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#946726 Mon 22/10/18 00:59 UTC
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The Heartwood
Dawnview Vale
Snowgate Keep, Dining Hall
Hasday, the Twelfth Day of Tiger

Lyric and Eleni

Eleni smiled at her sister.

"Go, I shall be up in a little bit."

One by one the others left. Tomomi, Kisa, Daxia and the three Dayalan guards to their separate ways. Her manservant and the two Rhoni, bound for a place to practice higher in the keep. Crossing her arms, the Khorall nodded to her mentor and, without a word shared, Nadya bustled off to prepare for the afternoon. She took the last two guards with her, though once the door closed behind them one had a pretty good suspicion the two guardswomen were now standing on either side, making sure they were not disturbed.

Or at the least, they were protected.

Ekeni was quiet until the music ended. Then she held her cup of cold kavass in both hands, taking a slow slip.

"How come, could you explain to me, Minstrel..."

She looked into Lyric's eyes, clear and cool.

"How come I believe that I am completely safe with you and that of all of the people who I have let pass through my gates with my sister, you are also the most dangerous?"

She smiled quietly.

"You are very bad at hiding it, you know. Your awkwardness, there is no movement of yours that has not betrayed you. A pace, a glance, a turn of the head, the flash of your throat as you breathe… even your way of standing perfectly still, the way your fingers caress your instrument, if you were in truth an ensorcelled unicorn, it would not surprise me.

"But what bothers me is none of that.

"It is your embrace of darkness.

"As if, perhaps, it tempts you, teases you, like a song you don't want to hear but you believe you need to hear."

Her head tilted then, so much the image of her older sister.

"No, it's not that.

"It is like it's your constant companion, a haunting you cannot escape, and it's come to the point where you believe you can't believe you can feel except in its presence, that you cannot stand unless it is to stand against, that since you can never go home again you can't ever go home again. I know what that's like. I can never return to the Dawnview Castle I grew up in — where my sister and my foster brother played hide and seek in the pretty halls. Oh, Dominic was the very best at hiding but he was always so horrible at being found. Where any bad dream could be banished away by sitting in my Mother's lap. But now, now ask anyone in the Vale if they can imagine Linnell Allaine with a kid in her lap and, except for a handful of us, they will look upon you with disbelief.

"I can never go home again.

"But every night when I settle into bed and there's a mug of hot tshokolat on the table next to the bed, waiting for me, I know I have come home once more.

"Home just changed.

"It was the scariest thing I ever learned, Lyric.

"That not only do things change but perhaps, perhaps they are actually meant to change."

Maybe things had changed, just changed. Right here and now — maybe, as Eleni had spoken, things had just changed. Maybe it wasn't Minstrel and Khorall any more, maybe it was just two people talking over a nicely finished breakfast. Could that be the way things were meant to be? So quick, so blindingly fast?

"I don't know where you are really from. And in many ways, not only doesn't it matter, it shouldn't it matter.

"All you have to do is look at the rivers cascading off the glaciers that surround us. They are always there, forever. But you can never step into the same river twice. Each time, by its very nature, it has changed as quickly as the flow of its water.

"Maybe that's a good thing, Lyric.

"It's not a thing to deny or worry over, but something to embrace."

Eleni smiled.

"My Mother often berated us when we felt lost. When we felt trapped and closed in, she would tell us that you cannot see a box from its inside."

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Lyric, a listening Minstrel

She finished her musical piece. Certainly not the longest bit of original music she have ever played in spontaneity, but that was then and this was now. She put away the the mandola as Eleni began to speak. And so, the young Khorall spoke and the Minstrel listened. Eleni smiled and Lyric returned the smile. Dangerous was a very vague adjective. It could mean a lot of things. The Khorall asked for an explanation but continued speaking for a time. The Khorall was quite wise and quite eloquent. Lyric knew that she listened to every word anyone and everyone around her spoke, it was a part of how her Gifting worked. And so the Minstrel waited.

"Thank you for the kindness of your words... Eleni," she said quite informally and without leave. They were alone, together, as the Khorall had intended. The young woman had done that for a reason, perhaps so that she could speak to someone who wasn't a relative, a retainer, or a subject. She wanted someone who was obviously free of the constraints of the rules of the society which bound all people's across this land in one way or another.

