other side of the wall, that Catalena might be engagable for the encounter. But that's both if the timing is right and if somehow she'd be made aware. It doesn't seem probable or that it was the intention though.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 30/10/23 11:37 UTC
Does channel energy have any effect on undead in this system?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 30/10/23 13:34 UTC
Art, there's a Class Edge called Destroy Undead for clerics at the Seasoned level where you can spend power points to damage in a burst, but not at Novice level. I think you're carrying Holy Water, though, that damages them over two rounds.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 30/10/23 16:13 UTC
Yes, you can use Channel Energy to heal or, in this case, harm undead.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 30/10/23 16:16 UTC
Vryx if you wish to have Cat join in and become fodder for the great armies of the undead, by all means do so!

Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 30/10/23 16:49 UTC
Thanks, I'll keep her "nearby" outside the shop on the other side of the wall if there's an IC reason why she'd go to the boneyard.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 30/10/23 19:18 UTC
So .. was that a yes or a no on the channel harming them right now?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 30/10/23 19:54 UTC
Originally Posted by Art in the Blood
So .. was that a yes or a no on the channel harming them right now?

Pande trumps my read of the RAW, so a "yes." smile Not sure exactly how it works, though.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 30/10/23 21:06 UTC
So then my next q would be, tell me what I need to roll and I’ll do it.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 31/10/23 00:17 UTC
Treat it like healing. Faith or cast roll.

They will get toughness and or Spirit check to resist.

It won't be near as easy as roll a d20 and a bunch go to dust.

Skeletons and zombies are a bit tougher in Savage Pathfinder.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 31/10/23 00:45 UTC
But it’s a reaction snd, well, I’m not gonna try fighting skeletons with a rapier.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 03/11/23 15:57 UTC
Leave it to the criminal to try to follow the laws rolleyes
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 03/11/23 16:26 UTC
Miales, I appreciate the IC effort to involve Cat in the adventure fun. Thank you.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 03/11/23 18:22 UTC
Also gives Art a chance to get something other than a rapier wink
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 03/11/23 18:39 UTC
I honestly don't think that weapon type matters at all in Savage Worlds. In Pathfinder, there are maybe twenty different damage "types" and a monster might have resistance to some including slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing. SW bothers to have "cold iron" as a thing so maybe that kind of material matters, or silver, etc. but I don't think that, like in Pathfinder, you need clubs vs skeletons and swords vs zombies to be effective. I always liked that about Pathfinder but I think SW tried to simplify in that way.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 03/11/23 19:53 UTC
And Zak has a sling anyway. He can chuck rocks while us front-liners get ripped to pieces.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 03/11/23 20:03 UTC
I believe you're right, Vryx. Other than the difference in damage, the AP rating, and distance & reloading time for missile weapons, I don't think the type of weapon you use makes a difference.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 03/11/23 21:44 UTC
And some of the exotics increase parry
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 05/11/23 21:20 UTC
So, you are welcome to write up a summary of the steps to prepare for the attack at Skeleton Mansion.

Among the questions I will want to address are who is there PC or NPC, any physical or sorcerous preparations in place, etc.

And anything else you want me to know. grin
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 05/11/23 23:17 UTC
[OOC - Coral doesn't want to let the evil escape, so she is going to stay by the crypt, waiting for the door opening. She plans to have Deflection, Protection and Smite up and have Smite, at least, as a raise. So, I'll need to roll the casting rolls beforehand.
She'll ask the others if they could bring her weapons from the inn.]
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 06/11/23 01:58 UTC
I will be writing up Zak going to get cat. Likely tomorrow morning at this point.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 06/11/23 14:11 UTC
Yes. Aendell will stand guard on the door until the guard shows up.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 17/11/23 20:36 UTC
Sorry for the delay folks, been a bit bound up with work. I will try to get the initiative scene set up and going soon.