"Never and Ever are powerful words, and yes, they weigh upon me. You are... perceptive. I think that is the right word. Ja?"

"I am probably closer to understanding their true meaning than anyone you have ever known."

She paused, to allow the young woman to 'understand', if such was yet within her grasp.

"And Dangerous is a word whose meaning is broad and vague. I am no more dangerous to you then you are to me. Someone who can suss out the true nature of things just by listening and watching, who can feel the motivations and intentions of others in the hearing of things people say, and in the things they do not say... That is a dangerous person to those with things to hide. And so we sit here and you do not worry that someone you know is obviously hiding something from you, just as I sit before you speaking word after word for you to hear because I do not worry that my secrets are unsafe with you. You know the power and the responsibilities of your Gift, as do I know my own."

There was a quietness that fell over the Minstrel for a moment, or two... or more.


Lyric spoke to Eleni, but at this point she was speaking as much to herself now.

"I know nothing about it. But I should. Not just know it, but be it. And yet, you're right, change scares me. I want it. Change. For me. My people. I always have. But I don't know what it is, so how will I know if I have found it?"

"...you can never step into the same river twice. I will have to find a river. Now that I have heard this... I need to see it for myself."

"After that, I will have to see this 'box' that your Mother taught you about. I think I would greatly like to meet your Mother. She gave birth to, and raised, an amazing daughter. I can only imagine how proud she is of you... even if the words are hard to come by in a world of customs and formalities of office."

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The Heartwood
Dawnview Vale
Snowgate Keep, Dining Hall
Hasday, the Twelfth Day of Tiger

Lyric and Eleni

"Persuasive?" Eleni shook her head with a grin, obviously amused.

"Nin. Kisa says it's because I am a force of nature. Kisa she is hardly wrong. That's not to say that she isn't occasionally wrong, because sometimes she is, she too misses things in front of her nose and I have seen her jump left when she should have jumped right. But I don't think she's wrong in this case, because sometimes when I start talking and talking Nadya tells Ana to distract me with something sweet and most of the time it works."

Drawing herself up, the youngest of the Allaine sisters propped her elbows on the table and then dropped her chin into her palms. And listened. Bright eyes never left Lyric as she drank up every word. Not only could she talk, but it seemed she could also listen. And that she did, sharp and earnest until she blinked. She blinked, sat back, clapped her hands together once and then smiled broadly.

"You absolute silly!"

Eleni leaned forward once more.

"Of course you have found it. Change. And even if you have not realized it, change has certainly found you.

"Think, think and look back.

"Are you the same person who, whether you wanted to or not, took that first step on the road from your home? Are you the same person who walked into the darkest of forests? Are you the same person who walked out, traveled across the mainland, climbed Snowgate Pass — how can anyone be the same after their first time up that broken road, with stone and spears calling out from the past? You now are part of a Pack. There's a bloke named One Fang that remembers you. You have experienced both ends of the world, from sunrise to sunset and now you sit before the Khorall of Snowgate Keep drinking kavass and nibbling on bread and cheese.

"You are seeking that river, Lyric?

"You are that river.

"And of course you can't see Mother's box...

"Because you are inside it."

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"I understand the metaphor. I am the river. But still, seeing a river flow, stepping into it, seeing it flow around me, how it does it, how it changes itself and me.... that's what I mean. That is the moment where truth becomes reality and an experience is earned."

"And... you are perceptive. Persuasive maybe, surely... but I chose the word carefully and I meant it. You are at the precipice of answering a riddle that has been troubling you since I arrived. I can tell, because I know the answer to the riddle, and I recognize when someone is trying to suss it out. So persuasive you might be, but I have not said anything to you that I didn't mean to say."

Lyric smiled and shrugged.

"I can not answer it for you, that's against the rules. But if you do... rather, WHEN you do, there is nothing preventing me from bowing before you and acknowledging your Gift... in friendship... and trust."

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The Heartwood
Dawnview Vale
Snowgate Keep, Dining Hall
Hasday, the Twelfth Day of Tiger

Lyric and Eleni

Eleni just smiled, just a bit. It was a friendly smile, though a little teasing. She concentrated on her morning kavass as if she could read portents of the future in it.

"You are correct. But you are also wrong. It is a nuance, I know. It is something I learned from my dear sister, actually. She is quite horrible at it. Maybe that's how I picked it up. It's like walking beside someone. You may be going to the same place, but the path you are taking is slightly, ever so slightly different from your companion's.

"I am not trying to learn what you are. Minstrel. Girl. Adventurer. Spy. Sneak. The agent of another Keep. You could be a merebeast in a person's cloak. Just like your companion, do I care that she has whiskers and ears? Not a bit. Fine, that's not true. They are absolutely adorable. But when I look into her strange eyes, it is not the strangeness I seek.

"I see a kind person, one just learning to believe in herself, who is putting on a very brave face so far from her home, who can be strong not because she is strong, but she has companions who are willing to share their strength with her.

"I think the secret you believe I am seeking is one you need to stay safe in your travels. What sort of person would I be if I was to try and pry that away from you? Kisa would argue that a Khorall needs to know such, to best protect our lands. I would disagree. Because the threat your secret holds is entirely dependent on what truly intrigues me.

"I am not interested in what you are.

"I am interested in who you are."

Taking a sip of her kavass, Eleni grinned.

"I believe you try very hard. I believe you may want to smile more but are not sure if it would be from your heart or another mask you have to wear. Are you performing your songs or hiding behind them? When was the last time you played for yourself and not for others? Shouldn't it always be for yourself and the fact that someone is there to listen just makes it better?

"Let us hypothesize that the world is indeed dark.

"Then, indeed, standing by someone when no one else would is undoubtedly a powerful and heroic act.

"But the fight is over.

"And they still want you as part of them.

"Doesn't that mean that even in the darkest world the true reward is one of light?

"And isn't that proof that in the long run, the day is more rewarding than the night?"

Eleni sipped from her little crockery cup.

"It's why we are Dawnview Vale, not the Sunset Keeps.

"We welcome the morning and the start of a new day. We do not seek endings or the final sleep.

"I just think — and I could be totally wrong — that you might like learning to enjoy the sunrise more than a fading twilight."

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Lyric, an uncomfortable Minstrel

The more the young Khorall spoke the more layers she forced Lyric to peel back, even if it was only Lyric, herself, that could see what was hidden underneath. There were a lot of layers to Lyric, a lot of history, a lot of walls, and a lot of doors to places hidden, forced away, or forgotten. Lyric turned away from Eleni. The weight of her words brought those dangerous emotions to the surface. Those emotions? The ones she was unaccustomed to feeling. The ones she felt in the depths of the Keep of the Imperial Prince. Those same ones she struggled with back at Home. The good ones and the... not so good ones.

Powerful emotions like this brought about physical reactions. She liked smiling and laughing, but crying was not one of her favorites. And other, darker, ones like anger were all too easy to get lost within. But even sadness and fear were easier that love, joy, and happiness. The former were based on the self and the latter were entwined with others. In her own village she spent most of her time alone, enjoying the things that made her smile and keeping a distance from the things that didn't. Over time the experiences were no longer fulfilling.And that revealed another emotion she was all too familiar with, one that she used as a crutch and a shield. Loneliness. Do something for long enough, be something for long enough and it becomes the way it has always been, the way it should be.

"...maybe I don't know how to smile," she replied and the shook her head as if the deny the statement. "Yes, I know how... I just don't know if it's real or not anymore. Not the smile... No, me. My reaction. I can't explain it any better."

With her face turned, tipped a little down so that her hair hid tears she so wished she could control, and yet didn't want to end. They were something she couldn't control, and had to mean they were real.

And hopefully she was right about sunrise as opposed to twilight, if this was a metaphor. Another revelation on the strange path that was her Journey to find a Song to Save her People.

Lyric wiped her eyes, exhaled slowly, and tried to effect a smile in the hopes that the action would guide her to the emotion and that would make it real. But the walls were closing again, the layers settling back into place.

"Forgive me if I am keeping you from important duties, Dama Eleni. I am a foolish girl, everyone says so, especially my elders."

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The Heartwood
Dawnview Vale
Snowgate Keep, Dining Hall
Hasday, the Twelfth Day of Tiger

Lyric and Eleni

"Let me tell you a secret."