I travel Monday, so if I don't get it done before the weekend is out, it will be next week.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 17/11/23 21:10 UTC
No problem.
Work and getting paid for it, is kind of important
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 02/12/23 17:38 UTC
Would it be beneficial or helpful to have our Initative order tracked in the Benny's Sticky?

And how annoying or useful is to have each round determined by a new draw? Or would it be easier to pull once for a scene, and use those cards for the combat?
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 02/12/23 18:11 UTC
Helpful, but you could also just publish the current order in your results posts. As for a new draw, it's hard to say. I think it is easier to have one draw for the whole encounter, like you would in a D&D game. Else you have players potentially going twice in a row. However, it skews the power of the Joker if someone draws it and get to use those bonuses every round for the whole melee.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 02/12/23 21:45 UTC
Can “healing power at spirit range” be used to damage the undead at range, as it is ‘positive energy’?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 02/12/23 22:02 UTC
I believe I already ruled that is an option but you don't know how effective it will be.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 05/12/23 23:45 UTC
I think I got that roll right.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 06/12/23 19:25 UTC
So the way multiple actions work in Savage Finder (Savage Worlds Pathfinder). I have included off-hand attacks because that is Germaine to this portion of the conversation.

Characters can perform up to three actions on their turn (one of which may be a limited action). Each additional action beyond the
first inflicts a −2 penalty to all actions. Taking two actions, for example, incurs a −2 penalty to both, and three actions is a −4 penalty.

Wild Cards get their Wild Die on each action as usual.

All actions must be declared at the start of the turn and before any dice are rolled. Penalties remain even if a later action doesn’t
happen (usually because it was dependent on an earlier success).

Movement and Multiple Actions: A hero may take her actions at different points of her movement as she wishes.

Free Actions: Multi-Action penalties do not apply to free (or limited free) actions.

Characters are assumed to be right-handed unless the player decides otherwise. Actions that require precise eye-hand coordination,
such as Fighting or Shooting, suffer a −2 penalty when done solely with the off-hand.

Off-hand weapons don’t add their Parry bonus unless the hero is Ambidextrous
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 14/12/23 01:24 UTC
Maybe I'm confused.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 15/12/23 01:06 UTC
In my case I’m kinda standing back. If I rolled about as well as I could expect to on the channel and it had no significant effect I’m not sure I have anything that will.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 15/12/23 06:30 UTC
That can happen, and for that I am sorry.

We do have a lot of characters and a variety of different options, so things will adjust here and there.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 15/12/23 22:21 UTC
Trying to visualize, is there room for others to get in there physically?(im also finally on vacation so recovering )
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 15/12/23 22:34 UTC
Think of a 10 by 15 foot room. It is 10 wide 15 long. At the end is a sarcophagus that holds a place of prominence. On the sides are lesser burial vaults. Not all of the niches are filled, but 6 skeletons rose from the crypt ledges. So two fighting abreast means they cover the open floor area, figure between 3 and 4 feet each, given they are moving around and swinging sharp implements. That is why there is a -1 to fight with them and gain the gang-up bonus, which, of course, offsets that -1. grin

But you can fire a range attack into melee, and there are rules for it in SW, which allows for a chance to hit your friends with the aforementioned fire. (Friendly Fire on a miss).

You can use the thread as a few options as to ways that Zak can assist the front-line fighters with a kind word, a distracting movement, etc... While the skeletons aren't susceptible to all types of distraction, they are intent on killing living things, so...
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 17/12/23 11:06 UTC
Originally Posted by Art in the Blood
In my case I’m kinda standing back. If I rolled about as well as I could expect to on the channel and it had no significant effect I’m not sure I have anything that will.

Ithink if we wanted to get technical Selaim was Shaken AND Wounded by those first attacks which meant she required a heal of some sort to clear the Wound status. Which your heal did.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 30/12/23 21:42 UTC
So this boldstering thing …
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 30/12/23 22:29 UTC
The spell Father Z is using is Boost.

But here is the Sidebar on Pg 140

When heroes delve into dungeons— or ruins or even buildings—combat can get cramped.

In Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, creative use of these Situational Rules give the characters options during combat. Instead of just waiting for your turn to get through a door and attack, for example, your hero can attempt other actions to make an impact with teamwork.

„ SUPPORT: Coordinate your actions and use Support to ensure success. For example, the paladin tries to Push past an ogre blocking the
entrance to the villain’s chamber, hoping to create space for the fighter. The rogue rolls Support using Taunt (“Is that all you got?”) to assist with the paladin’s Push attempt.

„ TEST: Coordinate tactics to make it harder for enemies to fight back. In the Push example above, the sorcerer—who wants to save Power
Points for attacks on the villain—can Test the ogre with Taunt. Knowing it speaks Giant, she shouts insults in that tongue. If she succeeds on the opposed roll, she makes the ogre Distracted, which helps the paladin win the opposed Push.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 24/01/24 21:20 UTC
I will try to keep things active, but as a heads up I am having surgery on my dominant hand next Wednesday. I expect I will be slower about typing, for some strange reason. grin
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 24/01/24 22:08 UTC
While I am at it, let's talk about what people want from this game. We have a big enough group that we could split into two to follow different aspects of gameplay, depending on what each person desires.

The game module has a story basis in Sandpoint and an evolving storyline.

But if people want to go over the wall (think off the reservation), and follow that story, I can certainly write a new portion and continue the game that way. Even if we want to go that way, it could eventually wind back to what the original story is about, and it just might skip pieces in the middle.

I am putting this here for discussion to learn what people really want.

Is a more combat-oriented adventure desired? Going from battle to battle, chasing down leads, stealing loot etc...

Or is a more RP-based adventure desired?

I'm not saying you can't have both, but my impression is we have run from fight to fight, and if that is desired, I would prefer to facilitate it.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 24/01/24 23:04 UTC
Well, first, if you don't want us to leave the "sandbox" then the tracks can just be impossible to follow. On the other question, I like a mix. A bit of both.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 25/01/24 19:59 UTC
Oh I absolutely get that I can control the narrative. The point is that I want the narrative to be something that the players are interested in.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 25/01/24 20:29 UTC
I like both the tactical/rules-exercising aspect of RPGs and the pure role-playing. I like switching back and forth between the two and combining.

One of my favorite things about Pathfinder is how they give so much depth of setting so there are a lot of options for free exploration and interaction with NPCs.

The other thing though is that there's a player-to-player responsibility kind of contractually inherent in an RPG that say, in this instance, Coral is saying she wants to go over the wall and explore. As a player, I would feel very badly if that character hit an encounter designed for four PCs or is planned "realistically" to be survivable only cooperatively, and bad things happen. But I know my character really is set up to want to go rest. And I as a player am interested in having some conversations and fleshing out a story.

So, a lot of that falls into GM philosophy. Do you always scale everything to the characters for a chance of success? Or are dangers the strength and location that they were designed to be no matter if one 1st level character stumbles upon it or a party of five epic champions. I think that's the more Gygaxian style that featured a lot of running away. LOL.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 25/01/24 20:34 UTC
I should also note that I would have liked if there was more RP that happened with the whole Festival scene prior to the goblins attack.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 25/01/24 21:20 UTC
If I had to pick a number, I'd say I lean about 75-25 towards Roll playing.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 25/01/24 21:27 UTC
Both paths have their good points and not so good points. Neither has bad. But I can tell we are coming up to a crossroads of sorts. Personally I'd lean towards RP than a constant grind.

Of course since they found a trail Selaim would want to follow it because that is the type of character she is... Stubborn and impulsive. But she also does recognize that she was hurt in the last fight (their second of the afternoon) so she'd go with the group but wouldn't mind doing it in the morning.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 25/01/24 21:53 UTC
To let a secret out, I tend to scale the encounters appropriately. I understand a risk of death is important to the game, but I believe the dice can be swingy enough for that. Providing I don't misjudge things, but usually I can adapt.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 25/01/24 22:15 UTC
Originally Posted by Miales
Of course since they found a trail Selaim would want to follow it because that is the type of character she is... Stubborn and impulsive. But she also does recognize that she was hurt in the last fight (their second of the afternoon) so she'd go with the group but wouldn't mind doing it in the morning.