The youngest Allaine girl leaned forward, almost conspiratorial, to whisper like a young girl might whisper Important Things shared around a town well.

"The secret to smiling is that there is no secret. Never try to smile. They just happen."

Sitting back up, Eleni took another sip from her kavass.

"My sister used to be so serious. Mother would say smile, and Kisa would try her best and, well, it was kind of scary and creepy. But every now and then she'd be surprised about something — like when she learned that doublebluff tiles could be set up and knocked over one after the other — and she would accidentally smile. And it was beautiful. The very best thing about Kassia and Mother's conspiracy? Kisa smiles a whole lot more when Daxia is around. Without even trying and mostly when she thinks no one is looking."

As she spoke she pushed a small square of cloth towards Lyric. She couldn't see the tears but somehow she knew anyway.

"It is as natural as breathing. So don't think about it."

When the minstrel looked up, Eleni simply tilted her head.

"You are thinking about it, aren't you?

"And no, you aren't keeping me from anything, at least not until She is high in the sky. Besides, my most important duty is to those who are within the walls of my Keep, and you certainly fit that description at the moment. And it is probably me who should be asking forgiveness. I tend to press when I am not supposed to, to look where I shouldn't, to ask questions that shouldn't be asked. Mother says I am the contrariness to the Councilor. He asks questions that make you look at the world in another way. I ask questions that seem to want to make people look at themselves in another way. And that it makes people uncomfortable, like asking a person who likes their kavass cold that they have to try it hot. Not that I've ever understood that. Tshokolat is supposed to be hot, not kavass.

"But some folks like it the other way around.

"And that's fine.

"I am not trying to change you, Lyric.

"You are quite nice the way you are.

"And I am certainly not your elder."

That was true, by appearance, Eleni looked a few years younger than Lyric.

"Mayhaps things have always been the same for you. That is hard because the longer things stay the same the harder it is for folks to think that there is any other way for things to be. I lived in my sister's shadow for years. Kisa was always the smartest, the prettiest, better at sussing out things than I was or ever will be. And for a while, I thought it was true, that. To the point that I thought I was happy just being her little sister. I'd be given a Keep under her and everything would be the way it should be.

"Then reality hit me. I would be running a Keep. Not her. I would have people depending on me.

"But everyone had been telling me I was Kisa's little sister all my life.

"I was lost and didn't know which way to turn.

"Then someone told me, 'you are not Kisa's sister, you are Eleni.'

"And when I saw the truth in those honest eyes, I finally understood...

"That just because something's always been that way, didn't mean it had to be that way, that didn't mean it was right."

She leaned back and shrugged her shoulders.

"Be a little selfish. Sing for yourself. See for yourself. Step in a river. Watch the sunrise.

"Find out who Lyric is.

"I bet she's got a better song for herself than the one everyone else sings about her.

"Go write that song."

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Mayhaps things have always been the same for you. That is hard because the longer things stay the same the harder it is for folks to think that there is any other way for things to be.

The Minstrel nodded. This was a truth she had recently come to understand. Maybe she had known it for a while, but only since her journey began had she seen a world that proved these thoughts to be true. One of those things that she realized early was language. her people once spoke a different language, and isolation should not have changed it by a conventional wisdom, but it had. And it should have always been the way of things, for their language to grow and change over time, but they had almost no influence from outside their borders for so long now, that when it did change in subtle ways, her people never realized it and now they would never accept that their language was anything other than what it is now because they still have nothing else to which to compare it. But the Minstrel heard words spoken by Keiko, some she knew but some were different and then she realized it was her language that was different now.

"I came on this journey to see the world beyond my own. I had always dreamed about it. Heard fragments of stories and imagined that I was a part of those tales, standing among heroes. But I never imagined myself to be a hero among heroes."

She paused and shrugged after a soft exhale.

"That is a lie, innocent enough, but modesty is unbecoming among two friends in private. My path was always to be that of a performer, a Minstrel. I was born with Gifts and Talents and from birth it was declared I would be a Voice. But a Voice tells the tales and sings the songs and allows others to imagines the stories as if they were true and real in that moment. They do not become the story. My Gifts and Talents gave me status and privilege among my people. I was well regarded in my clan. But I found I couldn't simply accept that this was all there would be for me. I wanted to live these stories or lives the life that became a story to be sung and remembered. That would never happen among my own people, my own clan, in my own village and my land and it was not the place of a Minstrel, one gifted as a Voice."