Coral is as bad - curious and stubborn - and also needs to rest.

I am happy to go with the flow - but if you dangle something in front of Coral, she'll want to go and investigate it.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 27/01/24 00:14 UTC
Im good for both although I really want the roleplay opportunities.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 27/01/24 04:09 UTC
I will write it up in such a way that we will drive the adventure firmly back into Sandpoint which is where it should take place.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 20/02/24 15:25 UTC
[OOC: I am fine with the trio returning to the bar, I will write up one more scene in the bar for Cat to receive her 5 PP, which I know is slightly more than 50 gp, but the nobleman is drunk.]
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 20/02/24 17:25 UTC
(OOC - Was hoping we'd been gone long enough for the throng to thin out a bit.)
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 21/02/24 08:52 UTC
I am fine with that.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 21/02/24 21:39 UTC
So he already gave her coins? I don't think 5 PP is more than 50 GP? There's a 10:1 system in Pathfinder and SW: Pathfinder

Copper (cp) 1 1/10 1/100 1/1,000
Silver (sp) 10 1 1/10 1/100
Gold (gp) 100 10 1 1/10
Platinum (pp) 1,000 100 10 1
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 21/02/24 22:04 UTC
10 to 1 is fine!

So 5 PP is 50 gp

Guess I should fix the monetary thing in the forum. wink
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/02/24 00:42 UTC
It seems like The Celebration thread has wound down.

Shall I start a Morning After thread?

Consider whether or not your character is going to accept the Boar Hunt invitation?

Also any character that chooses to visit with Alex the nobleman will receive 5 PP for saving his life.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/02/24 04:54 UTC
Happy to start the morning after thread

Coral will not turn up her nose at the option for 5PP! So, she'll go!
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/02/24 13:41 UTC
Money makes the world go around... so Selaim would be in too...
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/02/24 14:01 UTC
(OOC - I was waiting for Cat to recognize Aendell approaching and then talk to her about the 'reading'. We can do that as a separate thread though, so we don't' delay things.)
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 29/02/24 23:13 UTC
Vryx is busy with work travel for a couple of weeks. So that will likely happen after he returns to normal life.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 03/03/24 04:00 UTC
Hi all, sorry just very hectic right now!
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Mon 04/03/24 22:31 UTC
New Thread is up.

The Harrowing thread is still there and open, so that it can be used when you both have time to do so. It doesn't matter if it runs out of sync with everything else.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 07/03/24 14:00 UTC
Going to try to post when I'm home this weekend. Pande, Cat wants to go along. But she does have the major flaw obligation to be on duty, so whatever your direction there is she's allowed or not, just lmk pls
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 09/03/24 00:05 UTC
Cat will be allowed to go, if for no other reason than the Sherrif will want to offer special VIP protection for the rich nobleman from Maginmar. grin
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 14/03/24 13:43 UTC
Sorry everyone for making a drive-by post on the current scene. My time's been really crunched and wanted to get some plot stuff in when I was able to write. Did not mean to be rude or rush anyone.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 19/03/24 22:35 UTC
Sorry between the floor, friends visiting and kids and Spring Break have lagged behind a bit...
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 19/03/24 23:59 UTC
Friends and family happen.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sat 23/03/24 23:42 UTC
No worries.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 04/04/24 01:26 UTC
What is the distance of the boars?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 11/04/24 22:52 UTC
I think we should talk about Arcane Background, specifically Bolt. Spells need an activation roll. P 160 Savage Pathfinder

A character activates a power by picking a target within Range and making an arcane skill roll. Failure means the power doesn’t
activate. The caster spends one Power Point regardless of any Edges such as Channeling, unless the ability specifically says it reduces
the minimum cost to 0.

Success means the power activates and consumes all the Power Points allocated to it, even if it misses the target (such as with bolt), or the defender resists. A raise has additional effects noted in the particular power description.

Backlash: A Critical Failure when activating a power is called Backlash. It causes a level of Fatigue and all currently active powers
instantly terminate.
------------- I don't see the activation roll being made, please assist me.

As far as Damage, don't care... Specifically said don't worry about damage rolls. I do care about the attack, and if it was a raise. Which I am confirming. There is discussion the net Bolt being directed against parry, yet both rule books I have say it is a ranged attack.

Pinnacle themselves say Bolt in particular has Parry as a target.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 11/04/24 23:09 UTC
I think I would call this boar a size 0, just for reference purposes.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 12/04/24 02:50 UTC
So I think a SW grognard pointed me in the right direction. The link applies if Bolt is cast in melee, vs parry. Otherwise it is range.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Sun 14/04/24 01:23 UTC
So this is what I learned...

Order of operations for bolt:

Spellcasting (TN 4) - power activates and uses PP.
Compare Spellcasting result to ranged TN of target, ignoring ranged penalties. Cover, Dodge, Arcane Resistance, whatever all applies. Base TN=4.
If it hits, roll damage as normal.
If the initial activation roll got a raise and it hits, roll the extra d6 raise damage.
In the instance where it is being used in melee, then swap step 4 for Parry instead of Ranged TN.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 17/04/24 17:47 UTC
Originally Posted by Pandemonium
[OOC: We have 5 successes going into this, though technically I still need a to hit roll from Coral, the casting roll is activation of the magic, not an actual ranged attack, so you need both, see my note in the OOC thread.]

I read this:

"Spellcasting (TN 4) - power activates and uses PP.
Compare Spellcasting result to ranged TN of target, ignoring ranged penalties. Cover, Dodge, Arcane Resistance, whatever all applies. Base TN=4."

to mean that the spellcasting roll was compared against TN4 modified by cover dodge etc. ie a single test taking everything into account.

It says "There are no Range penalties, but the arcane skill roll is affected by Cover, Illumination, and all other usual penalties."

And I read "the usual penalties" to be the usual casting penalties : -2 for two actions etc
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 17/04/24 17:48 UTC
I also read this that a single Spellcasting roll is both to activate and to use that result against the target number.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 17/04/24 17:51 UTC
so if the boar is in medium cover, the spell cast roll would have had a -4 applied- so the 8 becomes a 4, which is still a success, but no longer a raise.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 17/04/24 18:47 UTC
Thanks, I was looking for that specific entry but couldn't find the darn thing.

Normal SWADE uses an power activation role, and then worries about the other pieces. It seems Savage Finder does away with a step, which in a lot of ways is good.

The boar starts out in cover when she does her fire bolt, which of course causes it to leave cover, for some strange reason.

So that does negate the raise, but I don't think I counted that in my list. So we are halfway there as far as the number of successes to complete this task.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 18/04/24 15:46 UTC
In case it isn't clear we are out of combat again.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 18/04/24 16:04 UTC
I'm not sure I understand the difference with "popcorn initiative"... don't we normally go and wait for any ruling by you and then the next person?
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 18/04/24 16:15 UTC
Originally we did follow the leader, though I do try and chime in often.

Boar Hunt 2nd

Coral Black Joker
Catalena AC
Lord Foxglove KH
Selaim JD
Dire Boar 5C
Zak 4S
Aendell 3C

As an example, Coral would go, and then Cat. I might interject a post as necessary, but mostly PCs go till an NPC is in the mix.

So in the example above the first two could go, and then I could post as Foxglove, then the remaining four.

But with popcorn initiative I would post after each person, and they could go in any order. We wouldn't worry about the cards other than to introduce specials like activate Edges, or offer the +2 like the joker does.

So using the same initiative but doing it popcorn style, any PC could post, then I would, then another who hasn't gone, could. Then I would, etc... till all PCs have gone.

Does that help?