Lyric shrugged again.

"So, they made me leave," she added in a way that made it obvious she was cutting this particular tale very short.

"But I am blessed by this twist of Fate. My journey began when I refused to accept that I could not be more than that to which I was born. Along the way I have found friends who I can care for... something else that is new to me... and better yet, who care for me. But there are feelings and emotions I do not understand and struggle to... to process... So here is the Truth Eleni Friend... I can smile and I can cry. I understand happiness and I understand sadness. I have felt them more powerfully now than I have ever done in my whole life. But Grief, an emotion beyond sadness crushes my soul. That is truth... One that I should probably share with my friends very soon before I lose my way in it. I have carried this burden since we left Home."

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The Heartwood
Dawnview Vale
Snowgate Keep, Dining Hall
Hasday, the Twelfth Day of Tiger

Lyric and Eleni

"A Voice?"

Eleni's head tilted as she took in the strange term, especially for a minstrel.

"Lyric, perhaps, perhaps that is the Lie? How can you truly sing of something you haven't experienced? How can anyone make anyone believe something is real and true, put them in that place, if they themselves have not been there before? Is it even possible to make someone believe your tale is true and real when it isn't even true and real to you? A narrative can only be so good, what does it take to make your heart pound and actually be part of it?

"How do you know if someone is a hero, Lyric? How do you know what it means to be a hero? Because someone told you so? Because a Voice sang it to you? Is a Hero a hero only because a Voice sang of it, springing whole cloth out of nothing with a Destiny and their Hero-ness a done matter? Or are they just ordinary folks in extraordinary circumstances?

"Isn't that the real question, Lyric?"

Crossing her arms on the table, Eleni rested her chin on them.

"It's why I'll never be a hero. I am neither regular folk nor am I in an extraordinary situation. But you know what? I'm fine with that. I do what good I can, and even if it's just a little bit, the Vale is just a little bit better than it was before."

Looking up, she smiled at the Minstrel.


"Bah and humbuggle.

"You have that so very very wrong, Lyric. They made you leave? You should have left on your own. They did you no harm; in their ignorance, they did you a favor.

"You see that I know. But it deserves to be said again. From someone else. So you know its true.

"And as for Grief. What do you know of it?

"I suspect you only know what the Voices tell you of it. In song, it is insurmountable, the heaviest weight in the world, the only thing that can tear a Hero down. But you have spoken of those you have lost, in that fell keep. And yet, you still stand. You have proven your own words a lie, Lyric.

"Grief has not, grief cannot crush you.

"That is something you could only have learned out here.

"Where you have friends to share it with you.

"A lesson you have not realized you have learned because you are still listening to the Voices and not yourself."

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The Minstrel saw no feasible way to explain it any better. No, not without breaking the only rule she had been given when she set out on this new journey. It would be a moment in time, separate from all other moments, and it was nearing ever closer. A moment when she would speak her Truth. But the first person to hear it would be Keiko. That was how it should be, how it needed to be, and how it would be. Lyric had spend many hours already trying to imagine that moment. She thought about how she would speak the words that needed to be said and how to say it accept responsibility for the deceit and yet no destroy those precious bonds of friendship. A thing she realized now was worth more to her than anything else.

Eleni was kind and compassionate, and very smart... even wiser than she should be for her age. That was a rare Gift indeed. She was trying to find a way to understand Lyric using only what Lyric offered her. She replied with assumptions that weren't true, but they weren't wrong. Did that make sense? Eleni did not understand the nature of what Lyric had revealed to her, but her wisdom was sound even while she made assumptions and guesses that were at the heart of how her own Gift worked. She wanted to read Lyric and hone her assumptions and guesses. But the heart of the truth lie beyond a leap of logic.

But Eleni was also a new friend and Lyric had heard her use the term Voice enough to know that she was trying her best to be a friend and offer helpful and kind words by making it relevant to Lyric. So, why not ease the struggle and focus her a bit... since she had come so far already. If Eleni could not let the puzzle go, or at least put it in its proper place, she might not be at her best when it came time for her to attend her official duties.