We don't have to do it. I just thought it might offer more flexibility given we are all on at different times.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 18/04/24 17:22 UTC
Ok, so the popcorn style is there is no order?

I mean, I guess my thought is we have a hard time already with people getting missed even with a defined order and it seems like it would just exacerbate that? But that's just my opinion.

I also think a lot of mechanics are built into the turn order system, that would just become useless or could be readily exploited. Like, if I do something that puts me at a penalty until the next turn in exchange for a benefit, but then act quick enough that the penalty is never applied.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 18/04/24 17:33 UTC
Correct, it just allows you to post when you have time. But we don't loose the cards because they still play a role in different effects.

Hmm, good point. The game that uses this, has a tracker, which you toggle on or off that you have taken an action. Maybe we should stick with it as it is, and I will keep track like I have been with strike throughs.

Another good point. Who gave you all the brains today. grin

Strike that and ignore it, don't have to reverse it.
Posted By: Art in the Blood Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 19/04/24 01:46 UTC
Yah. Had an odd schedule recently
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 02/05/24 18:59 UTC
Not to change how the scene is going, Zeim, but Aendell had gained 50gp just that morning, if he's figuring he only has 9cp to spend. 1gp is 100cp. So he's offering 0.2% of money he just got. Which is totally FINE but I'm going to RP it and wanted to make sure you hadn't just forgotten about that part.
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Thu 02/05/24 19:28 UTC
I did forget. Will edit.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 03/05/24 05:50 UTC
The floor plan is definitely intriguing me - I am trying to work out which brown bits are tables and which are benches - or are they shelving and those are store rooms?
Coral is definitely disappointed that there is no big open fire.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 14/05/24 15:03 UTC
Oh, sorry, Miales, if it seemed like I was cutting to the chase too quick. I feel a little badly ooc that my character background Hindrance is causing a big subplot. I just wanted to try to get it back to "normalcy" asap so you guys could experience and interact the main story.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Tue 14/05/24 22:29 UTC
Who says your background isn't a part of the main story? ... Oh I said a bit too much there.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 15/05/24 12:52 UTC
Pande and Miales, I would think it's possible that Selaim might know the name Feste from Bonto Geirbelyn Feste, who was the son of the nobles and who joined a criminal gang of disaffected noble youth in Magnimar.
Posted By: Miales Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 15/05/24 13:09 UTC
Going to play it off as someone she'd run into with the Guild and strong acquaintance of Villian.
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 15/05/24 13:27 UTC
Cool, I thought that might be a good opportunity for you.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Wed 15/05/24 17:17 UTC
Works great for me. The more roleplaying opportunities you have the better the story will be!
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 31/05/24 14:41 UTC
As most of you probably know, I went to a gaming convention in CA, and afterwards, I am spending a week with some friends and family. I am mostly absent here, as you might have noticed. grin

I am going to prepare a bit for the next story beat.

I see that the Risa's place thread has run to a pretty good conclusion, and of course, Aendell is off by himself. I will likely skip to the next day for the next piece of the story. When the pretty shopkeep's daughter requested Zak's help with rats. Any and all are welcome to join in that, and I will see the other elements that are in play as well.

Cat may be regulated to doing her duties for a bit, as she has alluded to in Risa's Place.

Does that work for everyone?
Posted By: Vryx Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 31/05/24 15:25 UTC
That's fine with me, will you just montage the boar feast that's happening that night?
Posted By: Zeim Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 31/05/24 16:40 UTC
Fine with me.
Posted By: Pandemonium Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 31/05/24 18:15 UTC
will you just montage the boar feast that's happening that night?

I was thinking that was a good idea. Though if people prefer to have more interaction during the feast, I am fine by that.

The basic intention behind that scene is to show that the Lord is more magnanimous than might first appear. He wishes to have all of the people that care to... to enjoy the feast at his and the heroes behalf.

To me just hand waving, and writing it up as a post works fine. But it really depends upon your interests.
Posted By: Angrboða Re: Adventurer's Guild - Fri 31/05/24 18:37 UTC
I'm fine with hand waving
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