Eleni was at her best when she rambled and wandered in her musings, giving her thoughts sound. And so Lyric did not interrupt her. It was fascinating to watch and it also helped Lyric understand her better. It helped Lyric understand her Gift better. And witnessing the Magic of others was an experience not to be missed nor ignored.

When Eleni had finished Lyric spoke to the topic of her name first.

"Being a Voice, or The Voice is part of my being. I was born to be this. It is my Gift. It is Who I am. Not necessarily who I can become. So, while it is logical that I chose to study to become a Bard and travel as a Minstrel, the two are not mutual. My Gift helps my calling, and my calling refines my Gift. Does this make sense?"

Lyric's eyes looked to a distant spot in the room, unfocused, as though if there were not a wall, she would keep looking to the very horizon itself.

"Maybe not. Let me try this... You have a Gift. And you have a birthright to nobility. The Gift and the Birthright are not the same thing. And from what little I have witnessed, you have a calling as well. You lead people. You inspire people. And people love you because they realize that you are honest and true and strong. It is not a given that anyone with a birthright such as yours should also have a calling to be a leader. But it helps. Now, obviously, your calling is not your Gift either. But Your Gift helps you with your Calling, and everyday you are among and around others your Gift is refined. You are refining it right now. It guides you and through it you are a better leader of people within the the Truth of your birthright."

"Among my people... certain Gifts, and the way they manifest themselves, are very rare. Those with certain Gifts are given a name, a title I guess, it becomes their name... From birth it was known I was The Voice. It would be similar if your name was Insight."

The Minstrel smiled, genuine and honest, a glimpse into her soul.

"It is so much deeper Eleni. Grief that is. I am strong and I carry it because I don't know what else to do. The emptiness is a hollow that I can't fill. Maybe that is true for everyone as well. Maybe everyone knows how to cope with emotions like the ones I feel. But I am not everyone else. I am Lyric. And Lyric is Lyric is Lyric, or so I have been told. To tell you more brings us back to the story I can not tell you yet. I wish that I could because I think maybe you would know the words I need to hear. I hope and believe that Keiko knows these words and if not her... then Cesare. I am sure that Bekkah does, but she is so distant most of the time that it is hard to know her at all. But i believe I must find out who has the words I need to hear soon."

And now a thought and a word on how Eleni interpreted her Exile and other things. The young Khorall was so very close and yet still very far away. Hence, a leap of logic would be the only way to cross the divide.

"I suppose that being a Minstrel is not actually my Calling either. Not now. But to understand that would require I tell you a story, and until I tell it to Keiko and the others, you can not be the first to hear it. No offense to you. You are very easy to talk to and I enjoy this time we have been spending. But know this, my people did hurt me. I bear the scars on my heart and my body. Exile was the alternative to Death. My people did not come to this alternative of their own free thinking either. I was claimed and redeemed, given a kind of pardon for my crimes but Exile was the price for my life. And so, you are very right after a fashion. I have set out on a journey that has become an adventure, and at it's heart is a Quest... with nothing less than the fate of a people at stake. I believe I was given a new calling... I search for a Song to save my people, even if they neither know they need to be saved nor wish it to be so. And I will do the best I can and never quit."

And that seemed the right time to turn the wheel and close the circle. There were words of encouragement that Eleni needed to hear.

"Maybe I have lived my whole life wondering what it was to be hero and hearing the stories I have not lived, and singing the songs of other's passed along to me without context, but my heart helps me discern something equally as important. And I think your does as well, far better than mine... I can tell who has the heart to become a Hero, even when they don't know it and don't believe it it themselves. To say that you are not a hero might be a fact, but that is only because the definition you offered has not caught up with you. One word changes everything. Yet. You are not a Hero YET. But it is also not a title one should give to themselves, because hubris seemingly would run contrary to the definition as well. Perhaps, one day YET to come, you will find yourself in an extraordinary moment and you will have to make the choice to face the fears which might otherwise cripple you, overcome them, and, by strength of Heart and Courage, rise up in a time of need and bring Hope to those who need it most. In that extraordinary moment YOU may YET do extraordinary things. And please don't judge your 'journey' against another's. You are young and have not travelled very far... But sometimes you need not leave your own home when an extraordinary moment finds you. You have the Heart to become a Hero."

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